RWW, read this


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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How about listening to your President? These are GWB's own words.

``People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq,'' he said. ``This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq.''

Backpedaling, or is he actually speaking the truth? So, it appears that we who oppose the war are not giving aid and comfort to the enemy as so many have wrongly stated on this site.
barry2952 said:
This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq.''
Ah, but one must learn to read fully the teachings of the eloquent one.

about the way forward in Iraq ~~ I looked in the dictionary and the word 'forward' does not mean; 'to retreat or surrender'.

Pulling out before the job is done is NOT an option. You should know that Barry ~ you're married.:leghumper
So many here have blathered on and on about "giving comfort to the enemy" that they must feel like fools now that the Fearless Leader has spoken.
Another meaning of the word 'forward' could also be interpreted as 'positive'. The poor left, the most miserable, negative creatures on the planet.
It is unfortunate that you have to interpret GWB's words. So typical.
Well, I'll just say this, I don't think you guys give aid and comfort to the enemy. You just give them something to look forward to if you ever get back into power any time soon. I find it interesting that the left always thinks that they are so enlightened and smarter than the right. And don't say you don't guys, because you do. You think all we do is listen to whatever GW says and follow like lemmings. If you guys are so much smarter and better, than why do you all say the same damned drivel over and over and over again. Don't turn this around on the republicans just yet. I promise I'll fully discuss that with you guys. But here's my question. If you guys are so much better, where is your grand scheme to fix the world? Show me your plans and give me proof that they will work. Tell me how pulling out of Iraq will help out the situation over there. Quite honestly, I would never become or vote democrat because it has become the party of the anti-republican. It's like some leftover hippie thing. You just want to go against big money, big companies, and anyone else who has it better than you. Part of that means being 180 degrees away from any republican seat holder, whether it is president, senator, governer, etc. Now, you guys have some great people in your party, and I don't think that most democrats are crazy. The problem is that you have a few voices representing the masses, and they aren't representing well. I guess what I'm saying is, why the hell do you keep posting this kind of crap and thinking, "Oooooohhhhhh, I got those repugs this time!!!!!" It's getting old and tired, just like your mom. You remind me of my boss. Instead of thinking of a new vision for my dealership and thinking of ways to get more customers in the door, he'd rather bitch and complain because I didn't put all three phone numbers of a customer on a document, only the best to reach them on. Why don't we all stop bitching about the president, and think of something else to debate. I'm so bored of this, that is why I don't post here anymore. You guys post over and over, I can't count how many threads you start here, with what end in mind I don't know. Do you honestly think that fossten, brian, or myself are going to read one and one day be like, "Gee Barry, you are so much more enlightened than me. You really did get us repugs that time. Wow, I think I'll join your side and help destroy the evil right." Because that will never happen, and I think that you know that. All I have to say is BLAH.
barry2952 said:
It is unfortunate that you have to interpret GWB's words. So typical.
And your idol Clinton wasn't the master of nuance? ...depends what the meaning of is ~ is. lol. You're really reaching on this one, again.
I believe that I have clearly stated before that I never voted for Clinton and I've never defended his actions, ever.

This is just another typical lame example of RWW diversionary tactics to deflect criticism away from GWB.
barry2952 said:
How about listening to your President? These are GWB's own words.

``People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq,'' he said. ``This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq.''

Backpedaling, or is he actually speaking the truth? So, it appears that we who oppose the war are not giving aid and comfort to the enemy as so many have wrongly stated on this site.

There is a fundamental difference between "expressing your opinion on Iraq" and telling lies about Iraq, making things up about Iraq, or rewriting the history of why we went into Iraq. The first is fundamentally American, and it is right for Bush to defend it. The latter, which is what too many on your side of the aisle are doing, tends, in fact, to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

This week, to cite just one example, a college professor in New Jersey publicly stated that our soldiers in the field should shoot their commanding officers. Is that "expressing your opinion on Iraq" or "giving aid and comfort to the enemy."? I know which one it is. Do you?
What are you blaming Bush for now?

The WORLD is starting to turn against Al-Qaeda.

Economy is growing at the highest rate since the 1970's.

Gas has come down 30% in the last 6 weeks.

Unemployment remains at 5%, which many economists consider full employment.

Iraq has gone surprisingly well. Next month 25 million people vote on a new Constitution for their country.

The United States will be a slow pullout of Iraq. Forces will remain in the region so we can keep an eye on Iran and Syria.

North Korean talks have gone very well using the multi-nation talks that presidential democrat candidate Kerry did not want.

A new trade pact is being worked out with China, opening up their huge market to US goods and services.

France is in turmoil. Love it.

No new attacks on US soil during Bush's term in office so far...knock on wood.

Home ownership at an all time high.

Stock market getting back to pre-crash highs.

Inflation hovers around the all-time low.

I can go on and on. What do you lefties have to say that is POSITIVE for a change.

I'll start for you.

1) Hillary will be your nominee for President. :Bang

You've got to take those BuSh goggles off. Even your precious Rasmussen polls shows that 56% of Americans think BuSh is dishonest.

Hillarity is not my choice for President, nor was her husband. I'd vote Republican if McCain runs.

Why do you always divert to the Clinton name when we're clearly talking about BuSh?
barry2952 said:
Even your precious Rasmussen polls shows that 56% of Americans think BuSh is dishonest.
48% thought that even before Bush was elected President the 1st time. The other 8% are a by-product of one of the biggest continuing smear campaigns by the MSM.

