Religious question


Dedicated LVC Member
May 5, 2007
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I have a friend who is asked a question we had no answer for. His mom had a husband that had passed away years ago who she loved. Later on she married again with another man she loved. His question was who would she be with in heaven? Any opinions on this?
Read Mark 12:18-27. Jesus was asked this exact question by the Sadducees.
Thats funny, me and my wife were discussing this very subject 2 days ago! Lol. We came to the conclusion that the first person you marry is the one you end up with (particularly in cases of divorce) But, i thought some more and realized that wedding vowels often say' til death do us part' So maybe you are 'off the hook' and free to do what you like on the other side:confused:

Edit: I guess i best read that part Fossten posted.
Religion, LOL watch George Carlin's current HBO special called "Bad For You"
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George Carlin! Classic!

":q:q:q:q the children!!!"
Read Mark 12:18-27. Jesus was asked this exact question by the Sadducees.

12:25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

So your marriage is dissolved in Heaven?
You have hit on a subject near and dear to my heart.
I would suggest, for those of you who want to know more about the after life, you hop on over to your favorite book store, and pick up a book by author Dr.Alan Cardec.
It is called "The Sprit's Book".
Also on the shelf you should read, "Life after Life" by Richard Moody.
While I am on the subject, I have to say that because of my experiences dealing with this subject, I completely denounce challatins like John Edwards and that other guy who sketches on a pad while suppossedly conversing with those who have passed.
My experience and knowledge of the subject tells me that sprits ARE MOST UNLIKELY TO BE CONJURED UP IN A SPLIT SECOND.
Now to continue what I was stating above:
Great reading, and may open your eyes to a realm of advice we all want to know, and to find out what happens , and where we go, when we die.
It difinetely gave me a new perspective and outlook on my life here on earth.
Religion and death in particular seem to go hand and hand for us here in this life, but in the other life, it is much different
Love, and purity, and the ability to show and give it are the predominant factors in the great beyond.
I have had many experiences over the past 15 years concerning what some would call paranormal experiences.
I have used those experiences to enhance my life here on earth.
To answer the question about just who a departed one will be with in the afterlife, I can sum it up in a few words, judging by what I have read and experienced.
When you pass, you are drawn to those you were associated with in this life.
That in no way means that you will be "partners" in that life, even though you were in this life.
As stated in the sprit's book, as well as other publications dealing with the afterlife, we are compared to a drop of water in the ocean when we reach that side.
We are part of the "whole".
As an example, the ocean here on earth is the "whole", and when a drop of water is added to the ocean, it becomes part of the "whole".
When we pass to that side, we become a part of what is already there.
We do meet those we loved here in this life, and a loving, lasting relationship(a bond if you will) will always be there,and has always been there, but the sprit world is somewhat transient.
Many re-incarnate and leave that realm temporarily.
Time is non-existant.
I have too say, the study of the after life is the most interesting subject I have ever discussed in my lifetime.
I have learned much about it, and in doing so, have found reasons for why some things here on earth are as they are.
Many of us have asked ourselves,
"Why are things as they are"?
"Why do some fall short, while others succeed easily?"
"Why is this"?, "Why is that"?
"Why is that child blind?"
"Why was that child born mute?"
All those insurmountable questions have an explanation, and an answer to those who look into the world of the afterlife.
All answers that a study of the afterlife can, and will give you.
I speak from experience.
I have had the opportunity to witness the afterlife without ever having been there physically, and it has enlightened me a great deal.
I have never had what some call an "out of body experience".
Since I have been involved in this field of exploration, I absolutely do not fear death.
There was a time when I did, but those days are far behind me.
If there is someone on this forum that would like to discuss this subject at legnth, Please send me a private message.
I could tell you things that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and give you cold chills.
That use to happen to me when I first embarked on this journey to learn more about life after death, but now I am completely relaxed when dealing with all phases of the subject.
It is a facinating subject,and I love having good conversation about it.
Strange Bob that you never mention Jesus Christ who is life and gives his elect eternal life.Jesus said in John10:10 I have come that you have life.The real question is do you have eternal life in Christ not your personal exp.Jesus is either liar lunitic or LORD and I believe he is Lord.Satan has decieved many because he is transformed as an angel of light when in fact he is total darkness.Cry out to Jesus if you don,t know him as your savoir Bob.
Strange Bob that you never mention Jesus Christ who is life and gives his elect eternal life.Jesus said in John10:10 I have come that you have life.The real question is do you have eternal life in Christ not your personal exp.Jesus is either liar lunitic or LORD and I believe he is Lord.Satan has decieved many because he is transformed as an angel of light when in fact he is total darkness.Cry out to Jesus if you don,t know him as your savoir Bob.

