red/black 97 LSC 89k miles, $1700

the description says it has broken cup holders, some lights in the dash are out, compass doesn't work, ABS is messed up (ABS speed sensor maybe), some electrical gremlins with the ignition, was rear ended once rear bumper wasn't painted that well it looks like..otherwise it seems clean..original owner also according to youtube video. If someone spent a few weeks fixing all the little issues which if done by yourself isn't terribly expensive, you could have one hell of a nice mark for 1700 bucks.
That car has some problems. I would give them $1000, if that much. IF you listen carefully, you can hear a nice whine. Prolly tranny related. Drivers window channel brace is broken. You can hear it after he closes the door. You'd be suprised at how fast little fixes add up. Also, if it was hit in the back hard enough to damage the exhaust, there is more damage than just filling in the bumper cover and painting. In three years, they didn't fix anything. Did the other driver not have insurance?
The car is worth it if the rear end has not been caved in. All Mark VIII's have small issues. It did not scare me when I purchased my 97 with the same color combo. I would be mainly looking for the rear body damage and rust. Any whine is probably accessory related. My tensioner made a hell of a whine when it went bad. I do see some rust on the one short shot of when he looked under the car.

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