Rightwing Domestic Terrorist Sentenced


Dedicated LVC Member
May 17, 2005
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Santa Rosa, Ca
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years for role in Jan. 6 attack -TheHill

"A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes to 18 years in prison following his conviction on seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The sentencing represents the longest prison term assigned to a figure involved in the riot, coming after Rhodes was found guilty on numerous other charges last November, including other felony charges such as obstruction of an official proceeding."

It's a shame this Trumper domestic terrorist didn't get all 25 years the prosecution was seeking (he really deserves 50+ in prison), but 18 years is somewhat acceptable.

Still, this is a huge blow to Trumpism and Rightism, while a huge win for America.

Several other "Oath Keepers" domestic terrorist are slated to be sentenced in the coming weeks, may they get similar sentences. Enjoy prison, you deplorables.

Several of the Proud Boys domestic terrorist where found guilty of seditious conspiracy a few weeks ago, their sentencing is coming up as well, hopefully they get decades in prison: Jury Convicts Four Leaders of the Proud Boys of Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

As the saying goes "play Trumper games, win stupid prizes"
Imagine going domestic terrorist and arming up to attack your own country, threatening to harm and/or kill our duly elected officials, some chantng to hang the Vice President, looting our Capital, vandalizing our Capital, some smearing their feces all around, and attacking police officers just because one ridiculous man who paints his face orange spurned you on, and know you're going to prison for it?

""We are not getting through this without a civil war. Prepare your mind, body and spirit." -Stewart Rhodes, Nov 2020

Why are Rightist always clamoring for a second civil war...
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Do I hear the sound of crickets chirping??? I don't know of anyone that approved of what happened on Jan. 6th.

This thread was dead when you started it. Just like many others you started.

Nobody is listening... and nobody cares about what you have to say.
Do I hear the sound of crickets chirping??? I don't know of anyone that approved of what happened on Jan. 6th.

This thread was dead when you started it. Just like many others you started.

Nobody is listening... and nobody cares about what you have to say.

People still supporting Trump, are supporting the Jan 6th domestic terrorist attack. Trump's the head of the Republican Party and current front runner for the Republican presidential candidate. So yes, there's literally millions who approve of the Jan 6th attack on our Capital, insurrection and failed coup. They're just angry it failed.

People are also free to stick their heads in the sand and pretend what actually happened, didn't actually happen, or happened differently in their white-washing minds. That won't alter reality though.

I'll be here posting the truth/reality just the same :):)
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Reality: 2 more Oath Keepers are sentenced to prison terms for the Jan. 6 Capitol attack


Two Army veterans who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a military-style formation with fellow members of the Oath Keepers were sentenced Friday to prison terms, a day after the far-right extremist group's founder received a record-setting 18-years behind bars in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta sentenced Jessica Watkins, of Woodstock, Ohio, to eight years and six months behind bars and sentenced Kenneth Harrelson, of Titusville, Florida, to four years in prison.

There two domestic terrorist got off with slaps-on-the-wrist relatively speaking. Still, enjoy prison, deplorables.
Federal prosecutors say they want an Illinois Proud Boys member to serve nearly 3 1/2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Back in November, James Robert Elliot of Aurora – also known as "Jim Bob" - pleaded guilty to assaulting an officer during the Capitol breach.

Illinois Proud Boys Member Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Officer During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

3.5 years is nothing for this domestic terrorist's crimes. Shame the prosecutor is going easy here, when they need to be setting examples.
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Man who told jurors he had 'fun' at the Capitol riot is sentenced to 6 years in prison

A Virginia man who told his wife — and a federal jury — that he had “fun” at the U.S. Capitol riot was sentenced on Friday to six years in prison for attacking police as he stormed the building.

Markus Maly’s prison sentence is significantly lower than the punishment that prosecutors sought for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. The Justice Department had recommended a prison sentence of 15 years and eight months for Maly, a flooring installer.

A prosecutor described Maly, 49, as a “lifelong criminal” with 33 prior convictions on his record, including two for battery of a law enforcement officer.

Domestic terrorist and a career criminal with 33 convictions under his belt and a history of attacking law enforcemennt only gets 6 years... that's some privilege and we all known what kind.
Prosecutors argued that the Proud Boys were "thirsting for violence" on Jan. 6 and had organized in advance to stop certification of President Joe Biden's win by "any means necessary, including by force.

Defense attorneys countered that the Justice Department was using the group as a scapegoat for the real person to blame for Jan. 6: Donald Trump.

Um, they were violent thugs out to commit violence and Donald Trump is to blame as well. These are not exclusive.

