Public request: member "keatonsdad"


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 23, 2005
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I'm trying to get ahold of mike and he's not responding... Anybody know anything about his whereabouts?

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he did. that red 2nd gen. but as i recall, he bought back in a while ago.

Stack, try PMing webvette. he lives (or lived, its been a little while since i've been up there) right up the street from mike.
Stack, I will pm you the last good phone # i had for him. I haven't talked to Mike in about 5 months. Last I knew he still had the CE, but he did have it for sale.
Unfortunately he's not responding to the only number I have.

He bought the CE from me and we have some unfinished business. He seemed like a good guy so I'm hoping he squares up with me.

Time will tell... Not the first time my trust had gotten the better of me.

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