Every other headline is BUSH LIED. What do you expect? The average joe blow is too stupid to know what is going on in everyday life, much less politics. All these people know is what is told to them on TV. They are the Democrats power base and they have been spoon-fed the Bush lied campaign for years on end. And long as Bush continues doing the right thing, his ratings can be 1% as far as I am concerned.

Joey cries about the divide in this country. Got news for you. Doesn't matter who is in the Presidency, the divide will continue to widen as long as the left and the media continue to mislead.
barry2952 said:
So many here have blathered on and on about "giving comfort to the enemy" that they must feel like fools now that the Fearless Leader has spoken.

Barry, the fool is the one that does not understand, and APPRECIATE the entire situation.
barry2952 said:
So many here have blathered on and on about "giving comfort to the enemy" that they must feel like fools now that the Fearless Leader has spoken.

Hmm. Let me check - - - - - - - - -

Nope. Don't feel like a fool.

In fact, I'll say it again: Anybody who says we should pull out of Iraq, or that Bush took us to war over false pretenses, is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Right now, the greatest allies the terrorists have is the American Left Wing Congressmen who, by the way, don't even have the guts to vote what they blather on about. Cowardly through and through.
fossten said:
Hmm. Let me check - - - - - - - - -

Nope. Don't feel like a fool.

In fact, I'll say it again: Anybody who says we should pull out of Iraq, or that Bush took us to war over false pretenses, is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Right now, the greatest allies the terrorists have is the American Left Wing Congressmen who, by the way, don't even have the guts to vote what they blather on about. Cowardly through and through.

Well then let me be the first to officially give aid and comfort now that fossten has defined it so clearly for us...

Bush took us to war over false pretenses. There is no doubt about it, all that's left is the spin recovery of saying 'well he didn't *know* they were false pretenses'

We should pull out of Iraq right now. Today in fact we should implement a strategic withdrawal. Support our troops by bringing them home for the holidays.
raVeneyes said:
Well then let me be the first to officially give aid and comfort now that fossten has defined it so clearly for us...

Bush took us to war over false pretenses. There is no doubt about it, all that's left is the spin recovery of saying 'well he didn't *know* they were false pretenses'

We should pull out of Iraq right now. Today in fact we should implement a strategic withdrawal. Support our troops by bringing them home for the holidays.

"Allahu akbar!" Said the terrorists. "We have another convert to wage the holy jihad against the godless infidel Americans. Allah will reserve 72 virgins for you."

Raveneyes, if we pull out of Iraq, just where do YOU suggest we fight the terrorists next?
fossten said:
Raveneyes, if we pull out of Iraq, just where do YOU suggest we fight the terrorists next?

The internet? The banks? The terrorist cells that exist here and in europe? In our hearts? With our goods and services? Drop a McDonald's on every block and broadcast cable TV for free across fringe nations, I'll bet you'll see terrorism go down dramatically.
raVeneyes said:
Bush took us to war over false pretenses. There is no doubt about it, all that's left is the spin recovery of saying 'well he didn't *know* they were false pretenses'

Please prove your allegation with FACTS.

raVeneyes said:
The internet? The banks? The terrorist cells that exist here and in europe? In our hearts? With our goods and services? Drop a McDonald's on every block and broadcast cable TV for free across fringe nations, I'll bet you'll see terrorism go down dramatically.

Please explain how this "happy" plan of yours is going to work, as a practical matter.
Vitas said:
Please prove your allegation with FACTS.

It's already been done for me several need to re-hash over again

Vitas said:
Please explain how this "happy" plan of yours is going to work, as a practical matter.

As a practical matter no particular plan of war on terror is going to work 100%. The current war on terror however will do NOTHING to decrease terrorism, rather it will only create more terrorists. We are currently feeding right in to the hands of Al Queida by giving them more people who are happily enrolling in their ranks to support their fallen brethren and dead countrymen.

You want to disassemble terrorism? You take out it's teeth, not by punching them out, rather by feeding it candy and waiting for them to rot away.
raVeneyes said:
It's already been done for me several need to re-hash over again

You actually think that is PROOF? You ACTUALLY b-e-l-i-e-v-e that?

Provide links to credible information.

raVeneyes said:
You want to disassemble terrorism? You take out it's teeth, not by punching them out, rather by feeding it candy and waiting for them to rot away.

Right!!! By making Iraq a democracy. Other Islamic countries will follow the example, by the sheer weight of the successful example.

Feeding candy to terrorists is like liberal Democrats giving freebies to the poor, when instead they should have engineered incentive oriented programs.

Terrorists are, by definition, irrational. You try dealing directly with them rationally. On your own.
raVeneyes said:
It's already been done for me several need to re-hash over again

Baloney. You can't prove that if you tried.

raVeneyes said:
As a practical matter no particular plan of war on terror is going to work 100%. The current war on terror however will do NOTHING to decrease terrorism, rather it will only create more terrorists. We are currently feeding right in to the hands of Al Queida by giving them more people who are happily enrolling in their ranks to support their fallen brethren and dead countrymen.
You have no basis whatsoever to make that claim. You know nothing about terrorism as evidenced by the opinions you post. I can cite example after example indicating that we are winning the war on terror, while all you can point to is France and Spain, where they gave in to terror (your plan) and now they are lost.
You haven't answered my question - Where do YOU think we should fight the terrorists? It's easy for you to say "The current plan won't work." But I don't ever hear you coming up with an alternative plan - just like your kool-aid-dispensing leaders in the media and congress.

raVeneyes said:
You want to disassemble terrorism? You take out it's teeth, not by punching them out, rather by feeding it candy and waiting for them to rot away.

What are you a dentist? What do you mean, take out its teeth? Once again, you make a vague statement without clarity.

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