Removing Tint


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Woodbury, MN
I got pulled over last weekend for my tint being too dark. Yeah, that's the only reason he pulled me over...on the freeway...

Anyway the front doors are 30% and the rear doors/back window are 3%. That's how I bought the car. honestly, it can be too dark while driving sometimes, too. For example, if it's dark outside I can't see much out the back window which makes it difficult to back up safely. So I was thinking of removing the 3% and putting 30% all around. But will they be able to get that 3% off the back window without destroying the rear defrost?
Please do it my way. I know a lot of folks have different ideas on this, but I promise that this is the easiest method I've found.

Get a roll of cling wrap, or if you really want to stay on the cheap you can probably use plastic shopping bags. Use "Simple Green" cleaner, spray liberally on the rear window, then contain it on the window using the cling wrap. It is best to do this on a hot, sunny day if possible. Allow the window to sit in the sun for about half an hour. If it's cool out you can also use a blow dryer or heat gun. Start at one corner, and slowly work it loose. Make sure that the adhesive is coming off with the tint...this is where most people make the mistake of yanking the film off and leaving the nasty adhesive. Keeping the adhesive and film together, slowly pull the tint off. If the film and adhesive start to separate, stop, hit it with a little more Simple Green, cover it again, and use the heat on it for a few minutes. This will make the tint come off clean, so you don't have to worry about destroying the rear defrost.
start one corner so you can rip the tint off. any adhesive left over, just use a squeegie and windex. if you get lucky the adhesive will come off with the tint
Same thing

Wow, I feel for you. The exact same thing happened to me last week. After having the tint for 5 years now, there was no way I was pulling it off. Check with your local laws (and friends) and see if there's a way around it if you really don't want to take it off. Turns out that I just needed to get the proper person to inspect an excuse the tint. But, I have 20% all around.

How in the heck do you manage with that 3%? You are the first person I've heard of with that set up since I had it probably 15 years ago. When I got it the tint shop called it "Secret Zone" because it was darker than limo. I got rid of it because I figured the police would end up shooting me. Hard??? You can't see anything behind you at night except for headlights right??? What I used to like though is the way the police spot lights could not penetrate it and would reflect 90 degrees straight up. But, like I said, it caused them to come to the car with guns drawn and several back-ups even for a simple stop. Another danger with the 3% at night is that someone can pull up behind you and you won't know it if their headlights are off. That makes for an unsafe condition for yourself or anyone behind you with their lights off.

3% tint, if it's like I recall on mine, is very thick and durable. When I took mine off, it was such a rich and superior quality that it peeled off very readily and easy not unlike the protective plastic coverings on these electronic devises. If it's like the 3% I had, you simply need to gently pull it off. Check with your fingernail on a corner. Believe me, you'll know if it is. Most other tints are cellophane thin and shouldn't even be thought of for just pulling off. See a veteran trick if it is the thick one is that you can pull it off, have the car inspected and then put it right back on. I've never enjoyed or had such a robust experience with any tint like that 3%.
man, BatMobile, do you live in a crime riddled area?! Why would they come up to you with guns drawn?! hehe. The tropper walked up like normal to me. Hand on gun, but still holstered. I did have my driver window down, though so he could see me no problem. The car was last titled in CA so I'm guessing that's where the 3% came from. I didn't put it one. I'd have just gone 30% all around like I have with every other vehicle. MN state law is 50%. Also, great advice/tutorial on removing it. If I wait until summer that's what I'll do. But if I decided to do it pretty soon I'll just have my tint shop handle it. I don't have the heated workspace (or the patience) for that job!
well, I just called my local tint shop. They've done tint for 2 of my veicles over the years with good results. $100 to remove with no gaurantee the rear defrost will still work. then $179 to put lighter tint on the 3 back windows. $280 total....damn
well, I just called my local tint shop. They've done tint for 2 of my veicles over the years with good results. $100 to remove with no gaurantee the rear defrost will still work. then $179 to put lighter tint on the 3 back windows. $280 total....damn

Do it yourself, using my guidelines: save at least $90 and certainty that the defrost lines won't be trash.
Yae the cops are strict here in Minnesota. I did 35% all around that is the safest percent here in MN. You probably will be okay with 30.
i went 20% all around with my old car, which was a continental, i had it for a year, it was illegal here, but cops didnt seem to care, when i got the LS i got pulled over by a statey a week after for having a license plate cover over my license plate, and it was clear, he goes, its illegal and it wont let the sun reflect it to detect speed. If it was frickin clear, the thing would still shine, techically, the whole back where the lincese plate is chrome, he could've put the gun on it, anyway, reason being, he saw too many guys in the car and thought we were up to no good like drugs or drunk.

