Replacement speakers and some questions about factory system.


Active LVC Member
Jun 6, 2014
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Cedar Rapids
My google fu is Kinda weak so i thought i would come to the source.

Now that i got my drive shaft and U joint sorted out its on to the next project on my new (To me) 2000 LS.

I have found the passenger front door is blown along with Passenger side rear deck speaker. as far as i can tell the rear door speakers are fine. my google search tells me it is 6x8 speakers all the way around is this correct. i can see the ones in the rear deck and the appear to be after market unless it came factory with something called Xplod 6x8 also there is an amp in the trunk and it does not appear to be factory and hooked up to the rear deck 6x8's

So if I bought a pair of 6x8's would one fit in the door as well?

And here are some crappy pics of what i am working with. sorry the flash on my phone is super bright.

Aftermarket AMP?

and blown 6x8
Yes 6x8 in all doors rear package tray are 6x9 mid woofers.

Yes those are aftermarket sony xplod

The 2000 model ls can with a sub enclosure that houses 6x8 midwoofers

If the the Sony xplods that's in there now are 6x8 then yes they will fit in all doors.
My advice to you is ditch the Sonys in the trunk add a subwoofer and just buy two 6x8s for up front.
Are you saying the rear deck speakers are actually 6x9? if so i can find 6x9's for cheap around here, replace the stereo first and then add a couple of subs later. not really looking to rattle the doors just want a decent sound system.

However,That is kinda what i was thinking I found some good deals on cheap stuff from 2 10's in a box for 80 bucks 400 watts max power. would have went for 8's but cant find a box for two 8s.

could I run them on that 200 watt 2 channel amp?

and since the display on my factory radio no longer works (the 6disc changer still works and everything else does too) I am going to replace it. will this fit?

and can i hook the 6 disc changer in the glove compartment to that. i would hate to have the changer in there taking up valuable space and not working.
and since the display on my factory radio no longer works (the 6disc changer still works and everything else does too) I am going to replace it. will this fit?

and can i hook the 6 disc changer in the glove compartment to that. i would hate to have the changer in there taking up valuable space and not working.

It will fit. You just need to purchase the proper dash kit and wire harness. It won't control the factory cd
changer though.
that is unfortunate, I will just have to rip out the disc changer and try to find a way to make the empty space usable.
that is unfortunate, I will just have to rip out the disc changer and try to find a way to make the empty space usable.

get the glove box parts out of a junkyard and double your storage space...

also, I wouldn't bother with a DD radio that cheap... it wont last long, and will sound terrible.

do yourself a favor and save up a little bit for a decent quality unit that will not only give you good sound, but will have the build quality that will last a while...
Add one more hunndred and you can't get a decent jvc dd off amazon.

Add 400 to that price and you can get the avh-4000nex by pioneer.
I am going to go with this Reciever (this company includes wiring harness and mounting bracket free with your Reciever)

And these speakers. I would prefer 8's because I just want it to work and sound decent I am not looking to shake windows Plus I don't want to add too much weight or take up trunk space. However I can not find Two 8's in a box like this.

If I could find a box for two 8s that was about 50$ i would just get these.

As it is now my 2 of 3 speakers on the passenger side are blown , front door and rear deck. I think I am just going to delete the rear deck 6x8 or 6x9's what ever they are add cheap subs in the back and replace the four door speakers with some kicker 6x8's from the local Walmart. Have to do it all on a budget so i am going to use the 200 watt 2 channel amp that is in there because I still need to replace the front upper control arms.
I assume the sub amp is 100w per channel, right? I have a pair of 200w subs on their way that I plan on using the factory amp for a little while to space out cost. I have a blown deck speaker as well, so the primary concern is fixing it, not upgrade it. Are they 2ohm channels?
Crawled in my trunk and looked up the model Number on the speaker and it is a 6x9 so i am a little more inclined to replace them. Now to find instructions on removing the trim to get to them. Off to goolge
I will say once more then drop it.

