Right Wing-Nut Hypocracy at it's Finest.......

Dude, the people of this great nation value and cherish the socialist nonsense and redistributive policies that I embrace. That's why they made them American institutions.
You can continue to repeat that, but it doesn't make it true.
And I'm not going to continue to argue it until you can actual compose a response that challenges me.

And even if there are segments of the population that embrace policies that are economically unsustainable and immoral, that doesn't mean they should be perpetuated or expanded. Vote buying will always be popular among certain populations- the ones getting the money.

When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic

Right now, even at a low point of an economic cycle, this is still a land of tremendous abundance and we are still quite capable of supporting the present level of redistributive policies that contribute so much to the greatness of our noble republic.
Support this statement with some facts please.
I can't continue to respond to your thoughtless observations.

But the country is monetizing our debt.
Do you have any idea what that means?
The value of the dollar is collapsing.
We're looking at a deficit of $10,000,000,000.00 - and in regards to expanding government, there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. And countries like China aren't interested in lending anymore money to our fiscally irresponsible country. And that means interest rates will have to climb, further compounding the maintenance on the debt.
It's over, Freddy.

Your "socialist policies" bankrupted the country.
And worse yet, they didn't solve any of the problems they set out to do.
Unless, they were just designed to buy allegiance to the Democrat party for the next 200 years, like LBJ did.

You guys are going to collapse the system.
I don't know if that is due to incompetence or by design.
There are good arguments for both.
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You can continue to repeat that, but it doesn't make it true.
And I'm not going to continue to argue it until you can actual compose a response that challenges me.
Dude, I have no interest in wining a debate with you. I really don't give a rat's ass if you don't share my view that:

The people of this great nation value and cherish the socialist nonsense and redistributive policies that I embrace. That's why they made them American institutions.​
there are segments of the population that embrace policies that are economically unsustainable and immoral
Please tell us about one of the policies that you believe are economically unsustainable and immoral.
Right now, even at a low point of an economic cycle, this is still a land of tremendous abundance and we are still quite capable of supporting the present level of redistributive policies that contribute so much to the greatness of our noble republic.

Support this statement with some facts please.

Take the amount of money presently being spent by the government and then compare it to the GNP of the U. S.
Take the amount of money presently being spent by the government and then compare it to the GNP of the U. S.
Are you arguing that if the GNP (not GDP?) is one dollar higher, socialism can be supported?

Rush was right, ignorance is the most expensive commodity we pay for in this country. :rolleyes:

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