Remotely close the windows ?


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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West Palm Beeyotch
I foudn out how to use the remote windows to open them, is there any way to close them remotely, THAT would be nice.
Nope, you can only open them with the remote.. But you can use the key to close em.
1) Get into car
2) Put key in ignition
3) Turn
4) Use window buttons to move window


Well duh... Also you can put the key in the drivers door and turn and hold in the lock position. This will roll up all windows and lock the doors.
you put the key in the doorlock and one way thay go up, the other thay go down.
I know that there are some kits you can purchase for other cars that allows you to remotely close the windows and sunroof. But I have never seen such for the LS....unfortunately
:D Your welcome guys.. W/ my intensive knowledge of those upper mechanical thingys.. I aim to give as much of my knowledge as possible..:D
There is a kit that exists. I dont know the name of it, but my old roomate had it on his 2000 LS.

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