I would refrain from buying such a cheap head unit...

you will be lucky if it arrives to your house undamaged. last client I had bring me garbage like that wouldn't even open the face, the motorized face would open about half way then jam up on the cheap rail system it had. then he was mad at me for charging him more money to install the second one he got RMA'ed. after a couple of months he was back because the screen stopped lighting up, again was even more mad when i told him it would cost him more to have it switched out. but I flat out told him before I ever touched his car, he can either buy quality stuff from me that will last and not give him any problems and by the slim chance something does break, i will take care of it, or he can bring me the cheapest stuff straight off the boat from china and I'll cover any issues due to the install itself, but its will cost every time the unit breaks down... after all, my shop should lose money all the time from me having to keep replacing broke stuff because a guy wanted to sell a few bucks.

personally I don't like motorized faces on thousand dollar and up system as sooner or later they will break, but something just over a hundred bucks won't have anywhere near as strong of a movement system and consequently won't last long at all... thats not even taking into consideration all of the other equally poor/cheap parts inside. the last thing i want to do is to give a reason for sh!t in the LS to break more often...

how about this, call around to all of the local shops around you, and ask them what they think. it will be real hard to find a shop that will actually sell pyle because of how much warranty work it will bring around in the long run. most places you find selling pyle will be places that don't install (like Meijers, Wally World, and flea markets/dudes selling sh!t out of vans) because when you return it (if you even can...) they just ship it back to the crapufacture for a full credit and don't end up losing money.

sorry not trying to bust your balls, but its just something I'm passionate about and hate seeing people get screwed out of money.
I will say once more then drop it.

I would refrain from buying such a cheap head unit...

you will be lucky if it arrives to your house undamaged. last client I had bring me garbage like that wouldn't even open the face, the motorized face would open about half way then jam up on the cheap rail system it had. then he was mad at me for charging him more money to install the second one he got RMA'ed. after a couple of months he was back because the screen stopped lighting up, again was even more mad when i told him it would cost him more to have it switched out. but I flat out told him before I ever touched his car, he can either buy quality stuff from me that will last and not give him any problems and by the slim chance something does break, i will take care of it, or he can bring me the cheapest stuff straight off the boat from china and I'll cover any issues due to the install itself, but its will cost every time the unit breaks down... after all, my shop should lose money all the time from me having to keep replacing broke stuff because a guy wanted to sell a few bucks.

personally I don't like motorized faces on thousand dollar and up system as sooner or later they will break, but something just over a hundred bucks won't have anywhere near as strong of a movement system and consequently won't last long at all... thats not even taking into consideration all of the other equally poor/cheap parts inside. the last thing i want to do is to give a reason for sh!t in the LS to break more often...

how about this, call around to all of the local shops around you, and ask them what they think. it will be real hard to find a shop that will actually sell pyle because of how much warranty work it will bring around in the long run. most places you find selling pyle will be places that don't install (like Meijers, Wally World, and flea markets/dudes selling sh!t out of vans) because when you return it (if you even can...) they just ship it back to the crapufacture for a full credit and don't end up losing money.

sorry not trying to bust your balls, but its just something I'm passionate about and hate seeing people get screwed out of money.

Guess I will stick with the factory unit then and deal with not having a display. Not giving up my disc changer and going through the work of finding and installing a standard golve box just for a regular cd player not worth the effort.

Forgive me if I am a bit thick but being a firearms enthusiast I am used to hearing don't buy x, x is crap and wont work. only to find out that x works just fine.
I assume the sub amp is 100w per channel, right? I have a pair of 200w subs on their way that I plan on using the factory amp for a little while to space out cost. I have a blown deck speaker as well, so the primary concern is fixing it, not upgrade it. Are they 2ohm channels?

I have no idea. you guys probably can tell more than i can by looking at the pic. All I know is its an amp with 200 watts and 2 channels
Guess I will stick with the factory unit then and deal with not having a display. Not giving up my disc changer and going through the work of finding and installing a standard golve box just for a regular cd player not worth the effort.
no problem, honestly if you can wait until you have a little over $300 to spend, you can actually get a pretty nice radio, pioneer and kenwood both have some really good cheaper units that have a little smaller non moving screen (already ten times more reliable right there) that will do all the same things but do it better, and last longer while giving you much better sound

for example, here are a couple that I strongly reccomend

Forgive me if I am a bit thick but being a firearms enthusiast I am used to hearing don't buy x, x is crap and wont work. only to find out that x works just fine.

trust me, I hear that a lot... "if it ain't Colt, it ain't sh!t..." but if you have ever watched somebody try to put a couple hundred rounds of 45 ACP through a high point, then you can understand.

