rim change


Well-Known LVC Member
Jan 17, 2005
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Hello out there,

I have a 95 LTC and was wondering if I could put rims on it from an older town car.The ones on it now are 16''. If anyone knows please let me know.Thanks alot

95ltc said:
Hello out there,

I have a 95 LTC and was wondering if I could put rims on it from an older town car.The ones on it now are 16''. If anyone knows please let me know.Thanks alot


whats the bolt pattern on it? if its the same as an older TC then you can but if its not then no lol simple :-D
A 15" inch wheel will NOT clear the brakes on Panther vehicles using the stock 16" wheels.
Just be sure to use 16" wheels or larger. Older 15's won't clear the brakes...
evillally said:
Just be sure to use 16" wheels or larger. Older 15's won't clear the brakes...

i though the 16" wheels were only optional???
I would like to make a correction,

Any 15 inch RWD wheel from 1980 to 1997 will fit on any Towncar.

In 98' they changed the brake calipers so 15 inch wheels won't fit.
i have a 98 cartier and put 18" saleen knockoffs on just needed a spacer for the fronts

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