LVC Member
So I have a 05 V8 Sport, recently put a new engine in it and since iv had nothing but overheating/cooling problems. replaced all the cooling parts including all metal radiator and degas bottle and all the plastic, literally all of it. it holds pressure perfectly no problem at all but last install it worked perfect first drive then upon getting home and letting it idle the heat went out and fan came on, ugh. there was no air coming out of the bleeder. I got tired of messing with it so i brought it to a local lincoln dealer and let them diag it. They told me it took them a couple drives to even get it to over heat (i could never get it past idle without overheating) and said the coolant was 1.5 gallons low. I put about 4 almost 5 gallons of 50/50 in during the fill/bleed procedure so i’m not sure how but that seems like ALOT of coolant. they vacuum filled the system and put more coolant in it and couldn’t get it to overheat after that. once they got it on a lift they said the head gaskets are externally leaking, quoted me 6200 LOL. On the way home the heat cut out and it overheated like it did before? does this sound like a externally leaking headgasket would cause this? should i just bring this to another shop and see what they say?