One thing i DID mention in the post above was the goals and aspirations of those on the other side, that being 'Love and Purity".
That love is Jesus inspired, and the purity is what all souls strive to acheive in an effort to be seated next to God almighty in the kingdom of heaven.
Only the purist of pure will ever attain that position.
I need to interject here with some thought on the religous aspect of the hereafter, and what it has meant to me here in this life.
Religion as we practice it here in this life is a mixed bag with no perceived central figure, or understanding, for all people of the earth.
Many belive in Christ, and many belive in other saviors.
Some have no belief at all.
I must tell you that from my inception into the study of the hereafter, I have an entirely new set of values, which for the most part, escaped me for the better part of my life.
I have been afforded the opportunity to put my previous years in perspective, and for the most part, compared to now, those years were meaningless.
I feel I have acheived an unmistakable, and undeniable bond with my creator.
and though it was a long time in comming, I am better for it.
The fact that you mentioned Jesus as our savior, was not something I had to be reminded of.
Unlike most people, I am able to seperate Jesus from the God that created life and everything else.
They are two seperate entities.
I pray to both.
One for thanks and gratitude, and the other for guidance.
The death of my life's partner in 1992 opened my eyes to not only the world beyond, but the never ending devotion of Jesus in our lives.
I can tell you things that have happened concerning my involvement in the study of the afterlife, that could only be the result of devine intervention.
There is no other plausible explanation.
So my friend, Jesus and the almight God himself, have played an extremely important part in my life since 1992, and I am enormously thankful for that intervention.
Jesus didn't come here preaching all about love. He spent most of his sermons berating the religious leaders of that period for their hypocrisy, and telling sinners to repent or they would end up in Hell. Jesus preached on Hell more than He preached on any other subject. Jesus made it clear that there is no way that any man or woman could achieve enough purity to make it to heaven on his or her own, but only through Him. (John 14:6) No matter how many good things we do in this life, we are all miserable, rotten sinners with no chance of being with our Creator in the afterlife, "except ye repent." (Luke 13:5)
Jesus didn't come here preaching all about love. He spent most of his sermons berating the religious leaders of that period for their hypocrisy, and telling sinners to repent or they would end up in Hell. Jesus preached on Hell more than He preached on any other subject. Jesus made it clear that there is no way that any man or woman could achieve enough purity to make it to heaven on his or her own, but only through Him. (John 14:6) No matter how many good things we do in this life, we are all miserable, rotten sinners with no chance of being with our Creator in the afterlife, "except ye repent." (Luke 13:5)

