RWW, read this

or should I just be tired of explaining and re-explaining when all it's going to get me is called names and rough housed.

I try to see from the other side of things whenever I'm arguing. Apparently I'm the only one.

You go ahead and have your fun with your war on terror. I'll be one of the millions who will outlive you and have to deal with the repercussions in my generation and then the generation after me can come in and be all bull-in-a-china-shop again and start the whole cycle over.

Maybe one day we'll manage to blow the whole damned world to smithereens...hopefully it will be after I'm long dead and gone
fossten said:
You haven't answered my question - Where do YOU think we should fight the terrorists?

Points upward and repeats:

"The internet? The banks? The terrorist cells that exist here and in europe? In our hearts? With our goods and services? Drop a McDonald's on every block and broadcast cable TV for free across fringe nations, I'll bet you'll see terrorism go down dramatically."
raVeneyes said:
or should I just be tired of explaining and re-explaining when all it's going to get me is called names and rough housed.

I try to see from the other side of things whenever I'm arguing. Apparently I'm the only one.

You go ahead and have your fun with your war on terror. I'll be one of the millions who will outlive you and have to deal with the repercussions in my generation and then the generation after me can come in and be all bull-in-a-china-shop again and start the whole cycle over.

Maybe one day we'll manage to blow the whole damned world to smithereens...hopefully it will be after I'm long dead and gone

Pal, make your case. MAKE IT CERTAIN.

State facts, ...
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Vitas said:
State facts, or be known for being full of it. It is your reputation....

Great...well then I'm just full of it.

You know why? Because I'm some know it all punk who hasn't ever seen anything or done anything and I only know it all because I've never been anywhere or been in the real world.

So since I'm so full of it, feel free to stop arguing with me because my words are meaningless and obviously have no weight.
raVeneyes said:
Great...well then I'm just full of it.

You know why? Because I'm some know it all punk who hasn't ever seen anything or done anything and I only know it all because I've never been anywhere or been in the real world.

So since I'm so full of it, feel free to stop arguing with me because my words are meaningless and obviously have no weight.

Bottom Line: aVeneyes has nothing to contribute to a "Politics & Current Events" here.

I have yet to see you actually say something.

No doubt, that is my fault, correct?
Vitas said:
I am not going to read that crap. You have had NOTHING to say, and more importantly, CONTRIBUTE here. You are a total loser.

Give us a link to where you actually said ANYTHING, anything at all.

How about you stop replying to my nothing then? If I'm such a loser then why is it so important that you prove me one?
raVeneyes said:
How about you stop replying to my nothing then? If I'm such a loser then why is it so important that you prove me one?

You post, I will reply.
raVeneyes said:
We should pull out of Iraq right now. Today in fact we should implement a strategic withdrawal. Support our troops by bringing them home for the holidays.

See...this is what I'm talking about. This is not support. If we were to just up and leave Iraq, what would all of my bretheren have died for?

The left continuously speaks of supporting the troops but at the same time draws attention from the good and belittles the reason why we are there. They slap a yellow ribbon on their vehicle and then go on TV talking about all the poor innocent civilians we are killing. Which by default would make the Armed Forces a bunch of murderers.

They have no clue of the affect of their words once they pass their silver tongues. This is not support...this is not expressing your feelings...this is a blatant attack on the hearts and minds of US Servicemembers and a direct boost to the credibility of our enemies.
barry2952 said:
His statement was pretty clear to me.

Vitas said:
Do you want to explain his statement?

barry2952 said:
:blah: :blah: :blah:

Yep, I agree.


On Agreeing to the Resolution
House Roll Call No. 608
109th Congress, 1st Session

Failed: 3-403 (see complete tally)

The House failed to pass H. Res. 571, to express the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately, by a recorded vote of 3 ayes to 403 noes with 6 voting "present", Roll No. 608.


