Rim Compatibility???

what is this yellow car everyone talks of? Is it that bad and horrible?

shhhhh! you dont wanna see it trust the many of us that have, just picture a gen 1 markviii mixed with a pontiac, mixed with a locomotive (you know the old ones with cow catchers on the front) and put the st louis arch on the trunk, then paint it the brightest yellow you've ever seen. it was believed to be in russia
That is a pretty good description of it alright, now stop talking about befor it comes back.
And if any of you noobs want to see it do a search.
shhhhh! you dont wanna see it trust the many of us that have, just picture a gen 1 markviii mixed with a pontiac, mixed with a locomotive (you know the old ones with cow catchers on the front) and put the st louis arch on the trunk, then paint it the brightest yellow you've ever seen. it was believed to be in russia

That is a perfect description!

OK, since you asked... :p

Introducing the one and only PITON...




Oh my gosh.. that car.. is.... ... theres no.... blah.. I can't think of enough negative things to say about that poor mark... that is crazy.. why would you do this to a mark? Your only going to get laughed at.. I wouldn't be seen driving that abomination... ewwwww....

I do like the hood though.. only if it was functional... hood is okay.. not acceptable.. but okay.. I would think about that hood on my car.. only think tho...
:eek: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! The PISS-ON "Banana Mark" is back! Hold on to your monkey:monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :eek:

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