Rolling shots


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Blue Springs, MO
went out and took some pictures of other peoples cars and decided id grab some of the LS nothing to great though.




notice the rear driver side window... lol i cant complain i wasnt driving maybe ill go shoot the LS soon and make it the main subject
yeah that last pic would've been a great one had the window not been open. they look great regardless.
Those look pretty cool. And i agree the two with the window open, it should be otherwise.
they all look good, its just that the first one in better because of the window lol
I think you would get better results and more sense of motion, if you try shooting with a slightly slower shutter speed.

Mary Masasso - Web.jpg
Damn thats nice!...dont tell me you took that?
Haha, T Man always comes outta nowhere with his nice photos.

I would say TMan's is perfect except for the house/wall thing in the BG. There I found something wrong with his too
i don't know..... if that wall isn't there then there may not be much behind it but a few trees and it would look bare
Yea it would look like he is cruising through the jungle... AKA ..TIGHT!
yeah T_man but when youre dealing with 2 people that are driving that dont take pictures and dont know how to keep going forward at the same rate of speed its kinda hard lol. these where on full auto ;)
Haha, T Man always comes outta nowhere with his nice photos.

I would say TMan's is perfect except for the house/wall thing in the BG. There I found something wrong with his too

Yeah, I removed a house and added some trees.... thanks for noticing. ;)
yeah T_man but when youre dealing with 2 people that are driving that dont take pictures and dont know how to keep going forward at the same rate of speed its kinda hard lol. these where on full auto ;)

Two words..... Cell Phones. :D

Actually, your shots are pretty good. Very nice lighting and impressive exposure for being on auto.

Next time try putting your camera on shutter priority and setting the shutter speed to 125th. Then have both cars drive at 50 mph. You should get a good result.

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