dammit dj we had a good thing going their. +1 on the actual people from africa getting pissed at being called black. Africans and blacks don't get along very well. Seen it in the military. Kind of like peurto ricans and mexicans.
In the military my whole section was black. I didn't care, they were like family. I heard them get down on the white man, but they always treated me like a brother. I went to every cook out they had, only white guy their. Never bothered me. Even heard their friends ask "who brought the white guy" and they would all stand up and say we did. They always had my back.
No one jump my :q:q:q:q, I'm gonna drop the N word.
I also heard them get down on :q:q:q:q:q:qs. From what I understood a :q:q:q:q:q:q to a black person is any black that disgraces his race, stealing, drunk all the time, always late for formation or lazy, thing like that.
We all came from the mother land, don't matter what color you are.
I get pissed about that slavery bull:q:q:q:q. Not like my family, where Hitler murdered half of them before they could flee to america. And still I get blamed for being white. Just last week in detroit working some lady and her daughter walked by, she stopped and pointed at us guys and said those are the people that made us slaves. For real? are you that ignorant? WTF would you tell your daughter that? Your not helping at all, your holding your own daughter up.
Theirs not a person alive that knows someone that knows someone who was a slave. To many generations have passed. Like all the world wars, in 20 years their won't be a single peson alive that fought in any of them.
Why am I the bad guy for being white? Why don't they call me american of polish descent? Or polish american? I want my own special word too. What about my heritage? I'm closer to my heritage line then most black people are to being african. My grandpa came from poland. Hell, most black people are more american than I am.
No idea why people can't drop the history bull:q:q:q:q and see that were all the same on the inside, same ideas and beliefs for the most part, same car notes, house payments, and utilites. Everybody pumps the same gas, were all raising kids just trying to get by.
Everyones running the same race, yet everyone wants special rules for the race.
They should burn every history book ever made, history only create problems, but then we got some one bitching "we need to remeber what they did to us" WTF did they do to you? Did someone actually whip you and rape your wife? Or send you in for a shower and gassed you? Maybe they sent everyone out to pick weeds by the fence then gunned them all down then made the next group move the bodies? WTF was so bad that happened in your life time that you cannot change your ways?
Maybe in 2 or 3 gererations when all the hardcore racists have died it will start to even out. My solution is a bill that states White people can only marry blacks, and vice versa. In 2 generations we will all be the same skin color and have the same views. LOL
If you spend your whole life bitching about the past you can never move on. Your kids will never move on, and you will miss out on some great opportunites of meeting new people and making some good freinds.
I did have one friend in the military that could not be mad at for being racist. We were in Korea and he got a call that his sister had died. Turned out his 12 year old sister was beaten to death and raped with a baseball bat by a 13yr and 15yr old. Both were black. Reason they said they did it? They said they were bored and wanted to see what a white girls brains looked like. I don't think theirs any way of coming back from that.