I would put those on the same level as full poly ar15s, sure, there is a good chance it won't be broke when you open the box, but sooner or later, its probably gonna blow apart.

sure a taurus 1911 is a lot of bang for the buck, and will work fine most of the time, but there do tend to have feed problems and you're not going to bet your life on a gun that may not load the second round.

I do put a lot more importance in firearms... its one thing to own a cheap firearm to shoot around once in awhile, but when its a protection piece, it has to be 100% flawless. I can't trust my life on something if there is a chance it may not go boom when I need to to... a lot of people say not to use steel rounds or russian, but my XDm and AR with eat any garbage ammo you feed them on range days. but you better be damn sure thats not whats loaded in them right now while in protection mode.

I have no idea. you guys probably can tell more than i can by looking at the pic. All I know is its an amp with 200 watts and 2 channels
cant see the model number, that will be your best bet to figure out what its real power is.

heres the simple break down, most amps that list the power right on them, list max power (no where near real power) and a lot of the time its not too accurate...

but if its a two channel and it outputs 200 watts max, thats bridged so each channel is running 100 W max @ 2ohm so for normal speakers (4 ohm) its probably about 50 W max which at best is 15-25 watts RMS (real power) but just for reference, quoted from the pyle website

"Peak Power Output 80 watts x 4 channels
RMS Power Output 15 watts x 4 channels"

so it really could be less (more likely they were just really lying on their max power)

you can also get a good guess by what size fuse it requires. take that number, multiply it by the cars voltage (12-14) and that would be the theoretical maximum RMS power output IF the amp was 100% efficient (its not), at best its 90%, at worst its 50% or lower. if when running the amp hard it stays very cool to the touch, its very efficient, if it gets hot, its very inefficient.
You can also get a factory unit odd ebay or have your unit repaired. I did this years ago. Just ask your dealer where they send radios to get repaired, contact them and they should swap a good unit for your damaged unit; for a fee of course.
no problem, honestly if you can wait until you have a little over $300 to spend, you can actually get a pretty nice radio, pioneer and kenwood both have some really good cheaper units that have a little smaller non moving screen (already ten times more reliable right there) that will do all the same things but do it better, and last longer while giving you much better sound

for example, here are a couple that I strongly reccomend

trust me, I hear that a lot... "if it ain't Colt, it ain't sh!t..." but if you have ever watched somebody try to put a couple hundred rounds of 45 ACP through a high point, then you can understand.

I would put those on the same level as full poly ar15s, sure, there is a good chance it won't be broke when you open the box, but sooner or later, its probably gonna blow apart.

sure a taurus 1911 is a lot of bang for the buck, and will work fine most of the time, but there do tend to have feed problems and you're not going to bet your life on a gun that may not load the second round.

I do put a lot more importance in firearms... its one thing to own a cheap firearm to shoot around once in awhile, but when its a protection piece, it has to be 100% flawless. I can't trust my life on something if there is a chance it may not go boom when I need to to... a lot of people say not to use steel rounds or russian, but my XDm and AR with eat any garbage ammo you feed them on range days. but you better be damn sure thats not whats loaded in them right now while in protection mode.

cant see the model number, that will be your best bet to figure out what its real power is.

heres the simple break down, most amps that list the power right on them, list max power (no where near real power) and a lot of the time its not too accurate...

but if its a two channel and it outputs 200 watts max, that's bridged so each channel is running 100 W max @ 2ohm so for normal speakers (4 ohm) its probably about 50 W max which at best is 15-25 watts RMS (real power) but just for reference, quoted from the pyle website

"Peak Power Output 80 watts x 4 channels
RMS Power Output 15 watts x 4 channels"

so it really could be less (more likely they were just really lying on their max power)

you can also get a good guess by what size fuse it requires. take that number, multiply it by the cars voltage (12-14) and that would be the theoretical maximum RMS power output IF the amp was 100% efficient (its not), at best its 90%, at worst its 50% or lower. if when running the amp hard it stays very cool to the touch, its very efficient, if it gets hot, its very inefficient.

