Rod Knock..............

well got it out and its on a plane to cali, I look at it and the other two spot welds were broken off, the whole bead, and only hanging on by 2 little spots welds that already started to crack, man Im I luckly, I was going drive it till it blew since I thought it was a rod knock
Edge is right down the road from me, hopefully they will take care of you!
MarkOfDeath said:
well got it out and its on a plane to cali, I look at it and the other two spot welds were broken off, the whole bead, and only hanging on by 2 little spots welds that already started to crack, man Im I luckly, I was going drive it till it blew since I thought it was a rod knock

If you actually had rod knock you wouldn't have to drive the car very far before the engine went kaboom.
I have a lincoln ls 2000 v8 and i have a knock in my engine on the passenger side. it sounds like its coming from the upper camshaft area i was told it was a rod knock but i want a second opinion someone please help!
but before you pull the motor, remove the passenger side valve cover and check the secondary chain and tensioner.
since you have a 00-02, you have the early revision secondary tensioner which is prone to failure.
the pad breaks off or the housing cracks, and then the chain goes slack and can jump time, all with slapping around and making a huge racket.

and of course, stop driving the car until it is fixed.

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