Explain to me how Obama traveled to Pakistan as a student in 1981 (which was closed to travel for US citizens) if he didn't use his Indonesian passport?
I can't find any verification on whether Americans could or could not travel to Pakistan in 1981, but for the sake of argument, I'll take your word for it (the claims of it being closed to non-Muslims is much more dubious and I require some evidence). In any case, the point is moot, because once outside the US, you're only under the restrictions in effect for the country you're currently in. That's how people get around the US-Cuba travel restrictions. So Obama could have easily used his US passport to travel from Indonesia to Pakistan. He didn't need an Indonesian passport, even if he had one.
As for what he did while in Pakistan, you dismiss the possibility that he was there for exactly the reasons he stated, without any evidence to the contrary except your preconceived notions that he's a closet jihadist. He says he went there with a friend to meet his friend's family, not go on a sightseeing tour. Sounds plausible to me. But then I live on Earth.
He has held two citizenships which according to Article II of the US Constitution (which you claim Bush has raped and pillaged) disqualifies him. So if the Constitution and what it stands for is so important to you, I'm sure you'll have no problem with Obama being disqualified for POTUS due to issues that arise from dual-citizenship. In particular, divided loyalities.
You claim he had dual citizenship like it's a known fact, when in fact there is zero evidence that he ever has. You're having to make this stuff up because you need it to be true for your conspiracy to work. Since it is physically impossible to prove that he does NOT have dual citizenship, you can go on making these claims with seeming impunity. But guess what? The onus is on YOU to prove your claim, not Obama to prove otherwise.
I'm not willing to take the chance that he might turn out to be one. There is one person in the United States who we should know everything about and where they are coming from and not have to take a flyer on due to unanswered questions. That person is the POTUS. End of story.
Was John McCain brainwashed while in captivity and programmed to bring communism to America once in power? I'm not willing to take the chance that he won't.
Sometimes the questions are too ludicrous to even answer. You aren't owed answers to every ridiculous question you pose. Get over yourself.
ALL I want to see is his actual Birth Certificate which he claims he has or a certified COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) from the State of Hawaii with a valid certificate number.
Jeez, back to the birth certificate, the myth that won't die.... Didn't you just post a link a few days ago showing the birth announcement in the Honolulu paper?
Get it through your head: Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1962, making him a natural born citizen. End of story.
ALL you people should be ashamed for not being OUTRAGED that we have a guy running for PRESIDENT who can't even produce a document that an ordinary citizen would need to get health insurance or join a sport team.
The fact that he won't provide YOU and your cohorts with your own notarized copy, personally delivered by Hawaii's Secretary of State to your doorstep is all that keeps your little Obama Haters Club going.
And admit it: Even if the Obama campaign produced the original birth certificate for the world to see, your band of armchair imaging experts would manage to find some reason to claim that it's a fake. So why the hell should they give you the time of day?
America is F'd with all you people willing to be lambs lead to the slaughter. A pock on all of you.
America is probably F'd no matter who wins the election.