Not to turn this into a firearms thread but this is what i am talking about. As far as hi point goes cant speak for the pistols but the carbines are very reliable. And i have had 2 Taurus pistols (PT92AF I still own and a pt111 pro gen 3 that I sold to a friend who needed one) neither gave me any problems. Rock island armory 1911's are about 400 and flying off the shelves becuase they are more reliable than some 2000$+ 1911's. I had an FNP 9 and it shot. About 6 inches low from a vise. So even brand name can have problems. As for steel cased ammo while bullet construction is not ideal for defense a bullet is still a bullet and over the thousands of rounds I have shot of steel case ranging from Wolf, tula, golden tiger, and norinco in several calibers I have had one squib 7.62x39. While i would prefer a Hornady defensive load or Speer gold dot I would not hesitate to use steel case in defense of life and limb if need be.

Back to radios, my budget simply wont allow a 300 radio. Is there anything decent that is more than just a basic cd player for under 200? If not then I am SOL.

The fuse on the amp is a 20. Manual says not to hook up more than one dual voice coil sub. However 2 full range speakers or 2 single voice coil subs are okay. That Is all I know about it

ETA. BTW the XD was originally imported under the name HS2000 but didnt sell well @ 300$ because "it was cheap import crap" Springfield started importing them and made some very minor cosmetic changes added 300$ to the price and now they are toted as one of the best. This is just to explain my thoughts on "cheap crap" this may not be the case with radios but you can see my hesitation at suggestions I spend double my budget
Not to turn this into a firearms thread but this is what i am talking about. As far as hi point goes cant speak for the pistols but the carbines are very reliable. And i have had 2 Taurus pistols (PT92AF istill own and a pt111 pro gen 3 that i sold to afriend who needed one) neither gave me any problems. Rock island amory 1911's are about 400 and flying off the shelves becuase they are more reliable than some 2000$+ 1911's. I had an FNP 9 and it shot. About 6 inches low from a vise. So even brand name can have problems. As for steel cased ammo while bullet construction is not ideal for defense a bullet is still a bullet and over the thousands of rounds i have shot of steel case ranging from Wolf, tula, golden tiger, and norinco in several calibers I have had one squib 7.62x39. While i would perfer a hornady defensive load or speer gold dot i would not hesitate to use steel case in defense of life and limb if need be.

Back to radios, my budget simply wont allow a 300 radio. Is there anything decent that is more than just a basic cd player for under 200? If not then I am SOL.

The fuse on the amp is a 20. Manual says not to hook up more than one dual voice coil sub. However 2 full range speakers or 2 single voice coil subs are okay. That os all i know about it

ETA. Btw the XD was originally imported under the name hs2000 but didnt sell well @ 300$ because "it was cheap import crap" springfield started importing them and made some very minor cosmetic changes added 300$ to the price and now they are toted as one of the best. This is just to explain my thoughts on "cheap crap" this may not be the case with radios but you can see my hesitation at suggestions I spend double my budget

The c9 high points is a great firearm the only issue I had with it was a couple of failure to feed, but it was solved by polishing the rails and a update OEM MAG

As for the radio go on amazon and search you will se a lot if top names for a real good price.
The c9 high points is a great firearm the only issue I had with it was a couple of failure to feed, but it was solved by polishing the rails and a update OEM MAG

As for the radio go on amazon and search you will se a lot if top names for a real good price.

Will that be new or used. I would prefer new and from company I can call and talk to if I have any issues such as being DOA or not fitting/ missing pieces. The only things I have ordered on line were firearms parts and I avoid amazon, e-bay and pay pal like the plague when it comes to firearms parts.
If by more than a CD player you mean aux, Bluetooth, USB, you have a lot of options. If a single din head without a screen is just a CD player to you, then you're limited. I'm looking at the Blaupunkt Toronto 420 for its appropriate look and decent power and price. I can't stand the typical single din Sonys or pioneers that look way too flashy and similar to each other.