Not only are you leftocrats in the minority, you are in the far lunatic fringe. Even Democrats are embarrassed about you. And you just don't get it, do you.
FreeFaller said:
See...this is what I'm talking about. This is not support. If we were to just up and leave Iraq, what would all of my bretheren have died for?

The left continuously speaks of supporting the troops but at the same time draws attention from the good and belittles the reason why we are there. They slap a yellow ribbon on their vehicle and then go on TV talking about all the poor innocent civilians we are killing. Which by default would make the Armed Forces a bunch of murderers.

They have no clue of the affect of their words once they pass their silver tongues. This is not support...this is not expressing your feelings...this is a blatant attack on the hearts and minds of US Servicemembers and a direct boost to the credibility of our enemies.

How are you going to place YOUR OPINION over how I MEANT it?


Arrogant and stupid

I want our servicemen and women home for the holidays. I think that is the support they need. Their job is done...they've 'liberated' Iraq. The men and women who have died have not died in vain...regime change has occurred.
Vitas said:
Pal, make your case. MAKE IT CERTAIN.

State facts, ...

Facts? How about some solid facts from the right? Last time I checked that new evidence on the WMD's and tie's to Saddam/Al Qaeda didn't pan out.
MonsterMark said:
Ah, but one must learn to read fully the teachings of the eloquent one.

about the way forward in Iraq ~~ I looked in the dictionary and the word 'forward' does not mean; 'to retreat or surrender'.

Pulling out before the job is done is NOT an option. You should know that Barry ~ you're married.:leghumper

Correct, but 'Forward' also means.....

1)Lacking restraint or modesty; presumptuous or bold
2)Deviating radically from convention or tradition; extreme

So, if you're going to interpret GWB's words how you see fit, then anyone can interpret them thier own way as long as they use some definition of 'FORWARD'...

Point is, he was saying that open debate is encouraged and disagreement doesn't imply that you're the enemy. Unlike the garbage that other's have said here. At least that's what I got from the quote.
raVeneyes said:
Points upward and repeats:

"The internet? The banks? The terrorist cells that exist here and in europe? In our hearts? With our goods and services? Drop a McDonald's on every block and broadcast cable TV for free across fringe nations, I'll bet you'll see terrorism go down dramatically."

Oh, I see, we'll Big Mac'em to death. They'll supersize until they die of diabetes. Wow. What a great idea.

The internet? The banks? What in the HE77 are you talking about? Or do you even know?

While we're doing internet "stuff", they're blowing up buildings. Yeah, that's real effective.

Let's try something you could answer in a more clear way:

If we had never gone into Iraq, would the terrorists have respected us for taking our 'punishment' on 9/11, and never attacked us again?
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fossten said:
Oh, I see, we'll Big Mac'em to death. They'll supersize until they die of diabetes. Wow. What a great idea.

The internet? The banks? What in the HE77 are you talking about? Or do you even know?

While we're doing internet "stuff", they're blowing up buildings. Yeah, that's real effective.

Let's try something you could answer in a more clear way:

If we had never gone into Iraq, would the terrorists have respected us for taking our 'punishment' on 9/11, and never attacked us again?

He means (as I read it) you give them a better way of life, you educate them. If your average uneducated poor peasant is no longer uneducated and doing without he/she will less likely be inclined to listen to some nut job preaching hatred and asking them to be a suicide bomb. You're essentially saying the same thing of why troops are in Iraq, its just a different approach to the same outcome.

As far as your question about Iraq... Who knows? Can you say that we will never be attacked again because we went into Iraq? I'm a bit confused, are we or aren't we in Iraq because Saddam was in on the 9/11 attacks... The righties here go back and forth on this.
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95DevilleNS said:

He means (as I read it) you give them a better way of life, you educate them. If your average uneducated poor peasant is no longer uneducated and doing without he/she will less likely be inclined to listen to some nut job preaching hatred and asking them to be a suicide bomb. You're essentially saying the same thing of why troops are in Iraq, its just a different approach to the same outcome.

