Repair Manual / Cd 2000 V6 Need an answer


LVC Member
Sep 29, 2007
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Sorry if this is getting on anybodys nerves, I know I already posted this thread, but im desperate for a repair manual or the cds for my 2000 v6. Just need to know anybody who has one and could suggest a manual. I got one from autozone and , well, :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: autozone. Sorry to be a pain but really if anybody has any good ideas for me let me know. It would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.
You can get a one month subscription to the factory Ford service information for $16.95, or 72 hours for $9.95. Once you have the subscription, you can print as many of the pages off in .pdf as you want. It also gives you access to all of the TSB's, which most other manuals and the CD/DVDs you find on eBay don't have.
Check out Ebay, they usually have several for sale. If you need something right away a subscription to Alldata will give you the manual on-line.

Thanks guys. Im gonna try to order a factory manual. Its like 160 bucks but if I can stay away from the dealers and garages im ahead of the game. Anybody bought a factory manual before?

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