Well, first, I will address the fact that you think my use of "you people" is a hostile term. I mean you people, directed to those of you in this thread who have screaming for Obama's head on a platter, for, as far as I can see, doing exactly what you were asking for earlier. It appears that he can do no right in your eyes, no matter what he does, and it is more a question of party affiliation to you than his actions in office.
When Toonces does something I agree with, I'll let you know. So far he hasn't. I was often critical of Bush when he did things I did not agree with - vehemently so - and others here will attest to that. Your assumption that I'm a party line wonk just demonstrates that you don't know me. I've been vehemently critical of the Republican party very often as well. Calabrio will verify that during the campaign I was extremely critical of McCain - much to his chagrin actually. I took a lot of heat from him, Bryan, and others for my support of Ron Paul.
It's short sighted of you to make such a stereotypical assumption based on a handful of conversations or posts when there is a host of threads out there. You certainly jump to conclusions rather easily. Try to be more open-minded and less prejudicial.
1: No loaded or vague question intended here, however if you wish for me to narrow it down, I shall. Do you believe that government should have the power to regulate and control all drilling activities, including micromanagement of each well, rig, platform, and all procedures and activities of the companies involved in drilling, such as mandating specific procedures and time-tables for shutting off wells. Though, I will note you were correct in pointing out my typo in the first question. My mistake.
Answer: According to the very extreme way you worded the question - No. I've been very clear that the government's main responsibility here is to protect our shores from the oil. Toonces has a) been neglectful in this responsibility AND b) hindered efforts by others to do the job themselves.
2: If you do believe such, how is it that government control in this area is more justifiable than anti-discrimination. Bear in mind, these companies do have excellent safety records relatively speaking, especially doing such inherently dangerous jobs.
3: I made no attempt to answer the question for you. I made a statement between the question to justify asking the question to you, explained why I was confused by your positions, and to offer to you what the explanation appeared to be to me from reading this and past threads. The only statement I made that you could even twist to something RESEMBLING an answer to my own question was my statement that you would have been furious if the government shut down the well just because they suspected it may have been unsafe. I wont discuss the fact that the loss of this well is primarily due to the procedures the rig crew were practicing as they tried to hurry to switch to the next well, but, I will say that given past statements, I can say with what I believe to be a great degree of accuracy that you would have reacted negatively to the news of a moratorium on drilling prior to the accident, and, if I may note, rightfully so.
Nice job of sugar coating your tone, but I'll let it pass for now. My position on this is that we shouldn't even have to be drilling 5 miles from shore, but environmental groups have successfully, over the years, influenced government to prevent drilling inland to the extent that we are left with no alternative. It's a tragedy that oil is used as such a political tool, considering that the leak demonstrates that we're literally drowning in it worldwide. There is no reasonable justification for our government PREVENTING its own people from taking advantage of such plentiful natural resources. It's only used as a way to control the people. Yet again another example of the government hindering prosperity and jobs.
4: Once again, I believe you are attempting to misrepresent my statements and justify a personal attack on me on the basis of only your statement. To give you an example of a REAL straw man argument, I will reference one of your prior responses in this thread. Though, I can point out more if you like.
We'll agree to disagree on this one. You failed to include your own quote that I was referring to.
You have GROSSLY misrepresented my statements by stating in the affirmative that I only gave to options at the extremes of the spectrum and have asked a false choice rhetorical question. My statements earlier in this thread were rather open ended, and could have left you with an opportunity to justify a middle-ground position. Once again, I was only stating how your position, and many others in this thread has appeared to be in the past. Last I recall, most people posting in this thread advocate a very small government who does not meddle into the day to day affairs of business, and only exists as a shield against foreign enemies, and a mediator of domestic affairs. Generally when most people in this thread have argued against many of the less popular forms of government control, the terms Nazi, fascist, socialist, or bloated government appear as justification to end these forms of government control.
