Back story, I had taken the car in for transmission work. Got the trans rebuilt and they said that they couldn't get it to shift right so they changed out the PCM. It took them several PCMs and a new set of keys to get it working. Had to take it back because the traction control light was on. yet another PCM. Got that fixed and drove off, after about 6 months the hard shifts and jerking into reverse I took it back it was still under warranty. Had the car for over a month, didn't want to rush them. Got it back, new battery another PCM and a broken window regulator on the front passenger side. Barely made it home and the shop is only 5 miles away.
The car kept going into limp mode turn it off and crank back up only to go about 500 ft and repete till I got it home parked it bought a new coil for #4 and plug. Not much change. I had some old coils from the last tune up and swapped out all 4 on that side and it seemed to work
for a day. Today I have replaced all coils and plugs runs much smoother. Made about a 25 mile test drive and back to throwing the two codes 2110 and 2107. let it cool down, and me too, Went back out cranked her up ran for about 15 mins and started going back into limp mode. Turn it off and re-crank and 60 sec back into limp mode. So what next a new throttle body?
The car kept going into limp mode turn it off and crank back up only to go about 500 ft and repete till I got it home parked it bought a new coil for #4 and plug. Not much change. I had some old coils from the last tune up and swapped out all 4 on that side and it seemed to work
for a day. Today I have replaced all coils and plugs runs much smoother. Made about a 25 mile test drive and back to throwing the two codes 2110 and 2107. let it cool down, and me too, Went back out cranked her up ran for about 15 mins and started going back into limp mode. Turn it off and re-crank and 60 sec back into limp mode. So what next a new throttle body?