Ah, a troofer. Have you taken the time to properly look at 'both sides?'Because gas prices are going back up hence repeating what put us into this "depression" in the first place. He's also not infusing into money music, art, etc.
Yes he's putting money into education, but that's more a move to stop people that are hurting economically from resorting to crime to pay the bills.
Obama sucks, but he's definitely not hitler. If anything Bush was more hitler than anything with his induction of the 'patriot act' from the attack on 9/11 similar to Hitlers induction of similar acts from a terrorist act at the Reichstag ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire ). Funny how both "incidents" were a pivotal point in pushing a war and acts that take the rights of the people. The parallels along with many that Bush and Hitler had, along with the fact that Bush's father was a Nazi sympathizer are uncanny. But the average Bush swinger would say that's a conspiracy theory without taking the time to properly look at both sides.
Obama is closer the Hitler, ideologically. Obama's tactics of Nationalization are similar to those used by fascist regimes. What specifically has Bush done that is somehow similar to something Hitler did? The"patriot act" was not at all similar to Reichstag Fire. Your simple, baseless assertion of similarity does not demonstrate their similarity.
Ah, a troofer. Have you taken the time to properly look at 'both sides?'![]()
I'll give you $100 if you go buy a clue.
Or better yet, tell me one "hitler" type act Bush did or how his "induction" of the patriot act took away your freedoms. Name one. And name one American that has suffered and been prosecuted unfairly by the Patriot Act.
No :q:q:q:q the patriot act isn't the same as the reichstag fire. The fact that a freedom robbing act that was initiated to do a "terrorist attack" happened in both cases is what the similarity is. That wasn't a baseless assertion, I just didn't know I needed to hold peoples hand into every explanation. I assumed those that would try and debate would have take the time to research something before they tried to rebut the "assertion".
yes , but maybe not 100%.The American public did vote Bush in twice! Had he not declared "war" I think the republicans would still be in the white house.only my 2cents worth,and like voting in this country means nothing!
more like hITLER because of the patriot act? c'mon the government has been monitoring communication long before the act went into effect. my step dad retired from the Air Force in telecommunications and my friends dad is still active duty Air Force in telecommunications. both didnt really agree alot with Bush but they defended him about the patriot act by saying he was honest with the people. he was the only one who came out and said yes we are monitoring suspicious activity over the phone and internet. no they are not interested in you selling dime bags.
Actually you are the one who is displaying a huge amount of ignorance here. The patriot act has been debated ad nausseum throughout this forum with much more credible and reasonable arguments from both sides then the mindless fear mongering you are doing here.
The patriot act was not initiated to do a terrorist act; it was initiated to prevent terrorist acts. So, it is not in any way similar to a terrorist act.
Actually you did.I never said the patriot act was initiated to do a terrorist act! READ AND COMPREHEND BEFORE YOU RESPOND! DAMN!!!!
If you're going to object to people picking you apart, you'd have more credibility doing so if you didn't come off like an arrogant jerkoff.No :q:q:q:q the patriot act isn't the same as the reichstag fire. The fact that a freedom robbing act that was initiated to do a "terrorist attack" happened in both cases is what the similarity is. That wasn't a baseless assertion, I just didn't know I needed to hold peoples hand into every explanation. I assumed those that would try and debate would have take the time to research something before they tried to rebut the "assertion".
Actually you did.
If you're going to object to people picking you apart, you'd have more credibility doing so if you didn't come off like an arrogant jerkoff.
And if you want people to read your posts here, you will avoid large walls of text.
Obama sucks, but he's definitely not hitler. If anything Bush was more hitler than anything with his induction of the 'patriot act' from the attack on 9/11 similar to Hitlers induction of similar acts from a terrorist act at the Reichstag
Same goes for you. I'd love for you to point out which parts of my posts are not credible. Where's my ignorance? Because I've done years of research and finally realized the truth that makes me ignorant? Because I'm not herded like the rest of the sheeple I'm ignorant? Because like the patriots that founded this country, I question my government and it's intentions.... so that makes me ignorant or less patriotic?
I think you need to try and shoot down each one of my points with something other than your baseless, unverifiable opinion. Give me some facts to back up your superior viewpoint!
I never said the patriot act was initiated to do a terrorist act! READ AND COMPREHEND BEFORE YOU RESPOND! DAMN!!!!
You're pissing and moaning about the Patriot Act when this is the kind of crap you should be up and arms about and protesting with your fellow ACLU brethren.
By AMANDA RICKER Chronicle Staff Writer
If you’re planning to apply for a job with the city of Bozeman, prepare to clean up your Facebook page.
As part of routine background checks, the city asks job applicants to provide their usernames and passwords for their social-networking sites. And it has been doing it for years, city officials said.
“Please list any and all, current personal or business Web sites, Web pages or memberships on any Internet-based chat rooms, social clubs or forums, to include, but not limited to: Facebook, Google, Yahoo, YouTube.com, MySpace, etc.,” states a city waiver form applicants are asked to sign. Three lines are provided for applicants to list log-in information for each site.
City officials maintain the policy is necessary to ensure employees’ integrity and protect the public’s trust, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana says they may be crossing the line.
City Manager Chris Kukulski said the city checks the sites in order to ensure that employees who might be handling taxpayer money, working with children in recreation programs or entering residents’ homes as an emergency services worker are reputable and honest.
“It’s just one of the tools, like all the other tools, that we’ve used to do a thorough background check,” Kukulski said.
The city also checks credit reports, criminal history, references and past employment, among other things.
“We have to do some due diligence,” Kukulski said.
Maybe you should lose the arrogance, shut up, stop acting like a petulant 5-year old and actually read a little on this forum before you start preaching to us about how ignorant we are.
Most of your points have been rebutted already on this forum. Your trying to force us to rehash old ground simply because of your arrogance and intellectual laziness is exceedingly rude. Jerk.![]()
Hey, did you hear Alex Jones this week?
Actually, it wasn't a typo error that I was pointing out. It was the complete meaning of what you said. The fact that you made a typo isn't my fault. Words mean things. You're in law school; you should know that.My mistake. I meant "Because of" not " to do a ". You've got me there and I'll admit I'm wrong on my mistake.
As for my wall of text, if you don't want to be inundated with facts, then don't try to insinuate my point or views are inferior to yours. Even with my wall of text you apparently have nothing else on me, so you simply found the one typing error I presented, and use that as your rebuttal! SAD!
How about discrediting things I've said? I've yet to see you pick into the points I've made. Or are you going to continue to try and act like captain vernacular?