Dedicated LVC Member
With countries with names like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emerates I think your comparison to the N word is invalid and not a widely held sentiment.
Just spreading knowledge so that one is not offended
With countries with names like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emerates I think your comparison to the N word is invalid and not a widely held sentiment.
Every President is going to make some mistakes, that is human nature. It seems the right would like to point out every minor mistake that Obama may have made and forget every major mistake that his predecessors have made during their administrations.
I like the term honest debate, frankly this is just another "beat up the the president" thread rather than any attempt at honest debate
After following a few of these threads I am starting to give up on any hope for my neighbours to the south, why don't you try to work together to rebuild your international credibility and stature rather than continue your partisan bickering which diminishes your credibility on the world stage.
How does that have any relevance to this debate? Ever hear the term "two wrongs don't make a right"? What you are doing is making a fallacious tu quoque argument of sorts. It is a deceitful and dishonest attempt to misdirect. If all you are going to do is come in here and misdirect, then only hinder any honest debate. Seems to be consistent with the history of trollish behavior you have established here.![]()
Also, have any proof that is was a lie? The Clinton administration said that Iraq had WMD's before Bush took office. Where they lying too? If you wanna argue that Bush went in on bad intel, that is one thing, but to claim that he (or his administration) lied is hyperbole to the point of distortion.
He's just giving some contrast.
Your numbers are wrong, as is your claim that the war was based on lies. Both have been thoroughly debunked here in the past. Get current, please.And how would that compare to the 650,000 to 1.2 million unecessary deaths in Iraq that have resulted from his predecessor's uneccesary war which was based on barefaced lies. Obama's profilic spending almost pales in comparison to the ultimate cost of that debacle.
CNN accuses the Jews of being terrorists, both obliquely and directly. It doesn't matter the substance or the degree of the demonization. My statement still stands.The Arabs raise their children from a very young age to hate Jews by filling their minds with outrageous lies including Jews killing arab children to make blood matzos.
I don't think CNN goes quite this far.
And yet you just dishonestly tried to beat up former President Bush by using false data and calling him a liar.I like the term honest debate, frankly this is just another "beat up the the president" thread rather than any attempt at honest debate. After following a few of these threads I am starting to give up on any hope for my neighbours to the south, why don't you try to work together to rebuild your international credibility and stature rather than continue your partisan bickering which diminishes your credibility on the world stage. you say this:Politics being war without bullets historically it has been standard practice to try to demonize one's enemy.
The Arabs do it to the Jews all the time.Are you equating indoctrinating children to negative claims against Obama?
Some clarification might be in order.
At least whispers of Satanic baby eating rituals haven't surfaced (yet) LOL!
The "contrast" serves as a distraction to the debate and is irrelevant to it. It is an effective way to avoid any honest debate on the subject that he is supposedly trying to "contrast" from.
Excuse me MF? I only see 2 TV shows that are liberal, and 1 network.However, you have to keep in mind that the MSM in this country is intentionally trying to downplay the mistakes that this administration makes. They did the same thing when Clinton was president. The Lewinsky thing had to be broken by the Drudge Report because either ABC, NBC or CBS (I don't remember which) was sitting on the story to protect Clinton.
Basically, the MSM in this country is a quazi-propaganda machine for the DNC, but they dishonestly claim to be unbias and objective.
Also, have any proof that is was a lie? The Clinton administration said that Iraq had WMD's before Bush took office. Where they lying too? If you wanna argue that Bush went in on bad intel, that is one thing, but to claim that he (or his administration) lied is hyperbole to the point of distortion.
Name callling. Good argument. Not.Excuse me MF? I only see 2 TV shows that are liberal, and 1 network.
Against the president? EVERYONE.
And in any matter, it's the blind leading the blind guy. You should know this.
And yet you just dishonestly tried to beat up former President Bush by using false data and calling him a liar.
I'm not interested in the least in anything that little troll has to say. But if you're going to whine and be a victim, I'll leave you alone. Don't cry.Lol. In 1985 that was name calling but now n days it's more of a greeting.
But, you're always telling people to do their research, a typical conservative argument, it seems that "hrmwrm" has done more than that and presented what could be a good argument, and instead you dodge that to come after me.
Lets talk about maturity.
Clinton's time was also still with un inspector's within the country.
Colin Powell, February 2001: "[Saddam] has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq."