Sorry if off topic, lol.

I wouldn't trust myself if i had to do it, my old tint shop said if i had to remove it it would cost 20 bucks per window, i would take it to a shop if you don't think you can do it.
well, I think I'd give it a try. The worst that's gonna happen is I'll have to take it in and pay to have it removed. So it's worth trying, I guess. But I'm hoping I can hold out until it warms up a bit. I don't want to be in the garage in 20^ or lower trying to remove tint...I guess I could go to a buddy's garage or my parent's place sometime, too.
I wish i knew about the simple green method, last month when I did mine, I use brake cleaner to get the glue off. Only the front 2 windows.
Yae the cops are strict here in Minnesota. I did 35% all around that is the safest percent here in MN. You probably will be okay with 30.

I'm in MN, so I only put 50 on the sides, but did 35 in the back window. it's still way too light in the front for me... can you double up tint to make it darker?
I'm in MN, so I only put 50 on the sides, but did 35 in the back window. it's still way too light in the front for me... can you double up tint to make it darker?

I am not sure about the double tint. It would seem that could cause problems in the future. I know in MN that the law is no less than 50% but that is a bunch of crap. For 50% you might as well not tint at all. 35% you will be safe in MN and looks good and not too dark. I see moms in minivans with tint I cannot even see through and that is stock. I guess you live in Grand Rapids though so maybe those cops get more bored and pull people over for that in northern MN.
luttersj is from Woodbury. I'm from Grand Rapids (about 180 miles north of the twin cities)...

You work for 3M? One of my current customers works for 3M as well. I'm supplying all the cabinets, countertops, ceramic tile, and wood floor for her new house up here...
luttersj is from Woodbury. I'm from Grand Rapids (about 180 miles north of the twin cities)...

You work for 3M? One of my current customers works for 3M as well. I'm supplying all the cabinets, countertops, ceramic tile, and wood floor for her new house up here...

Sorry I tried to edit that post after I wrote that it must have not saved right for me.

Read the post I wrote a couple above.

Cool man, yae I work in the Consumer and Office Supplies Division. I am actually working right now, well more like on LVC
Hey, my wife works for 3M in Maplewood. I forget the bldg number, though. But she's in optics. Before that it was medical but her division was sold off about a year ago.
Has anyone tried using the 'Simple Green' method recently? Does it ruin the tint?
I will be taking the 12% tint off my car in the next few days and would rather do it myself than pay 90+dollars.
In lots of states only the driver and passenger windows (and front window) are what matters by law. In ohio you can tint the rear doors/back window as dark as you want, but the fronts have to be like 70% or something.
I have 3% on all my windows!!!!!! I've been pulled over for it, but never given a ticket. Car was searched thoroughly however:D
I agree with those who say you should remove it yourself. A tint shop took off some old tint on one of my previous cars and they messed up the defroster...what a pain. Besides, no tint shop will be as careful with your car as you would be.

I haven't used Simple Green myself, but I used have used the same technique mentioned above with some heavy-duty cleaner. I just went to the auto parts store and bought the bottle that said 'do not use on tinted windows'. Not surprisingly, it removed all the tint residue.
I have never used the simple green method either but I will be trying it with a F250 I just bought. All the rednecks here love the purple shaded tint. I removed the side windows with a razor and lighter fluid. If you start at the top and squirt the lighter fluid so it soaks in it works well and shouldn't ruin any of the interior. We used to use lighter fluid to clean thermal print head at my last job. It get all the adhesive off but doesn't damage anything else. Plus I smoke and lighter fluid is usually around.

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