That is an interesting observation however, it leaves room for one's own interpretation.
Neither you nor I were present when Jesus walked this earth so, we only have the word of "others" as to what Jesus preached, or didn't preach.
I firmly belive, what our lives are like on this earth, has a tremendous amount of influence as to how, and when we will rejoice in heaven, if ever.
Something I have learned through my studies has opened my eyes to the never ending effort on the part of the soul to seek redemption.
I want to share what, for all intense and purpose, could very well be the enlightenment of that struggle.
For those of you who have no belief in an afterlife, what I am about to put forth, will have no meaning what so ever, and may prove to be an object of skepticisim for even those that do belive in the after life.
As I stated in a post before, I have read much on the subject, and some if not all, is open to interpretation.
I happen to belive in what I am about to say here, but that in no way may be the case with some of you that read it.
My belief is based on what I have read, and experienced, as well as what I see around me.
You can read this, and then ask yourself, ""could this perhaps be lodigical?"
To begin, this posting may be long, and may have to be finished in another post.
If it does, please bear with me.
Based on what information I have at hand, and a formidable understanding of Dr Cardec"s book that I mentioned above, we are all born with a soul.
Regardless of one's religous commitment, I think it safe to say, most belive that.
Ok, so ask yourself, how does this come about, and more importantly, why?
For the answers we need to take ourselves beyond the restricted boundaries of our "being " (as in human) here on earth.
Study this sanario, and see if it makes some sort of sense to you.
Your life just ended here on earth, and you have found yourself in the life hereafter.
While on earth, you led a less than desirable existance, and now that you are in the land of judgement, you find you don't score too well.
You know,because as a soul,it is imbedded in your entire being, that purity is the only hope you have of being admitted to the golden palace , and you also know that loving and beliving in the son of God is the only way you will ever acheive that ultimate goal.
There are ways for some sort of penance on your part, to proove that you are sincere in your desire to acheive that ultimate goal.
Your love and beleif for Jesus in not in question but, you must show that you can be made worthy of the final prize.
As a soul(who by the way, spends more time in limbo in this place before being seated next to God almighty) you are aware that you will do penance.
How does a soul do penance?
That depends on what is to be acheived by the soul.
Judgement day finds that you as a human being killed another while on earth.
You asked for forgiveness, but never sure it was granted.
As a human, residing on earth, how would you know you had been forgiven?
Frankly, there is not a living human on the face of this earth that could answer that with any authority.
Judgement day will have your answer.
I have decided at this time to continue this in the next post.
Judgement day has told you that murder is unacceptable, and penance is in order.
Now, what does a soul do for penance?
Again, the soul, as I am led to belive, has an incredible perseption of life here on earth.
They can choose their own penance.
For the sake of explanation, let us follow this one soul to view just what , and how (we will call this soul "Him") he has deccided what penance he will do.
Bear in mind, his ultimate goal is to show the almighty, and Jesus that he is indeed sorry for the life he just ended on earth.
He was very wrong, and must, MUST, repent.
Before a human is born on this earth, in order for it to have, and sustain life, it must have a soul.
The soul who is intent on making penance knows , because of their perseption of life, exactly what the life of the body they choose to inhabit, will be like it's entire life.
We have all heard through out life that we all have a "guardian angle".
The soul is the guardian of our life, and physical body.
In an effort to do his penance, and show the remorse he feels for his previous life this soul has decided he will inhabit the new born body of a child that will be born deft, and mute, and will live this way it's entire life.
By doing this, the soul feels his penance is just.
Now you ask, why was this child born deft and mute?
Because it is the vessle for the souls penance.
If you can give me another plausible explanation as to why some people are afflicted at birth, only to spend an entire life that way, I would be happy to hear it.
Can you explain why , perhaps someone lives fifteen years only to be stricken with some incurable affliction that last the rest of that life, which may not end for another 80 years?
The asnwer is the souls search for penance in the beleif that the penance will clense him.
More often than not it is fruitless, and the soul returns again and again to many different bodies in the quest for penance.
What happens when a baby is stillborn or, lives only a short time after birth?
How and why does that happen?
The best explanation I can give is that the soul that inhabited that body decided not to go through with it.
The body does not physically die until the soul departs the body.
That would explain a couple of things.
Some people die a miserable , long death, filled with suffering and pain, while others lay down, go too sleep, and never wake up.
Why is this?
The answer again lies in the soul, and it's ultimate decision for penance..
The old saying "onlythe good die young" has merit.
Good people are those who's body are inhabited by a loving soul who may not be doing penance at that time.
Wicked people live long because the soul must have that long, miserable life to proove he is worthy of better judgement on judgement day.
Unfortunately this is a catch 22 in most instances.
The soul lives a life that is at best, uncommendable, in the hope that life will proove as an example that he is truly sorry for a previous live, when in fact the "new" life is not any better.
I firmly belive that the humans on this earth who suffer some sort of physical/ mental affliction, are the given choice of the soul.
Some fortunate sould do indeed sit next too the right hand of God.
They are the purist of the pure, and the rest strive to be as pure so that they make take their rightful place next to the almighty.
You may,or may not belive what I have said here, but If it does nothing else, it opens up one's mind to the possibility.
As I said earlier, if there is any one that can offer a better explanation as to why some people (even new born) are so afflicted physically/ mentally, while others live unaffected, I would gladly accept you explanation.
Ihave much more on this subject of souls, and the afterlife, and perhaps an answer to where I belive heaven actuall is located.
One more thing, I didn't check this or the previous post for spelling.
I hope the spelling is correct.
That is an interesting observation however, it leaves room for one's own interpretation.
Neither you nor I were present when Jesus walked this earth so, we only have the word of "others" as to what Jesus preached, or didn't preach.
Spoken like a true skeptic. Nevertheless, we do have the word of several witnesses as to what Jesus preached. Really, what your comment does is attempt to cut into the credibility of the Bible itself. So I have a portion of an article to post in response.



His resurrection was witnessed by hundreds of people (1 Cor. 15:5-7).
Were they all lying? At times, the resurrected Christ was seen by
many people at one time. They talked with him, touched him, walked
with him, and ate with him. Before the resurrection, the apostles
were fearful and were hiding from the authorities. After they saw the
resurrected Christ with their own eyes, they became bold and fearless
and were willing to lay down their lives for the Gospel. It took a
powerful event to cause such a change in their lives.