So far, the fed has ONLY interfered in the affairs of business - especially in this situation. Toonces has spent plenty of time at the golf course, while barking out "plug the damn hole" in an attempt to sound tough; all the while refusing to tear down unnecessary bureaucratic red tape that would hasten much of the effort to prevent the oil from reaching shore. This includes the absurd life jacket incident and the government's refusal to respond to boom companies who have offered their products. He has ignored open, public pleas from Jindal to help out his state. He's slapped a moratorium on drilling in the gulf in general, despite the fact that a) This is only one well that is leaking, b) Other companies not named BP have wells in operation and c) thousands of jobs hang in the balance.
He's ignored the court order to stop the moratorium (which was fraudulent and based on a
LIE - data misrepresenting the views of experts on the situation was deliberately forged and misused in order to justify this, and the judge even pointed this out in his decision) and is proceeding illegally. His every act demonstrates an intent to punish business and hurt the little guy. Heck, he's doing the same thing to Arizona - "We're not going to help you, and if you try to fix it yourself we'll sue you."
5: You can accuse me as much as you like, but, I continue to clarify these questions to an even greater degree for you even having asked you fairly specific questions that you could have given very specific answers to, especially considering the context of this thread and the context of my posts. You continue to attack me personally and accuse me of being irrational, angry, hostile, blustering, a moron, or exuding frothing drool. If personal attacks are all you have to offer, then you should say so.
Ball's in your court, big fella.
As far as a straw man, here's a good example:
First you people complained that the government wasn't doing anything, now you are complaining they are in the way and they should just let private industry clean things up. You complain that private business should be able to self-regulate and operate without government control, then you complain the government should have shut them down when they sensed danger. You complain the government needs to control what is going on more, but bloated government control over these things is what put oil drilling in deep water to begin with. Is there anything the government could do that would make you happy, or are you going to complain about the government no matter what until the party you want is in control?
Let's take this step by step, because there is NO WAY you can find any of my posts that said all these things. If by 'you people' you include me, then this is clearly a straw man.
1. I complained that the government wasn't doing anything - correct. This was also in context of the criticism that Bush received over Hurricane Katrina. There is a lot of hypocrisy in here and in the media over this. But the question is - what should the government be doing. You seem to be presenting my view as an "all or nothing" proposition - government protects the shores, controls the oil, tells the CEO of BP how to wipe his ass, etc. or else does ZERO. That's a misrepresentation of my position, thus a straw man.
2. The government still isn't doing anything to HELP - Captain Kickass, while posturing and acting like Billy Badass, is strolling through the golf course while his minions are hindering the efforts of Jindal and others to help the situation including suing the state in court over shutting down ALL oil production in the Gulf.
3. I NEVER said the government should have shut them down when they sensed danger. NEVER. I said the government should have started making preparations to protect the shore 60+ days ago when the leak first happened. Whether or not Toonces could have done anything back in February is unclear. However, what is clear is that he has failed to even TAKE ACTION in helping LA get the oil under control, and in failing that, has also hindered their efforts to do so on their own. Instead, he's focused on his 8-iron and in squeezing as much possible money out of BP so he can have yet another slush fund to use as he sees fit. He's also shut down drilling, a gross ad hoc knee-jerk reaction that doesn't solve anything other than put thousands of people out of work and is akin to grounding all airlines across the nation when there is one crash.
4. I NEVER said government needs to control what is going on more. Again, to quote Toonces, "LET ME BE CLEAR." The government's job is to protect the shoreline from the oil. You do whatever is necessary and weigh the possible consequences of actions (like building artificial sandbars) against the calamity of the oil reaching shore, and you pick the lesser evil. What you DON'T do is stomp around the golf course and talk about sticking it to BP and keeping your 'boot on their throat' while you do NOTHING.
What he's doing is nothing different than what he did in the Senate, both state and US: Vote 'present.'
5. There is one thing the government could do to make me happy - Get the hell out of my way!
Now, answer your own questions - how do you feel Obama is handling this situation? How much control should government have over drilling? Do you believe that we should be permitted by our own government to drill for oil on our own shores?