Quiet in here

I like to think about it this way...

If your Republican, what Democrat would you like to see if you HAD to have a Democrat as president. The reverse as well. If your a Democrat, what Republican would you like to see win if it had to be a Republican. Keep in mind who has a realistic chance to win.

So looking at the field, if I have to choose between Hillary and Obama, I gotta go with Obama. I cant make up my mind on the republican side but im leaning McCain. My fear is Romney / Hillary - which will be the "Which bullet do I wanna be shot with" scenario I mentioned before.

My general election vote will likely be meaningless anyway, Illinois is still voting Blue at this point, and both Hillary and Obahma are from Illinois. SO barring something unknown, I expect Illinois will vote blue no matter what.

If I had to choose between Hillary or Obama, probably Obama. He is all style and no substance. I seriously doubt he will get much accomplished, as he won't know how and doesn't have strong convictions, it seems. No leadership there. Hillary, on the other hand, just scares the crap out of me. While she is hardly a leader, she can (and many times does) beat her opposition into submission (politically speaking). While I doubt she would actually accomplish much, what she did would be terrible.
I pretty much agree. But there is one big point of difference. I know Hillary will be a dividing force, something we have had 7 years of and dont need any more of. I think Obama is inexperienced but intelligent. He can at least fake it.

I just plain dont like Romney, and McCain, I have 2 big concerns. One is that he will die in office. The other is that he has buddied up to the "good ol boy" network the last few years and I am afraid he will just be another old fart looking out for the rich and screwing the middle class.

However, if any of them came out in support of http://www.fairtax.org -- they would really get my attention in a positive way.
I just plain dont like Romney, and McCain, I have 2 big concerns. One is that he will die in office. The other is that he has buddied up to the "good ol boy" network the last few years and I am afraid he will just be another old fart looking out for the rich and screwing the middle class.
This is a very good point that Joey has sort of backed into. For all of you who say "oh, this candidate has no experience," or "this guy has experience governing," I heard this on the radio today and it makes sense:

Being experienced in politics is like being experienced in sex. If you're too experienced, you're a whore. (McCain?)

Experienced politicians = insiders.
Yeah, but sometimes..................

This is a very good point that Joey has sort of backed into. For all of you who say "oh, this candidate has no experience," or "this guy has experience governing," I heard this on the radio today and it makes sense:

Being experienced in politics is like being experienced in sex. If you're too experienced, you're a whore. (McCain?)

Experienced politicians = insiders.

Yeah, but sometimes it pays to be a whore. At least you know who you can screw without the risk of catching something. Sometimes the easiest way to get your agenda to the top is to know who you can step on to rise above the peons below you. At least with McCain, he has been around long enough to have dirt on almost anyone who would go against his policies. Hopefully he has more dirt on them than they have on him. It really is a sad state of affairs when we are coming to another presidential election and it is more about who we want to vote against than who we want to vote for.
It really is a sad state of affairs when we are coming to another presidential election and it is more about who we want to vote against than who we want to vote for.

It's always been like that, because there is no such thing as the perfect candidate. With few rare examples, you're always voting for some kind of compromise- such is the nature of politics.

Eisenhower, Stevens

Without the benefit of hindsight, how many of those elections didn't involve some kind of compromise?
Being experienced in politics is like being experienced in sex. If you're too experienced, you're a whore. (McCain?)

I like that. That is funny!! Also very true!! Good post!
It's always been like that, because there is no such thing as the perfect candidate. With few rare examples, you're always voting for some kind of compromise- such is the nature of politics.

Eisenhower, Stevens

Without the benefit of hindsight, how many of those elections didn't involve some kind of compromise?

Especially today, with the overexposure of the canidate in the media, it really comes down to a choice for the "lesser evil". I really can't speak on Reagan (I was born in 1980), but Bush, Clinton and Bush have been that way. No presidential canidate can come across as the right canidate, like FDR seemed to at the time, or (I assume) Washington, maybe Lincoln? (to some). Traditionally, the canidates have been less then perfect, and choosing between them has been to choose the lesser evil. With the overexposure in the 24 media today, that is pretty well a given. If Jesus Christ was running against Hitler, the media would find a story they could spn as "bad" about Christ and run with it.

"Will Jesus bring too much religion to the White House?"
Describing McCain as "less than perfect" is an understatement. Sort of like describing Charles Manson as "not a very nice guy" or Ted Kennedy as "a fat drunk."

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