"President Bush's lies now a tough sell"


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Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
President Bush's lies now a tough sell

"Why, of course, the people don't want war, (but) the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Hermann Goering, April 18, 1946

There's a reason why President Bush's speech on Iraq last week went unheard by most Americans and hasn't changed his sagging poll numbers. He and his administration have a credibility problem that Democrats and Independents have seen for some time and some Republicans are starting to acknowledge.

The 2002 Downing Street Memo is just the latest blow. While the memo has been trashed by conservative bloggers and right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh, it has been authenticated by two senior British officials. It states that the British believed Bush had decided to go to war long before he told the public and says that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

The memo also said Saddam's WMD capability was "less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran."

Nine Senate Democrats have called for an investigation but of course, the Republicans will never investigate. According to the GOP, lying under oath about oral pleasure is an impeachable offense while lying to take the nation to war isn't even worth an investigation.

Maybe they're smart in covering for their fearless leader when a recent Zogby poll showed that even 25 percent of Republicans would want Bush impeached if it could be shown he lied about the reasons for war.

Republican senators such as Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and congressmen such as Ron Paul of Texas and Walter Jones of North Carolina have criticized Bush's handling of Iraq.

"The White House is completely disconnected from reality. It's like they're just making it up as they go along,"Hagel said recently.

Bush's numbers are down because the public has questions about this policy. We've got 1,700 soldiers dead, 13,000 wounded and war costs set to top $230 billion. What could we have gotten for that money here in our country? What have we gotten for all of this sacrifice in Iraq?

I'll tell you two things we've gotten. This past Sunday, the Iraqi government acknowledged its security forces have been resorting to the same sort of torture and abuses that Saddam used. Did our soldiers die to replace a horrible regime with another?

The other story is that the CIA and State Department says that Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as a training ground for terrorists. Terrorists are getting extensive training in urban combat, especially through the use of improvised explosive devices. They've exported the tactics back to Afghanistan and are using them against us in that conflict. George Bush misled us when he told us Iraq was a terrorist training ground two years ago, but he's definitely made that situation come true.

The bottom line is that we no longer believe this administration. And with his polls tanking, Bush reached for a familiar playbook. Bush always accuses his detractors of forgetting the lessons of 9-11. Well, he seems to remember his personal lesson from 9-11: Exploit it whenever you're in a political jam.

This time it's not selling. Through deception, he sold the public on a war that's cost us in lives and treasure, that has antagonized and emboldened our enemies and driven U.S. prestige among out allies to an all time low. The worst part is its made us no safer. Fool us twice, shame on us.
These are the people and the party that represent you?

Wow. Have fun donating.
Ex-Clinton Aide Charges Republicans 'Want to Kill Us'
By Jered Ede
CNSNews.com Correspondent
July 15, 2005

(CNSNews.com) - Young liberals this week flocked to the nation's capital to hear, among other things, liberal television pundit and Democrat political strategist Paul Begala accuse Republicans of wanting to kill him and his children to preserve tax cuts for the rich.

Begala was featured at the first-ever Campus Progress National Student Conference, which was designed to provide campus liberals with the tools necessary to fight the conservative movement. The event also drew former President Bill Clinton, for whom Begala once worked as an advisor.

A panel discussion entitled "Winning the War of Ideas" centered on topics discussed in the book "What's the Matter with Kansas" by Thomas Frank and detailed the challenges that Democrats face in persuading voters in the American heartland and elsewhere to embrace their agenda and support their candidates.

Begala's presence on the panel created a stir when he declared that Republicans had "done a p***-poor job of defending" the U.S.

Republicans, he said, "want to kill us.

"I was driving past the Pentagon when that plane hit" on Sept. 11, 2001. "I had friends on that plane; this is deadly serious to me," Begala said.

"They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn't protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won't have to pay any money on the money they inherit," Begala said. "That is bulls*** national defense, and we should say that."

What a wack job.

"Why, of course, the people don't want war, (but) the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Hermann Goering, April 18, 1946

One would have to believe that there is no such thing as fascism in Islamic regions. One would have to believe that the US was never threatened by Islamic fascism. One would have to believe that if we just close our eyes long enough, all the evil that threatens freedom will just go away.

Is that realistic?

The fact of the matter is that INTELLIGENT American citizens do not have to be told what to believe by politicians. We are intelligent and KNOW what is going on based on current events... not because we are being fed lies by GW.
And, based on what we know to be true about the nature and purpose of fascism that seeks to destroy freedom, we the wise part of America have decided to boldly DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than stick our heads in the sand and wish it all away like the "other" part of America and Europe does!

