Hate crime legislation does
not cover any and all crime motivated by hate.
This bill from last year covers only the following things:
violence motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim
So what about crimes motivated by hate through envy; say against a CEO or other financially well off person? What about crimes motivated by hate through jealousy; say against a cheating spouse?
It is either ignorant or dishonest to attempt to suggest that hate crime legislation covers
all crime motivated by hate. Since hate crime legislation does
not cover all hateful crime, it is decidedly unconstitutional; specifically with regards to idea of
equal protection under the law.
In fact, this country was founded, philosophically, on the rejection of the idea that crimes against certain people were more heinous then crimes against other people.
And before one rejects-out-of-hand the notion of privileged classes, it might be wise to consider the specific legal notion of
protected classes:
Protected class is a term used in United States anti-discrimination law. The term describes groups of people who are protected from discrimination and harassment
The whole notion of "protected classes" (which hate crime laws hinge on) flies in the face of
equal protection under the law. Even my most liberal law professor admits as much.