Rear Hub Whirring TOo Long???


LVC Member
Jul 30, 2009
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SO i got the whirring sound in the left back hub. It can either be the hub r have to replace the whole hub and knuckle. DIfference of 300 or 1300. If they take it apart and its not just the hub i dont have the 1300 to fix the whole knuckle. so what happens if i let it go to long. Is this life threatining or will i just have to pull over and get towed? any info would help. I have no mechanical skills so i have to take it somewhere whenver i get things fixed. My local guy lets me bring in my own parts and just covers labor. I found the hub/knuckle oem part number once using the search function on here once but cant find it again. I think it was about $730. I have a 2002 V8 3.9 LS. ANy ideas?
The knuckle is just a hunk of aluminum. The problem is the hub. More specifically, the bearings have failed.
It's not particularly life threatening, although the bearing could eventually lock up.
Get it fixed asap! It is and can be a very serious problem. I had the same problem a few years back. I use to aways hear a roaring sound and then I will hear like some thing was stuck between the wheel and the rotors. Took it to the shop and found out that the bearings were bad to the point that the wheel was leaning inwards and rubing against the shield that sits behind the rotor. Guy told me you are lucky that you wheel hasn't came off!:eek:
Well, ok, I am assuming there's at least a little visual inspection going on to ensure it's just bearing noise and not something completely out of alignment.
With things moved that much, I'm surprised the bearing didn't lock up!
If it just started, you have a little time like a month or less.

But running on a bad hub is not good. The bearing could lock-up and chew up the CV axle or spin in the knuckle. It could also disintegrate and let go like what happened to LeaSr77.

Fixing it sooner rather then later is best. Chances are the knuckle is fine. I've yet to read anything about the bearing itself spinning in the knuckle.
Thanks for the replies. Im going to take it to the shop tomorrow. Hopefully we can just press out the bad bearing and get a new one in there. I love this site!

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