Well, I'll just say this, I don't think you guys give aid and comfort to the enemy. You just give them something to look forward to if you ever get back into power any time soon. I find it interesting that the left always thinks that they are so enlightened and smarter than the right. And don't say you don't guys, because you do. You think all we do is listen to whatever GW says and follow like lemmings. If you guys are so much smarter and better, than why do you all say the same damned drivel over and over and over again. Don't turn this around on the republicans just yet. I promise I'll fully discuss that with you guys. But here's my question. If you guys are so much better, where is your grand scheme to fix the world? Show me your plans and give me proof that they will work. Tell me how pulling out of Iraq will help out the situation over there. Quite honestly, I would never become or vote democrat because it has become the party of the anti-republican. It's like some leftover hippie thing. You just want to go against big money, big companies, and anyone else who has it better than you. Part of that means being 180 degrees away from any republican seat holder, whether it is president, senator, governer, etc. Now, you guys have some great people in your party, and I don't think that most democrats are crazy. The problem is that you have a few voices representing the masses, and they aren't representing well. I guess what I'm saying is, why the hell do you keep posting this kind of crap and thinking, "Oooooohhhhhh, I got those repugs this time!!!!!" It's getting old and tired, just like your mom. You remind me of my boss. Instead of thinking of a new vision for my dealership and thinking of ways to get more customers in the door, he'd rather bitch and complain because I didn't put all three phone numbers of a customer on a document, only the best to reach them on. Why don't we all stop bitching about the president, and think of something else to debate. I'm so bored of this, that is why I don't post here anymore. You guys post over and over, I can't count how many threads you start here, with what end in mind I don't know. Do you honestly think that fossten, brian, or myself are going to read one and one day be like, "Gee Barry, you are so much more enlightened than me. You really did get us repugs that time. Wow, I think I'll join your side and help destroy the evil right." Because that will never happen, and I think that you know that. All I have to say is BLAH.