My factory sub amp is 2C6F-18C808-AA. Any hints to power? I haven't found anything online. I feel lucky I even found the impedance rating.
Will that be new or used. I would prefer new and from company I can call and talk to if I have any issues such as being DOA or not fitting/ missing pieces. The only things I have ordered on line were firearms parts and I avoid amazon, e-bay and pay pal like the plague when it comes to firearms parts.

If you order a head unit from amazon it will be new and I agree I don't order any thing dealing with firearms online period.

As far as high point go its a lifetime warrenty, something go wrong ship it to them and they fix or send you the latest model.
by just a cd player i mean it plays cd's and radio maybe an aux and thats it. Last time i bought a stero for a car was in 2001 so i really have no idea what is being offered in the recent years. I just started looking and saw some in my range that looked decent and seemed to get decent reviews. However i know better than to trust all product reviews from online stores as some are fake.
As far as high point go its a lifetime warrenty, something go wrong ship it to them and they fix or send you the latest model.

the problem with that is that one of the guy I shoot with at work had one, it broke, sent it back in and got another, a few months later was shooting it at an indoor range and up on the slide cycling back after a shot, just kept going rearward, broke the top part of the poly frame off. I guess its not as bad as exploding in his hand, but regardless... the range officer came over to see what the hell just happened and said he has seen it at least 3 times in the past year. said because of safety concerns, if they had noticed it earlier, they wouldn't have let him shoot it in there. sent it in and got a brand new pistol. then my friend did the smartest thing, sold it without firing a round, he kinda felt guilty asking $100 for it...

And i have had 2 Taurus pistols (PT92AF I still own and a pt111 pro gen 3 that I sold to a friend who needed one) neither gave me any problems.
I have also owned two taurus pistols, I had a .380 (i think it was a 738) that had tons of feed issues, would not fire three full mags with out a misfeed, I know I'm not the only one because I found tons of post on the internet about it and instructions on how to fix it by filing a couple of contact points. after the fix I seemed to be OK, but I didnt even fire 100 rounds through it before selling it because it had one purpose and that was a carry gun, I wont carry a gun that has reliability problems. I've have also had a taurus 1911, great gun but again it would have feed problems maybe 2-3 per 100, but since it was a target gun (non competition) it wasn't a problem I couldn't live without. now their wheel guns are very nice, and I'm probably looking to pick one up again here soon.

ETA. BTW the XD was originally imported under the name HS2000 but didnt sell well @ 300$ because "it was cheap import crap" Springfield started importing them and made some very minor cosmetic changes added 300$ to the price and now they are toted as one of the best.
a couple of the biggest reasons it didn't sell when it was first released, was that first, not a lot of people knew anything about HS Products let alone even heard about them, also back then, americans didn't have a lot of faith in poly pistols, other than Glock, not a lot of companies were making them. then after the poliece were using them for a while people started to see how reliable Glocks were. springfield also didnt raise the price $300, I bought my first XD years ago new for $450, it also came with a lot more accessories than a basic HS2000 did, then the XDm raised the price a bit but they also were assembled a little better with a few small changes to the inside.

Back to radios, my budget simply wont allow a 300 radio. Is there anything decent that is more than just a basic cd player for under 200? If not then I am SOL.
if you want BT, and a touch screen, not really. there are tons of good BT radios with usb under $200

I've got a couple of Ruger's that I like a lot. A P89 and SRC9. The only issues I've had are with reloads from Freedom Munitions. Even the cheap Chinese rounds feed and ejected just fine.
one of my most shot handguns is a ruger SR22, if we have a few people shooting, its not uncommon for it to see a full bucket-o-bullets over a weekend

is the p89 the all metal framed double stacked 9? that might be the one my father has. always been a real reliable gun.

EDIT: probably not, I didn't think they allowed double stacked mags in the peoples republic... unless it has something built in to limit the mag.

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