RIP LS plzz read about my night and tell me wat u think

You gotta disagree with what? Supplemental means that they are to supplement the seat belts, not to act independently.

With that I agree. Page 163 of the OM:

Front safety belt usage sensors

The front safety belt usage sensors detect whether or not the driver and
front outboard passenger safety belts are fastened. This information
allows your Personal Safety System to tailor the airbag deployment and
safety belt pretensioner activation depending upon safety belt usage.
Refer to Safety belt section in this chapter.
well its hard to say i8f i hit the breaks now or not because cant really remember but after thinki9ng about it real hard for a whiule im almost convinced i did
if u look at the damage the heaviest hit was taken above the bumper on the hood and headlights. that being said and after thinkin for a while i came to the conclusion that i had to hit them its just that i dont remember clearly .
got bacvk from the doc , he said i gotta mild concussion and i think i was knocked out

im just afraid for the child , i went to the police station yesterday but the officers workin knew nothin on her condition.

im also a little worried to find out what the judge will do now because of her lies because if they believe her than it looks like im gonna have to pay a dedeuctable and my insurance is gonna hit the roof. this is such bs any legal people in here could definatley use help with this
She took a left turn, you had the right of way, she should automatically be at fault. Thats how it is here in MA.

Good Luck. Hope you and the baby involved feel better.
I'd hate to be the dick in the forum, but don't let this eat you alive. Yes it's sad to hear that a child was injured. But you did not knowingly do it, you tried to stop. If you believe in the big man upstairs, he has a plan for everyone. She was the iresponsible one, she put her kids at risk, she was talking on the phone, she lied about the whole thing. You just happened to cross paths, it sounds like it was a accident waiting to happen. I was in the same situation a couple years ago, got tboned in a intersection, my light was green, the lady that hit me said hers was to, lady was a liar I seen it turn red. Anyway the police stated that the city lights were at fault and niether of us was to blame. Insurance never went up. Hope you can find some peace. And don't feel so bad that you don't stand up for yourself, this is your life your talking about here, Don't let her get away with anything, tell it like it was. You owe her nothing. Anybody on earth would have drove thru that green light.
Meadow Soprano said that airbags without seatbelts can crush the ribcage and cause massive internal bleeding. Or something like that.
Meadow Soprano said that airbags without seatbelts can crush the ribcage and cause massive internal bleeding. Or something like that.
Yeah but I bet it's still nicer than hitting the steering wheel!
I'd hate to be the dick in the forum, but don't let this eat you alive. Yes it's sad to hear that a child was injured. But you did not knowingly do it, you tried to stop.
Damn straight. It's not your fault that she was more concerned with fighting with some jerk than she was with protecting her kids. You were doing what you were supposed to do (even if you were going a bit fast), and she pulled out in front of you--she is the one who endangered their lives, and she is completely at fault.

FWIW, this happened to a guy I know; he was driving a '78 Bronco through an intersection on a green light when a lady ran the red light in a Saturn. She hit him behind the driver's side front wheel and he basically drove over her hood. (The Bronco suffered minimal damage, and the Saturn was rather badly squashed, as one might expect.)

When she got out of the car, she was all apologetic about how she had run the light, right up to the time the police arrived. At that point, it was like Jekyl and Hyde, and she started screaming at the cop that he had run the light and hit her. Fortunately, the guy who had been sitting in the other lane at the red light told the cop that he had seen the Bronco going though on green and the Saturn blow the red. And he also happened to mention that he was a US Marshal, which pretty well shut her up.

Something very similar happened to my boss when he was young; he was also fortunate that a witness not only stayed around to tell what happened, but also showed up to tell the account in court...
Yeah but I bet it's still nicer than hitting the steering wheel!

if thats wat it feels like every time u hit the steering wheel than screw the airbags id rather have hit the wheel anyday but next time i may not be so lucky
the posted speed limit was 45 . last i remember i was at 50 but after alot of thought i think i had to of slammed the brakes and i do have green stuff pads and drilled and slotted rotors so i hope it was enough to save the little girls life ... the hospital said that they cant let any info on it out .

i also recieved a ticket in the mail today for careless driving . As far as i kno she got one to and i guess it will be left up to a judge but i think my story is alot more realistic (the truth).

i just hope it sets me free from this and im not gonna hear anything about it not being able to be proven
I'd call that cop and tell him to issue a citation to her for "failure to yield". Air bags didn't deploy, not good, they should be there when you need them.
Ok, first off don't ever call the cop and tell him to do anything. If he had enough info on scene that night to issue a ticket he would have.

Are you listed as vehicle 1 or vehicle 2? Typically police will list the first vehicle's information as the at-fault driver of the accident. It doesn't mean it's set in stone and if that's the case you can always argue this via civil litigation.
Ticket for reckless driving? And send it in the mail? What a bunch of BS!
Based on what? (I guess the cops were not there, so its basically your word against her)
One is driving, an idiot puts their vehicle in your path when they should not, you brake for them so you can save yourself, and that's reckless driving?
I think that cop and her are a morons. Or laws are stupid that this ticket was based on.
Also "reckless driving" ticket is the worst. Maybe a little under a DUI.

I have just watched Idiocracy so you figure out what I think of her and her kids "making it".
I always keep a disposable camera in the glovebox. Always useful for evidence.

Amazing how quickly folks burn up their cars on this forum. I've read perhaps like fifty posts and already read about three totalled Lincoln vehicles. It's called defensive driving folks - look into it. That means when you're going over the speed limit - you know exactly the threats (vehicles) in your path and where you can't see them, such as side streets, you give these points extra caution and slow down, prepared for evasive action.

I'm afraid I'm not going to give you any shoulder to cry on. She may have blew it - but you blew it too - big time. And to tell the truth ( go ahead call the PC police) I expect more from a guy driving a Lincoln LS than a woman with two kids on her cell phone.

The good thing is, you'll learn from this. You'll learn that insurance companies, judges, deputy DAs and attorneys are all a royal pain and to be avoided at all costs. And when pulled over, in the future, the cops will pull up your record and check your tire tread and light-measure your tint. You'll learn that speeding carries a price.

(End tiny holy-roller rant) :cool:
The airbags won't deploy unless you are decelerating (breaking) at the time of impact. So if you did not have a chance to break that is why they didn't go off. I think at least.
The airbags won't deploy unless you are decelerating (breaking) at the time of impact. So if you did not have a chance to break that is why they didn't go off. I think at least.
I'm pretty sure that's incorrect (that you have to be braking). And if you are in a collision wherein you hit another car, you will be decelerating.

Think about it; if you had to be braking, what would happen if someone shot out in front of you from a blind alley? Those airbags and the seatbelt tensioner would be really nice to have then...

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