Removing Tint

In lots of states only the driver and passenger windows (and front window) are what matters by law. In ohio you can tint the rear doors/back window as dark as you want, but the fronts have to be like 70% or something.

I have 15% on all windows the last two years and even though I have gotten various warning and a ticket for it, but the main reason I want it off is because its difficult to see at night. I sometimes have to roll down my window when I make left turns because I cant see the median.
I think I will leave the rear window tint on, remove the 15% and just have it retinted with 35%. I guess 32% is the limit in GA. Btw, when the police have tested my tint, its always been 11 or 12%...

I guess I will try the Simple Green this weekend and see how that works.
I have never used the simple green method either but I will be trying it with a F250 I just bought. All the rednecks here love the purple shaded tint. I removed the side windows with a razor and lighter fluid. If you start at the top and squirt the lighter fluid so it soaks in it works well and shouldn't ruin any of the interior. We used to use lighter fluid to clean thermal print head at my last job. It get all the adhesive off but doesn't damage anything else. Plus I smoke and lighter fluid is usually around.

and while you are doing it you might wanna celebrate with a cigar with the windows up:shifty:

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