Two more domestic terrorist were convicted:
Proud Boy sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in Jan. 6 case, still says election was stolen

Founder of Proud Boys' Hawaii chapter, Texas man sentenced to 4 years in Jan. 6 riot

More light sentences, should be 10 years min for these thugs. Still, enjoy prison, deplorables.
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Colorado man sentenced to 4 years in prison for storming building during Capitol riot

A Colorado man who marched to the Capitol with members of the Proud Boys and was one of the first rioters to enter the building was sentenced to four years in prison for attacking police officers with a chemical spray as they tried to hold off the mob of Trump supporters.

Robert Gieswein of Woodland Park, Colorado, was wearing a helmet, a flak jacket and goggles and was carrying a baseball bat when he stormed the Capitol. Gieswein, then 24, marched to the building from the Washington Monument with the Proud Boys but wasn't a member of the group.

Gieswein repeatedly sprayed an "aerosol irritant" at police officers and pushed against a line of police, according to a court filing accompanying his guilty plea to assault charges.



Enjoy prison, deplorable.
Capitol rioter linked to Proud Boys gets 5 years in prison for pepper-spraying police

A Florida man prosecutors say is affiliated with the Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Friday to five years in prison for attacking police officers with pepper spray as they tried to defend the U.S. Capitol against supporters of President Donald Trump on Jan 6th 2021.

Barry Ramey, an aircraft mechanic who was convicted of assault and other crimes in federal court in Washington, D.C., also tried to intimidate an FBI agent investigating him before his arrest. Ramey anonymously called the agent and recited the agent’s home address over the phone, prosecutors say.

Probably a DeSantis supporter now. Enjoy prison, deplorable!

Bradenton Proud Boys member 'Milkshake' sentenced to five years on Capitol riot charges

A Southwest Florida member of the Proud Boys extremist group who goes by the nickname “Milkshake" was sentenced to five years in prison Wednesday after pleading guilty earlier this year to felony charges — including assault — in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.

Prosecutors say that days before the riot, Daniel Lyons Scott, 29, of Bradenton, declared during a Florida rally that if a U.S. senator didn't vote against the certification of Biden's victory, they should “give him the rope!” Before President Donald Trump even began speaking near the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, Scott yelled to a group of Proud Boys, “Let's take the (expletive) Capitol!” according to court papers.

Another light sentence for a domestic terrorist. Still, enjoy prison "Milkshake", hope it brings all the boys to the yard. Deplorable.
Rioter who hurled bow like a spear at police during Jan. 6 attack gets more than 7 years in prison

A professional butcher whose bloody, wild-eyed face became one of the most memorable images of the U.S. Capitol riot was sentenced Thursday to more than seven years in prison for hurling a bow like a spear at police and attacking several other officers.

Kyle Fitzsimons, 39, of Maine, was wearing a white butcher’s coat embroidered with his first name when he separately assaulted at least five officers near a tunnel as police desperately tried to protect an entrance to the Capitol from the angry mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters, prosecutors said.



This is what being in a cult looks like. Enjoy prison, Trumper.

Seen years is a little bit better. Enjoy prison, deplorable.
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'Bullhorn Lady' who helped break into Capitol is found guilty in Jan. 6 case

A Pennsylvania mother who was known as "Bullhorn Lady" because she used a bullhorn to instruct rioters at the U.S. Capitol was convicted Tuesday of nine federal counts.

Rachel Powell was found guilty on a variety of charges, including felony counts of interfering with officers performing their duties and obstruction of an official proceeding. Her bench trial was held in May, and U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth delivered the verdict Tuesday.

Powell was accompanied to court by her children, one of whom was wearing a red "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" hat in the courtroom. Powell had posted on social media that former President Donald Trump had given her child a MAGA hat.

Powell's identity was discovered by online "Sedition Hunters" who have since identified hundreds of additional Capitol rioters, and her identity was publicly revealed in a February 2021 article in The New Yorker. Powell, who was also known as "Pink Hat Lady," was arrested days later.


Play domestic terrorist games, win domestic terrorist prizes. What an idiot. Spending time in prison because of Trump instead of being a mother to her kids. Enjoy prison.

Funniest part, these morons still think Donald Trump is going to pardon them if he's allowed to be POTUS again. He could have blanket pardoned all of them in 2021 before he left office.
Prosecutors seek 30-year sentences for Proud Boys leaders in Jan. 6 case

Prosecutors are seeking 33-year prison sentences for former Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio and his ally Joe Biggs, who they say aimed to foment a revolution on Jan. 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power. -snip

Hopefully this deplorable who bragged on Jan 6th gets all 33 of the years the prosecution is seeking.
I suggest that when Trump goes to prison, he and all these Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who went domestic terrorist for him all be put in the same wing of the same prison. Let it sort itself out organically :)
Jan 6. Jail Time: Proud Boys Cry Over the Consequences of Their Own Actions

