Put this B-otch in jail for life.

barry2952 said:
Hmmm. No response from the RW. I wonder why.

Barry, need I remind you that you and everyone else piled on her in this thread?

Also bear in mind that just because somebody denies something doesn't automatically mean they didn't do it (i.e. Bill Clinton 'I did not have sex with that woman').
fossten said:
Barry, need I remind you that you and everyone else piled on her in this thread?

Not everyone............... Only seven including yourself.
I'm still piling on.

Let's face it. This is how the Left likes to operate.

Accuse and convict BEFORE the trial.

How do you like the taste of your own medicine? Yummy, isn't it?
Looks like Mr. Fossten is at it again. Please show where I piled on.
MonsterMark said:
Don't worry. I'm the instigator because another one of my predictions hit the nail on the head. The moonbats are coming out of the woodwork. Must be a full moon.

Funny how Bryan can call anyone he doesn't agree with a "moonbat" and other choiuce names, but he alters my post that calls Fossten "Fussy". Seems a little protective of his "boy" doesn't it?
barry2952 said:
Funny how Bryan can call anyone he doesn't agree with a "moonbat" and other choiuce names, but he alters my post that calls Fossten "Fussy". Seems a little protective of his "boy" doesn't it?
Having troubles with the rules again?

I don't call anybody on this forum a moonbat. And I do not personally attack any member.

Your comment is a personal attack. What is so hard to understand?

Should we all lower ourselves to the 6th grade level and start calling each other names Fairy, I mean Barry? How childish.
barry2952 said:
Seems a little protective of his "boy" doesn't it?

And trust me, Fossten is not my "boy", which by the way is another lame attempt by you to disguise another personal attack. You just don't give up do you? I'm harder on Fossten than anybody else here, especially you. Maybe that's the problem.

I know it is summertime, a time when many people choose to take a vacation. Humm. let me think.
MonsterMark said:
Don't worry. I'm the instigator because another one of my predictions hit the nail on the head. The moonbats are coming out of the woodwork. Must be a full moon.

Please backpedal and tell us all who you were referring to.
I love how you pull out the "rules" when you look bad.
barry2952 said:
Please backpedal and tell us all who you were referring to.
Anybody that participates at The Huffington Post for starters. Also anybody on the fringe Left. Opps. Guess those are the same people over at HuffPo.

If you are insinuating I was referring to fellow members as moonbats, I must assure you that is not the case. I love my liberal brethren here for without them, this place would be a ghost-town, I would be preaching to the choir, and there would be no lost souls to convert to conservatism.
barry2952 said:
Please backpedal and tell us all who you were referring to.

If the shoe fits, barry.

You are the poster child for taking things out of context. It was totally clear his 'moonbat' comment was not directed at you or anyone on this forum in particular. Jeez. Nice try, barry. Maybe you should concentrate on avoiding trying to pick fights and call names, and then you can have a clear conscience when someone else does it. Nobody's whining more than you right now, and you're the one doing the attacking.
barry2952 said:
Looks like Mr. Fossten is at it again. Please show where I piled on.

barry2952 said:
I agree that she should do time. Where do you see that she was a Liberal? Did you not read that she worked under King George I and Clinton? That makes her a Liberal?

Any more challenges for me today, barry?

Sure, I foolishly took what Bryan posted as fact. My mistake.
fossten said:
Any more challenges for me today, barry?


Like I said. They accuse and convict and then go to trial.

And if you are an admitted terrorist, they let you off with life in prison, instead of the death penalty.

I can't wait for the 1st hostages to be used as bait.

Liberalism is simply destroying this Country.
MonsterMark said:

Like I said. They accuse and convict and then go to trial.

And if you are an admitted terrorist, they let you off with life in prison, instead of the death penalty.

I can't wait for the 1st hostages to be used as bait.

Liberalism is simply destroying this Country.

What's wrong with you? Don't you know that Moussaoui didn't really commit any crimes? Why, he's nothing more than a victim of his abusive daddy who told him that he was a bad boy unless he went on a jihad and killed Americans in the name of Allah.

We should be trying to understand him compassionately instead of imprisoning him. Why, he could be tortured in prison! And isn't torture bad? I just heard a soundbite where Joe Biden, Mr. Anti-torture Anti-Gitmo himself, is celebrating the likelihood that Moussaoui will be tortured in prison.

What a hypocrite.
fossten said:
What's wrong with you? Don't you know that Moussaoui didn't really commit any crimes? Why, he's nothing more than a victim of his abusive daddy who told him that he was a bad boy unless he went on a jihad and killed Americans in the name of Allah.

We should be trying to understand him compassionately instead of imprisoning him. Why, he could be tortured in prison! And isn't torture bad? I just heard a soundbite where Joe Biden, Mr. Anti-torture Anti-Gitmo himself, is celebrating the likelihood that Moussaoui will be tortured in prison.

What a hypocrite.

At the hotel where Mr. Moussaoui is headed, he will only see solitary. Many would like to see justice served in jail, but that is not the way we do things in America. He got what he got. Now we get to feed and cloth him and make sure we wash his prayer blanket regularly.

Let's have a bet. How long before the 1st Hamas group(Insert other terrorist organizatins here) seize some hostages and start making demands on Al-Jezeera for his release? Any takers?

I give it a month.

So what is going to wind up happening is that an innocent American will lose their head because we failed to lop this p.o.s. off. Great trade-off. Thanks compassionate liberals.

Question: What in the H ell was this guy even doing in a civil court, instead of a military tribunal?
MonsterMark said:
Question: What in the H ell was this guy even doing in a civil court, instead of a military tribunal?

Ask the people currently in power.

And, you're dead on with the hostage taking as leverage over his release, should be happening any day now.
95DevilleNS said:
Ask the people currently in power.

And, you're dead on with the hostage taking as leverage over his release, should be happening any day now.

See, what we should do is counter the threat with a threat of our own:

Either release the hostages, or we'll restrict Zachy's diet to pork delivered via feeding tube.
fossten said:
See, what we should do is counter the threat with a threat of our own:

Either release the hostages, or we'll restrict Zachy's diet to pork delivered via feeding tube.

That'd be considered unethical torture.... Not to me of course, I love ham.

Best thing would be to execute him under capital punishment and take him out as a bargaining chip altogether.
fossten said:
Also bear in mind that just because somebody denies something doesn't automatically mean they didn't do it (i.e. Bill Clinton 'I did not have sex with that woman').

EXCEPT if they're Repugs, then they can do no wrong and all charges are just sour grapes! Thbbbbt:rolleyes:
97silverlsc said:
EXCEPT if they're Repugs, then they can do no wrong and all charges are just sour grapes! Thbbbbt:rolleyes:

Apparently not. Ever heard of Scooter Libby?


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