Possible Fuel Pump Issue :/

03 Luxury

New LVC Member
Jun 28, 2012
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Grand Rapids
Hey guys,

I just bought my first LS 15 days ago :) I picked up a 03 Premium Sport and I am in love with it.

Last night after driving 150-200 miles in some crazy heat (95+) it shut off on me. I was driving down the road and I had no response to the throttle. I pulled over turned of the car and it would not start. I had no dash lights going off and did not lose any actual battery power.

I had it towed home and tried to start it this morning after letting it sit and same thing the car would want to start but it has not fuel pressure. I checked the pressure through the fuel rail and had 0.

I searched though the forums and found a few different answers. Before going crazy and buying a new pump I thought I would get some opinions.

Any information would help I really want to go to the Woodward cruise and the Grand Rapids metro cruise with out any worries.

Thanks everyone!!
When you turn your key on listen for the fuel pump sound, if it doesnt sound your pump is bad and need to be replaced, you could take off your back seat and the black plastic to get a louder noise. I have a fully working fuel pump that i changed because of a missdiagnostic so i could sell it to you but is a first gen. anyway listen for that sound and check the voltage of the fuel pump
I would also start with the fuse and relay, those are cheap and may fix the issue. If they do not the next move would be to check the filter, then the pump.
I had a bad connection to my fuel pump. caused all kinds of no start issues... just another thing to check
In addition to the other suggestions, I suggest that you change your fuel filter. It may not be the only problem, but it is very likely that it needs to be changed anyway.
I checked the relays and the fuses. They looked great. The pump did not make a sound so I am assuming it it the pump. I will check the filter before I switch the pump and check the connection as well. Thanks for all the advise!

Hopefully I can get her back up and running this so I can get some pics to post.

Thanks again!
2001 Lincoln ls 3.9 replaced 3 new fuel pumps fuel pumps prime but still don't get any pressure at the rail when i turn car over with starter fluid it will run for 5 to 10 seconds then dies. changed fuel filter checked all fuses relays kill switch all seem fine when i turn key pump primes but does not create enough pressure to turn the car on. car has half a tank of fuel there doesn't seem to be any fuel leaks anywhere we ran scanner and got fuel pressure sensor low and system lean bank 2 . we replaced TPS sensor and Cleaned MAF sensor when i got in to data view it shows both sensors are getting signals i did notice that it said fuel system one OPEN ive always seen this one CLOSED on other cars this was in the view freeze data screen. we got told it might be the computer that we should get it reprogrammed thats what were gana do today.

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