Ron Paul Raises $3.8 Million in One Day

The brainwashing abilities of the bush's, bilderburgs, cia and the rest of em' is so powerful, but what's going on with this guy Ron Paul is revolutionary.

I'm not into politics, however I dont care which party/wing/stance you take, you have to agree with the majority of what he says is true or your just plain un-educated on the issues.

I work on wall street and the underground buzz on ceo desktops is prepare for the outright demise of the american dollar sooner then they can even sell/re-adjust their stock positions in FORIEGN MARKETS. WTF?
And as far as some of you have said that you worried about our president having to make an executive decision, I'll assume the exec decision your talking about is to declare war and remind you that before bush, that decision was only to be made by congress. read up.
And as far as some of you have said that you worried about our president having to make an executive decision, I'll assume the exec decision your talking about is to declare war and remind you that before bush, that decision was only to be made by congress. read up.

"before bush, that decision [declared war] was only to be made by congress"?!

Actually, you need to read up here. Bush never declared war, because he can't. He doesn't have the power. He can commit troops, and use the military as he sees fit. Only congress has the power to declare war. Any talk of war by Bush is rhetoric; there is no usurption of power here, as you try to imply. We never offically declared war on Vietnam and we are technically still at war with Korea. The conflict in Iraq not being an offically declared war is nothing new here. We hardly ever offically declare war. In regards to Iraq 2, congress authorized Bush to take action on this.

You are coming across a severly uninformed on constitutonal powers and there application, as well as the current situation. Bush's use of the military as an executive power has never been in question, as you are trying to imply. Learn your history and read your constitution.

Here is a good supreme court that touches on this;
The Prize Cases:

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