You just made an unsubstantiated, ridiculous claim that has no evidence whatsoever to support it. You also have no insight into the terrorist mindset. The most effective way to reduce recruiting of terrorism is to wipe out the recruiters. Education has no real effect on terrorism. Look how educated our Democratic leaders are, and they preach anti-Americanism daily.
95DevilleNS said:
As far as your question about Iraq... Who knows? Can you say that we will never be attacked again because we went into Iraq? I'm a bit confused, are we or aren't we in Iraq because Saddam was in on the 9/11 attacks... The righties here go back and forth on this.

It's understandable that you are confused, but it's not by what we righties say, it's by what your leaders are spouting. We have been saying the same thing over and over again, and it's NOT what you just said. None of us ever said that Saddam was in on the 9/11 attacks. Geez. Get your story straight. We are in Iraq because despite UN resolutions, Saddam refused to cooperate with inspectors and disarm. The president, senate, and congress all agreed that we needed to go in there.

Furthermore, I want Raveneyes to answer this question, since he has shown a propensity for dodging questions and deflecting/distracting from the point.
fossten said:
You just made an unsubstantiated, ridiculous claim that has no evidence whatsoever to support it. You also have no insight into the terrorist mindset. The most effective way to reduce recruiting of terrorism is to wipe out the recruiters. Education has no real effect on terrorism. Look how educated our Democratic leaders are, and they preach anti-Americanism daily.

You just made an unsubstantiated, ridiculous claim that has no evidence whatsoever to support it.
fossten said:
Oh, I see, we'll Big Mac'em to death. They'll supersize until they die of diabetes. Wow. What a great idea.

The internet? The banks? What in the HE77 are you talking about? Or do you even know?

While we're doing internet "stuff", they're blowing up buildings. Yeah, that's real effective.

Let's try something you could answer in a more clear way:

If we had never gone into Iraq, would the terrorists have respected us for taking our 'punishment' on 9/11, and never attacked us again?

I think we could have used the tactics I've talked about to avoid a war while still retaliating.

BigMacing a culture to death is a clearly valuable and effective tactic. Look at the whole backlash world wide to the export of US culture. Look at Saudi Arabia. Look at Egypt. Look at Kuwait. These are all muslim countries that are very loyal to the American way of life and have very little objection to the things that we do.

The internet, the banks, I'm talking about propaganda and money control.

The US controls more of the world's money supply and international trade than any other country in the world. We have influence over key banks and trade organizations capable of completely shutting down the money flow of any person or entity we see fit. If we really wanted to we could return the middle east to the stone age by simply cutting off the money flow to them. Al Quieda has clearly been hamstrung by our control over their money flow, and we could go even further.

The internet is the most valuable propaganda resource EVER! The world today has been trained in to believing anything they see in print as fact. The internet is primarily the worlds most widely distributed free print publication....I'm willing to bet more people have access to the internet than those that have access to the Bible which is the world's best selling book. Placing sites in to the hands of key people in terrorist organizations...slowly and marginally altering sites with hacking attacks that belong to terrorist organizations...distributing propaganda in waves and getting people in terrorist organizations to question themselves.

The internet is also a valuable tool for tracking and spying. Terrorist organizations use it as a communication tool, and no matter how good someone is at hiding their tracks on the internet, there is no 100% way to hide where information came from (otherwise there would be no way to send back information to them).

If we took the brainy road while they take the brutish road it will lead to a victory. Yes they blew up a building...we leveled two entire countries in response. Now the war begins in ernest, and rather than give terrorist organizations rallying points by blowing up more things ourselves, we should be more subtle.
raVeneyes said:
The world today has been trained in to believing anything they see in print as fact.

Edit: The LWW have been trained in to believing anything they see in print as fact.

There ~ the truth be told.
MonsterMark said:
Edit: The LWW have been trained in to believing anything they see in print as fact.

There ~ the truth be told.

No that is not the truth, and is completely sidetracking my argument for no reason other than to pander to your conservative buddies.

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