Running the 93 tonight again...


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Bay Area
Well the techs caught on to the fact that I was using nitrous in the 98 and since I don't have a blow down tube i'm not legal to run it so I'm taking out the 93 tonight... goal is to hit 14.9 bone stock, last time out I did a 15.0 in 100 degree weather, it's much cooler today so I'll keep you guys posted.
Good luck. That safty sh!t pisses me off. I was getting hassled as well before I installed the blow down tube. Now when I walk around all I see is way fast cars without blow down tubes. How the hell can the tech guys over look this. last time to the track I watched a local speed shop owner get tech in with his 8 second car and the bottle sitting where the passenger seat would be. NO BLOWDOWN. Whats up with that. So I walked around looking for that and every car i saw with a bottle didn't even have a blow down valve on the bottle.:mad:

Anyway good luck
Funny that is probably the only time it's a RULE you have to vent a cloroflorocarbon to the atmosphere in california.

better hope the tree huggers dont catch wind of that.

blow down tubes are cheap, kinda hard to install on a "non empty bottle"
If you change the valve real fast it wont loss all the nitrous. You gotta be quick though
Lol... why would you even want to run your car without the proper safety items installed?

Good luck on the 14.99...
14.7 at 94.5mph first pass with little cool down time... Maybe the 93's are faster after all ;)
Thats a good time. congrats

KK you ever drive in a car with your seat belt off or without a helmet?
Thats a good time. congrats

KK you ever drive in a car with your seat belt off or without a helmet?

Yep... but those things only come into play when you actually crash... a nitrous bottle going off and filling your car up with nitrous is a different story...
Yep... but those things only come into play when you actually crash... a nitrous bottle going off and filling your car up with nitrous is a different story...

your right but both may by out of your control. So same difference. Sh!t happens. Worst case you roll down the window or stop and get out, not like your head is split open. No matter how you use your car there are risks involved. Some are more serious than others. I'd be more scared of the bottle exploding which a blow down tube will help, not.
Worst case you roll down the window or stop and get out.

that's a pretty gentle "worse case"... disneyland much?

I'm thinking worst case:

Rapid bottle decomoposition, rapidly expanding semi liquid vapor cloud that pulls the air from your lungs, instinct or startled gasp causes you to inhale a semi frozen liquid into your lungs doing instant irepairable damage...

then you black out..

roll the car upside down

and wake up just in time to find out..


inhale some flames as you try to gasp WTF!!!???

then you die.

THAT is why they want you to vent that stuff outside the cabin.
but just before you die..

Some guy runs over and shoots you in the eyes with a dry chemical extinguisher that takes away the last of your working senses, which is sight

now.. you cant breath your on fire and blind!

But the guy put the flames out JUST IN TIME to prolong your living agony for a few more hours..then you die!
mark 8's go upside down, what do you think they are impervious to physics schoolboy?

Yeah thats worst case. Thats only if the pop off valve blows and keep in mind the bottles in the trunk. That gives a little more room for comfort. It's not sitting next to me. But yes things can happen like tire blow outs or rod thru the pan or block oiling the rear tires. Many more could happen? Had the hood blow up one time at half track and smash the windshield, like a shot gun going off.:eek: Good thing I had sunglasses on. Not really a safety item but saved the glass from going in the eyes. At least it didnt damage the roof. You take the risks when you drive. I also offshore fish in the atlantic thats got its own set of risks. You never know whats going to happen.

Anybody have a keggarator in their house. Don't think I've ever seen a vent for the CO2 bottle on one of those??? No real pain you just don't wake up right. If you live in a shed.

KK chem and calc. OOOO thats a killer. Gotta love those multiply page equations.
Wow, are you really comparing a bone stock car to a fully tuned one? :rolleyes:

well why not?

you have numerous times compared your car with 5K+ in mods to my STONE STOCK + tune mark 8 with nearly 200,000 miles.

You also said the 93 would run "mid 14's EASILY"...

mid 14's are 14.4-14.6 you missed that by about a car
well why not?

you have numerous times compared your car with 5K+ in mods to my STONE STOCK + tune mark 8 with nearly 200,000 miles.

You also said the 93 would run "mid 14's EASILY"...

mid 14's are 14.4-14.6 you missed that by about a car

I think the car might have more in it, it only had 10 minute cool down when it ran that 14.7. Unfortunately, once it cooled down for 30 minutes so did the tires and I spun badly, my other 2 runs I did 2.6-2.7 60 foot times but the motor felt like it pulled harder. So I think it will do a 14.6 with 180 degree water temp and a good launch...

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