Pro Street Mark VIII


Active LVC Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Des Moines
How difficult is it to tub out and pro street a mark 8? Has anyone done this? Is there any photos out there of this being done? Any suggestions on a rearend setup? 4 link?
Also...Building a blown big block ford is outrageously expensive let alone finding someone that can build it right, would it be lincolnly incorrect to shove a blown big block chevy into a mark 8?
Advice and opinions are definitely welcome on this!!!
I've seen a couple different tubbed out Mark VIIIs at bigger track events. They're out there.

After so much modification, the Mark VIII is just a shell anyways, so I don't see any reason a SBC wouldn't be a realistic option.
Its just a simple "back half" job. Easy as pie. We just did the 58 Beetle with real back half frame rails and it took a day and a half.
Head over to 460 strokers are not as expensive as you may think, and can put down some wicked numbers. What do you consider outrageously expensive?
Thanks Rich! Thanks for the pics everybody! I will check out the websites. As far as the motor, it will be a big block ford or big block chevy with a 6-71 or 8-71 blower. Whats everybodys opinion on the chevy motor in a lincoln?
the same as your opinion if i asked you "should i trade my mark 8 for that sweet daewoo?" lol. money is king, but come on now.
If you want to go racing, go with the BBC unless you have ridiculous amounts of money you want to blow just to say you have a BBF in it. I've got a 468 BBC roller motor with Brodix heads I've been kicking around the idea of sticking it into the MKVIII just for the hell of it. My MkVIII is showing some wear and tear but I just cant seem to part with it so the BBC would be a way to keep her going.
468 is what my buddy matt has in his pickle fork too, 700 some odd HP this is not your grampa's fishing boat!!!
this motor wuld look sick in the front of a mark!!!



ok i will, drop a hemi in a mark, and not the new gay 5.7 hemi, i'm talking old school hemi!! drop in a max wedge and call it a mark wedge!!!!
Can't beat Chevy motors for being cheap...

I wouldn't say cheap, but alot cheaper than building a BBF. Performance parts and options are endless with the Chevy also. I've got alot more in the 468 than I'd like to admit, but it would be alot more than that if I had built a 700 HP BBF.
I never knew that SBF's and BBF's were way more expensive to buy / build than the SBC's / BBC's. Any reason for that? In the past, I'd always just assumed that the Chevy engines were chosen by hotrodders because they must be better. Did Ford just not make enough engines to be cheap to buy then? Anything 'better' about the Ford's over the Chevy's?
I believe that there is more interchangable with chevy motors then fords, 93 I could be wrong tho.

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