So from looking at the pics posted up here, did none of the 95 LSC's have the HID headlights, or did that come later in the 95 model year? I thought I'd read somewhere that the 95's had HID's too, but that the LSC option started mid-year in '95? It's been a LONG time since I heard that, so I don't know if there's anything to it or not. Maybe someone can clarify.
My parents have a Toreador Red '96 LSC (if you've seen the factory stock picture Ford used for the '96 LSC of the Toreador Red Mark with chrome directional 10-spokes, that is exactly what their car looks like), and my mom always insists it's going to be a rare/collectible car someday, which would be cool, but I'm not sure it's going to happen that way just because too few people really KNOW about these cars, it seems (at least that was the case when I had my black '93 Mark- people around my age were always asking me what it was or calling it a Town Car or Continental or Thunderbird
Here's the factory pic I was talking about: