Ran low on engine oil?

listened a little more closely, and got a mechanic to listen also; def sounds like lifters, bank one....the clack-clack is in synch with the rpms and loudest around where the back elephant ear used to be; not coming from the FEAD (front) area, gonna try SeaFoam then an oil change...still makes sense to go to a full snyth 0w-20 or 30?
listened a little more closely, and got a mechanic to listen also; def sounds like lifters, bank one....the clack-clack is in synch with the rpms and loudest around where the back elephant ear used to be; not coming from the FEAD (front) area, gonna try SeaFoam then an oil change...still makes sense to go to a full snyth 0w-20 or 30?

That's the same place it was coming from on the car I sold Alex. It never affected the performance. Lucas eliminated a lot of it. Once it was at operating temp it was gone.
thx Rod, I'll check the oil_filter media...what are the conditions to look for and what do they indicate
Verify that there isn't any bearing material in the filter media.

...and add a qt of Lucas...
I certainly wouldn't advise that.

...if it's timing chain tensioners, a zero-20 or 30 will REDUCE chain slap on startup?

listened a little more closely, and got a mechanic to listen also; def sounds like lifters, bank one....the clack-clack is in synch with the rpms and loudest around where the back elephant ear used to be; not coming from the FEAD (front) area, gonna try SeaFoam then an oil change...still makes sense to go to a full snyth 0w-20 or 30?
upon first startup: made another vid, from above the engine, yanked the throttle cable a few times...noisy but you def hear the clanking....goes away 90% in very short order
Motorcraft filters are fine, they are made by Purolator and are the equivalant of a PureOne on the inside. I even run them on my Ram :shifty:
no good use for Lucas oil stabilizer? snake oil?

Before you consider dumping that crap in your crankcase, hop over to BITOG and check out what they have to say about it over there. It'll make you think twice about putting that stuff in your engine. Bob did a writeup/demonstration that showed the issue (severe aeration/foaming). Besides, what is so wrong with your oil that it needs stabilizing, or anything else added to it for that matter? LOS is mostly a 60 grade base stock lubricant with little to no additives. It does nothing more than thicken the oil you are mixing it with, while also diluting the add pack. Why would you want to reduce the percentage of additives in the lubricant when replacing one quart of normal oil with LOS? If you need a heavier oil weight, then just run a heavier oil weight. If you're running a quality oil, there is no reason to add anything to it.

It worked for me in the same engine with the same sound in the same place. I don't think its the timing chain tensioners when the noise is in the back on top of the engine.

I'm sure it made things quieter. Running an oil with a higher operating temp viscosity would have done the same job without reducing the add pack.
had some time yesterday so i drained about 12 ounces of oil (came out medium to dark brown after 2900 miles :-(
then ran a bottle of Sea_foam through the crankcase for 3 minutes, then drained and refilled w/ Mobil1 0w-30 full synthetic and a new MC filter. The clackety clack on startup is not gone, but the engine may sound better overall, time will tell
also noticed some mess underneath:
on the pass side, a/c compressor
and this leak at the PS hp line/pump which I've know about for a while now
could the oil on the bottom of the a/c comp be originating from the PS leak?
-to remove that PS line and replace teflon washer do I need to remove the pulley? for the life of me I cannot get a wrench on that nut


here's some of the oil drained yesterday..5w20...darker than I had hoped....just turned 118k



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