So the above quote is completely unappropriate and irrelevant.
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
not only is it a TOTAL lack of patriotism, it is a lack of wisdom and strength.
97silverlsc said:
President Bush's lies now a tough sell

"Why, of course, the people don't want war, (but) the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Hermann Goering, April 18, 1946

There's a reason why President Bush's speech on Iraq last week went unheard by most Americans and hasn't changed his sagging poll numbers. He and his administration have a credibility problem that Democrats and Independents have seen for some time and some Republicans are starting to acknowledge.

The 2002 Downing Street Memo is just the latest blow. While the memo has been trashed by conservative bloggers and right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh, it has been authenticated by two senior British officials. It states that the British believed Bush had decided to go to war long before he told the public and says that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

The memo also said Saddam's WMD capability was "less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran."

Nine Senate Democrats have called for an investigation but of course, the Republicans will never investigate. According to the GOP, lying under oath about oral pleasure is an impeachable offense while lying to take the nation to war isn't even worth an investigation.

Maybe they're smart in covering for their fearless leader when a recent Zogby poll showed that even 25 percent of Republicans would want Bush impeached if it could be shown he lied about the reasons for war.

Republican senators such as Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and congressmen such as Ron Paul of Texas and Walter Jones of North Carolina have criticized Bush's handling of Iraq.

"The White House is completely disconnected from reality. It's like they're just making it up as they go along,"Hagel said recently.

Bush's numbers are down because the public has questions about this policy. We've got 1,700 soldiers dead, 13,000 wounded and war costs set to top $230 billion. What could we have gotten for that money here in our country? What have we gotten for all of this sacrifice in Iraq?

I'll tell you two things we've gotten. This past Sunday, the Iraqi government acknowledged its security forces have been resorting to the same sort of torture and abuses that Saddam used. Did our soldiers die to replace a horrible regime with another?

The other story is that the CIA and State Department says that Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as a training ground for terrorists. Terrorists are getting extensive training in urban combat, especially through the use of improvised explosive devices. They've exported the tactics back to Afghanistan and are using them against us in that conflict. George Bush misled us when he told us Iraq was a terrorist training ground two years ago, but he's definitely made that situation come true.

The bottom line is that we no longer believe this administration. And with his polls tanking, Bush reached for a familiar playbook. Bush always accuses his detractors of forgetting the lessons of 9-11. Well, he seems to remember his personal lesson from 9-11: Exploit it whenever you're in a political jam.

This time it's not selling. Through deception, he sold the public on a war that's cost us in lives and treasure, that has antagonized and emboldened our enemies and driven U.S. prestige among out allies to an all time low. The worst part is its made us no safer. Fool us twice, shame on us.

So this is what you do? You cut and paste blog articles from the internet and pass them off as your own ideas? And you accuse us of not thinking for ourselves???

This is rankest hypocrisy. You have no credibility at all. At least have the integrity to use quotes and state where you copied the information. Don't plagiarize.
fossten said:
So this is what you do? You cut and paste blog articles from the internet and pass them off as your own ideas? And you accuse us of not thinking for ourselves???

This is rankest hypocrisy. You have no credibility at all. At least have the integrity to use quotes and state where you copied the information. Don't plagiarize.

I never said they were my ideas, they are ideas I agree with. I am not naive enough to beleive everything that passes from Shrubs mouth, nor do I think someone doesn't love this country because they criticize it. Here's a link to the articles origin:http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=6866. I forgot to list it, and by the time I noticed it was too late to edit.
Hope this will calm the verbal diarrhea you are suffering from, at least somewhat.
Also like you to explain to me the hypocrisy of my posting an article or editorial. Please, enlighten me, oh great repug guru. If you don't respond immediately, I'll understand that you are probably still laying face down on your bed kicking and crying. Maybe once you get over yourself you can respond.
According to Paul Bagala, it did. I guess he saw it.
His friends died. What more proof do you want?

Quote: Paul Begala.."I was driving past the Pentagon when that plane hit" on Sept. 11, 2001. "I had friends on that plane; this is deadly serious to me," Begala said.
I was face down in bed, but I wasn't kicking or crying. There was a beautiful woman under me. That's why this comes so late.

97silverlsc said:
I never said they were my ideas, they are ideas I agree with. I am not naive enough to beleive everything that passes from Shrubs mouth, nor do I think someone doesn't love this country because they criticize it. Here's a link to the articles origin:http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=6866. I forgot to list it, and by the time I noticed it was too late to edit.
Hope this will calm the verbal diarrhea you are suffering from, at least somewhat.
Also like you to explain to me the hypocrisy of my posting an article or editorial. Please, enlighten me, oh great repug guru. If you don't respond immediately, I'll understand that you are probably still laying face down on your bed kicking and crying. Maybe once you get over yourself you can respond.