"Proud Boys members Joe Biggs and Zachary Rehl broke down in tears as they were sentenced to 17 years and 15 years, respectively, on Thursday" -snip


"Joe Biggs — the “tip of the spear” of the Proud Boys assault on Capitol on Jan. 6 — was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison for his role in the seditious conspiracy" -snip

"Biggs’ sentence — one of the stiffest yet for a Jan. 6 defendant — was handed down Thursday morning by federal district judge Tim Kelly, a Trump appointee. Biggs, along with fellow Proud Boys lieutenants Ethan Nordean, Zachary Rehl, and the group’s chairman, Enrique Tarrio, were convicted on the sedition charge in May." -snip

"The prison term for Biggs is far below the term of 33 years called for by federal prosecutors, who sought a sentence “long enough to prevent Biggs from leading another violent conspiracy against the government while he is still motivated and equipped to do so.”"['i] -snip

“Proud Boys, stand back and standby."
-Donald Trump

Trump appointed judges still handing out much lighter sentences than recommended for these domestic terrorist, as expected Still going to prison though. Enjoy.

Imagine attacking your own country because you listened to an orange clown who doesn't care about you at all and now you're losing close to 20 years of your life in prison because of it. Imagine.
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Imagine going domestic terrorist and arming up to attack your own country, threatening to harm and/or kill our duly elected officials, some chantng to hang the Vice President, looting our Capital, vandalizing our Capital, some smearing their feces all around, and attacking police officers just because one ridiculous man who paints his face orange spurned you on, and know you're going to prison for it?

""We are not getting through this without a civil war. Prepare your mind, body and spirit." -Stewart Rhodes, Nov 2020

Why are Rightist always clamoring for a second civil war...
Hi, I been reading your good posts so refreshing to hear a fella like you who sees thru the lies and half truth of Trumperism because its code for white supremacy
Hi, I been reading your good posts so refreshing to hear a fella like you who sees thru the lies and half truth of Trumperism because its code for white supremacy
Hello Billboats,

I don't know if it's code for White supremacy as not every Trumper is a White supremacist, but every White supremacist seems to be a Trumper.

Maybe though.
Audio recording of Joe "Tip of the Spear" Biggs slobbering in court that he's going to have a heart attack and begging the judge for leniency - Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@drcarlae/vi...912849511206190

"That was so much fun! So much America!" Yea-aaah! He was so tough and smug on Jan 6th, now he's whinging and crying. He got leniency though, Trump appointed judge handed him half of what the prosecutors asked for.

January 6th must never be forgotten or allowed to be downplayed by the Right. Never. I hope Biden makes Jan 6th a National Day of Remembrance.
Proud Boy convicted of helping spearhead Capitol attack ties Jan. 6 sentence record with 18 years

"A one-time leader in the Proud Boys far-right extremist group was sentenced Friday to 18 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, tying the record for the longest sentence in the attack.

Ethan Nordean was one of five members convicted of spearheading an attack on the U.S. Capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 presidential election.

“He is the undisputed leader on the ground on Jan 6,” said prosecutor Jason McCullough."


Another domestic terrorist loser goes down. Failed insurrection, failed coup. Enjoy prison.

Henry Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, is scheduled to be sentenced today.

Though the real leader of the Proud Boys is (or was) Donald Trump.
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"The FBI arrested a Georgia man who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and then posted a video on social media bragging that rioters "took the White House," the Justice Department said Wednesday." -08/30/2023


William Frederick Beals II

Trumper idiot thought he was storming the White House...

Ex-Proud Boy boss jailed for 22 years over Capitol riot​

  • Ex-Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio has been jailed for 22 years, the longest sentence yet for the plot to storm the US Capitol
  • Tarrio told the court he is ashamed of his actions and he knew Trump had lost the presidential election - snip

Trumper loser will have TWENTY-TWO years in Federal prison to think about himself and Trump. Enjoy :)
Hello Billboats,

I don't know if it's code for White supremacy as not every Trumper is a White supremacist, but every White supremacist seems to be a Trumper.

Maybe though.
Hi, I admire that you keep up your comments and fight against Trumpism because it sticks up for the democracy we have and opposes the the idea that somehow right wing trumpism is good for American Democracy . Trumpism is another front for Authoritarism , a dictator type of rule over people in many countries. Turkey, Endrogan is dictator, Russia, Putin is a dictator and more dictators in north African countries. Another example of authortarian rule is Afganistan is so extreme the dictators , far rightists have made elementary school atendence vanish. Mr trump plans include turning the traditional republican to be defeated which he as done so far. party Replace the federal office holder, senators and house of representatives, with hard right wing people who would not fund our gov's. Instead let the gov's default ruining USA credit rates. Trump threatens to be against any canidate who disagree with Trump.Make no mistake. Electing Trump will make our Democracy into a Democratic Dictorship .

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