The Bible was written by 40 different authors representing some 19
different occupations (shepherd, farmer, fisherman, tax collector,
medical doctor, king, etc.) who lived during a great period of some
1,600 years. That is approximately 50 generations of men. The first
39 chapters were written in the Hebrew language over a period of
about 1000 years. There was then a 400-year gap when no Scriptures
were written. After that, the last 27 chapters of the Bible were
written in the Greek language during a period covering roughly 50
years. The writers could not have collaborated, because they did not
even live at the same time. The end product is one book that fits
together perfectly and contains no contradictions or errors. There is
nothing else like this in all of man's history.


The Bible testifies that "holy men of God spake as they were moved by
the Holy Ghost" (2 Pe. 1:21), and an examination of the lives of the
Bible's writers rings true to this testimony. These were serious men.
They came from all walks of life. They were men of good reputation
and sound mind. Many of them were viciously persecuted and killed for
the testimony they held. They were not enriched by the prophecies
they gave. Far from it; many were impoverished. The author of the
first five books of the Bible chose to live a life of terrific
hardship and struggle in the service of God as opposed to the
millionaire's life he could have lived as the son of Pharaoh. Many
Bible writers made similar choices. Their motivation certainly was
not covetousness and worldly advantage. These were not perfect men,
but they were holy men. They all claimed that God had put His hand
upon them to speak His Word. The lives they lived, and the
testimonies they held, and the deaths they died gave mighty evidence
that they were telling the truth.

The Greek writer, Porphyry, tried to destroy the credibility of the
BIBLE back in 304 A.D. In the process he wrote fifteen books against
the BIBLE and Christianity in general. Did he succeed? Apparently
not. The BIBLE is still around (even stronger than before).

And as for Porphyry, well, let's put it this way; can you name his
fifteen books? Can anybody name just one? Can anyone even pronounce
his name?

Porphyry is just one of the many people who, throughout history, have
tried to ban, burn, destroy, outlaw, restrict, ridicule or discredit
the BIBLE.

Another example is a Greek writer of satire, by the name of Lucian,
who wrote two books in the second century to ridicule the BIBLE.
These books were named The Dialogue of the Gods and The Dialogue of
the Dead. There's an extremely good chance that you don't have a copy
of either of these two books in your personal library. Yet you
probably have a BIBLE somewhere around the house; a testimony to the
BIBLE'S ability to "out survive" its attackers.

If Porphyry and Lucian would have just read the BIBLE instead of
attac king it they could have saved a lot of time, because the BIBLE
says: "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a
furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD,
thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever" (Psalm

In A.D. 303, the Roman Emperor Diocletian issued an edict to stop
Christians from worshipping and to destroy their scriptures.
Twenty-five years later his successor, Constantine, issued another
edict ordering 50 Bibles to be published at government expense. Too
bad Diocletian didn't realize the promise from the Bible. "The grass
withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for
ever" (Isaiah 40:8).

Atheist Robert Ingersoll once boasted, "Within 15 years I'll have the
Bible lodged in a morgue." Well, within 15 years, Robert Ingersoll
was lodged within a morgue, but the Bible lives on!

In the 1700's the atheist French writer Vo ltaire said, "Within 100
years, the Bible and Christianity will be swept out of existence, and
pass into history." Well, within 50 years, Voltaire was swept out of
existence and passed into history, and the Geneva Bible Society used
Voltaire's house and printing press to print and distribute thousands
of Bibles. This ironic twist of events should not have surprised
anyone, because God had promised that "Heaven and earth shall pass
away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35). The very
year that Voltaire said "100 years from now, the world will hear no
more of the BIBLE," the British Museum paid $500,000 for an old
manuscript of the BIBLE, while at the same time in Paris, one of
Voltaire's books sold for eight cents.

Down through the centuries many attacks against the Bible have come
through bitter persecution along with outright attempts to destroy
it. Many attacks against the Bible have come from scoffers. But there
have been some, who after examining the facts have changed their
opinion. Here are two examples:

General Lew Wallace was a Territorial Governor following the days of
the U.S. Civil War. He had been a Senator in Indiana at the age of 29
and was considered a very scholarly man. He had no confidence in
Christianity or the BIBLE, so he set out to write a skeptical book to
disprove both. In his study he instead found the BIBLE and Christ to
be true, and became himself a devout Christian. General Wallace never
wrote his book against the Bible. He wrote instead the classic
Christian novel Ben Hur.

William Ramsey, the English scholar went to Asia Minor with the
expressed purpose of proving the BIBLE was historically inaccurate.
As he painstakingly poured over the ancient artifacts and details, to
his amazement he found that the BIBLE was accurate down to the
tiniest detail. The evidence was so convincing that Sir Ram sey
himself became a Christian and a great Biblical scholar.

Down through the years, the BIBLE has been a mighty anvil that has
worn out many of the puny hammers of the scoffers.

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