replacing secondary timing chain


LVC Member
Jan 9, 2016
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Hi, I'm going to try to replace to secondary timing chain on 2001 LSV8 this weekend. I had a broken tensioner and jumped tooth on drivers side, I replaced the tensioner and engine runs good, but after it warms up it makes rattling noise. My question is how do I remove old chain without taking front cover off. I bought chain with a link so installing it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone has any tips or diy for removing and installing chain without taking front cover off it would be greatly appriciated. Thank you.
I would think you can just cut it... Use something that shears (like a bolt cutter) rather than something that grinds grinder/dremel) to avoid putting shavings in your oil.

How many miles? I'm surprised there are still plastic tensioners driving on the road. I wonder if early warranty repairs (pre 2003) used the same plastic tensioners
It has 102k, I got it from auction, it's in very good condition outside and inside, but it was barely running. I think it's original and lasted that long, I guess previous owner just didn't want to invest in it and donated it.
Oh its happening. Bad news, they don't want to risk going up to 12psi, trans might grenade itself, so I'll have to get the trans built before going to 12psi or higher . Good news, I should be able to enjoy boost soon, how much boost we will find out soon.

bolt cutters or a chain breaker are a safe bet.
i used a dremel with towels packed around the chain then changed the oil.
Just finished replacing the chain, no more noise! Ran the car for 20 min and no noise, BUT now I have smoke from oil when it warms up. I don't see anything on the ground yet, but it looks like it's dripping straight onto the exhaust somewhere in the back. Probably something happened to new VC gasket.
I would give it a day or two and a few hours of driving. Removing leaky valve covers can drip a lot of oil on the exhaust.. Just keep an eye on the oil level. When I first replaced my covers, one of the spark plug well gaskets fell out of the cover. I don't remember how I found the mistake, but it was a lucky find. The 2 center bolt gaskets can also fall out. But none of those should cause a leak onto the exhaust

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