Condoleeza Rice, July 2001: "We are able to keep his arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt.
George W Bush, March 2002: "F___ Saddam. we're taking him out."
there was no WORLD intelligence to prove wmd's.
*owned*So what? Something changed between then and when Bush went in?
Here is what Clinton said on December 16, 1998 after ordering military strikes on certian targets in Iraq:The mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs.....Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors r the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.
Carl Levin, John Kerry (who served in Vietnam), Tom Daschle and other Democrat senators sent Clinton a letter on October 6, 1998 saying:[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missle strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction program.
On the same day as Clinton's statement, Nancy Pelosi said:Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process
The head of the team investigating in Iraq during the Clinton years, Richard Butler, said the following:The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime itself: Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction
Butler later wrote in a book:It would be foolish in the extreme not to assume that [Saddam Hussein] is developing long-range missile capabilities, at work again on building nuclear weapons and adding to the chemical and biological warfare weapons he concealed during the UNSCOM inspection period
So, again, what changed after the Clinton years that would allow for Clinton to be telling the truth, but Bush to be lying? Oh, right, Bush was a Republican!![]()
Do you have a link or source for those quotes so they can be verified? What was the context, especially of the last two quotes in particular?
I already showed what Richard Butler, the head of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) tasked with weapons inspections in Iraq during said about Hussein's addiction to WMD's. By the way, here is something he said to keep in mind:Iraq never kept its side of the bargain by: not making honest disclosure statements of its prohibited weapons and weapons capability; unilaterally destroying weapons in order to ensure that the Commission would never know the full nature and scope of what it had held and this, under circumstances where the law required that all destruction be conducted under international supervision; and, through the pursuit of an active policy and practice of concealing weapons and proscribed components from the Commission.
In addition to the Butler Report there was another British Parliamentary report that concurred with the findings of the Butler Report that "there was credible intelligence" that Iraq had tried to acquire 500 tons of yellowcake from Niger in 1999. As the the idea that these findings were "discredited" through Joseph C Wilson's finds later, the Butler report in 2002 pointed out that had been a disinformation campaign of forged documents in order to make the truth appear to be a lie. That ties back to what Butler, himself said in 1999:I like to refer to the existence of the "anti-UNSCOM industry." They have an enormous bureaucracy, established for the purpose of defeating UNSCOM, run by a high government committee, with a government ministry, called the National Monitoring Directorate. I mean, Tariq Aziz directs this. And there's no question that for every person we would put into the field, they would have ten. I mean, I wonder whether it's not the second largest industry in Iraq, after the oil industry. I mean, it's a very big show. They have been extremely active in seeking to defeat our work. That's been a big problem for us
As to three articles you cite, they all base their claims and findings on the Downing Street Memo. Here is something to keep in mind when reading those articles:The so-called Downing Street Memo - which was presumed to be authentic when Bush administration critics began touting it last month as evidence the president committed impeachable crimes - is actually a manually recreated copy - with the source of the memo now admitting he retyped the document before destroying the originals.
British reporter Michael Smith, who broke the memo story in the London Times on May 1, revealed to The Associated Press over the weekend that "he protected the identity of the source he had obtained the documents from by typing copies of them on plain paper and destroying the originals."
Smith's admission means there's now no independent way to determine the accuracy of the Downing Street Memo, i.e., whether he made any typos or transcription errors that could have changed the memo's meaning.
Even ignoring that fact, you need to keep this in mind; the memo was written by and aide to Tony Blair and, as such, is simply one man's analysis of the meeting and interpretation of the info given in that meeting. It is hearsay; anecdotal evidence, at best.
So, all you have provided is lies (no WORLD intelligence), misdirection (Clinton's time was...with UN inspector's within the country) unverified (and possibly out of context) quotes and speculation based in anecdotal evidence that could very well have been forged.
And even then, none of it proves him a liar. It is all tangential to that claim. So when you claim that you will, "use real data and call him a liar [emphasis added]", that is arguably all you have done. You have used evidence (some of which may be real) and called him a liar. None of the evidence logically points to Bush being a liar. How about you try using evidence to prove Bush a liar.
I only see 2 TV shows that are liberal, and 1 network.
I'm not interested in the least in anything that little troll has to say. But if you're going to whine and be a victim, I'll leave you alone. Don't cry.![]()
face it, bush wanted saddam out of power whether he was a terrorist threat or not. and all evidence points to the latter.