That's the problem you have. You don't ever post your own ideas.
Your hypocrisy is that you hardly ever post without including some long article that SOMEBODY ELSE WROTE. You accuse us "repugs" (slur) of not thinking for ourselves and spouting the party line, but you can check my posts, I hardly ever use quotes from other people except to back up a point that I've already made on my own. You, on the other hand, spam these long articles that nobody wants to read. I would submit, man to man, that I would rather hear what YOU think about an issue, and let's debate it on the merits. Instead you attack, call names, and accuse. You are afraid of arguing the merits of an issue because you might get your bubble burst, so you resort to the politics of personal destruction.

And let's get one thing straight: Your naivete stems from believing everything the radical left says, no matter how much it is discredited. (Michael Moore, Al Franken, Dan Rather, Howard Dean, etc.)

And, by the way, verbal diarrhea by definition means that your mouth runs and runs. If you do an average word count of posts you will see that you suffer much more than I from that malaise.

Of course, most of your words aren't really yours anyway, are they?
At least none of GW's former Bizness partners have been found Dead (whitewater)

My wifes uncle is a (EX)CIA , since he lives on the east coast
I realy haven't goten to speek to him face to face since the war started. He never says much on the phone . I can't wait utill he comes to Ca , We do have some crazy talks.
buddylee said:
At least none of GW's former Bizness partners have been found Dead (whitewater)

None of his former staff has ended up in jail either, unlike Clinton.
97silverlsc said:
YET. But plenty of his large contributors have or will. Ken Lay for example.

You don't want to go there. How many Bush contributors are drug traffickers that have had their photo taken with him?
fossten said:
You don't want to go there. How many Bush contributors are drug traffickers that have had their photo taken with him?
You keep throwing out comments like this, I guess you're expecting them to bother me. Once again, I was not a Bubba supporter. That aside, what does that have to do with current events? We are talking about the current occupant of the White House and his improprieties. Have a problem with Bubba? Too bad, guess you repugs screwed up cause you didn't nail him when you had the chance. Doesn't buy Shrubby a free pass.
Does anyone see a pattern here. Bring up GWB's 41% approval rating and they start talking about Clinton. I didn't vote for Clinton either but that doesn't make GWB any less an idiot.

I've looked back at these threads and that's all they do. "GWB bad=Clinton bad too, so GWB is just as good as Clinton. What are you Libs bitching about?"

I'd take a BJ over a butt-**** anyday. That's exactly what GWB is doing to us for his big spender puppeteers.
barry2952 said:
Does anyone see a pattern here. Bring up GWB's 41% approval rating and they start talking about Clinton. I didn't vote for Clinton either but that doesn't make GWB any less an idiot.

I've looked back at these threads and that's all they do. "GWB bad=Clinton bad too, so GWB is just as good as Clinton. What are you Libs bitching about?"

I'd take a BJ over a butt-**** anyday. That's exactly what GWB is doing to us for his big spender puppeteers.

See, you continue to misquote us. GWB isn't just as good as Clinton, he's WAY BETTER. Just wait and see how history looks back on the two men. You'll see. Your spinning won't be a factor then.
barry2952 said:
Does anyone see a pattern here. Bring up GWB's 41% approval rating and they start talking about Clinton.

Barry is a big fan of polls. Too bad they didn't get Kerry elected. Please don't toss out the pooling results unless you can also supply the polling data with dems/repubs interviewed and maybe the actual questions asked, and oh, yeh, the geographics and demographics. The is no way in hell that less than 50% of the people disapprove of the way Bush is handling things. To believe otherwise is simply drinking the blue koolaid. Right Johnny?
MonsterMark said:
The is no way in hell that less than 50% of the people disapprove of the way Bush is handling things.

I agree with you 100% Bryan.

:dancefool :iconcur: :N :dancefool
OK Bryan,

Forget the polls. Get your head out of the sand and ask some of your friends.
97silverlsc said:
I agree with you 100% Bryan.

:dancefool :iconcur: :N :dancefool

LOL...I think Bryan meant more than 50%, didn't you Bryan? :slam
Believe it Bryan....... nearly unanimously, polls are showing more disapproval than approval for Shrub.


What is SO TELLING about BuSh and his effect on this country's mentality: note the ONLY 3 jumps in his ratings........ 9/11, start of Iraq war, and capture of Saddam. Other than that, it's all been downhill. Looks like the only way BuSh will fix his ratings is to capture OBL, attack Iran, or get attacked again. MAN is this country in a SAD, SAD, SAD state of affairs!


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