saleen rim


LVC Member
Mar 28, 2010
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meto detroit
dose anyone got a idea where i could get just one 18inch saleen mustang rim i got three but one has a crack they are polished aluminum
Yup custom wheel shop. Brad has a shipment of saleen coming in. So you guy with bent one ( laser and jamie ) can now order some replacement. I'm waiting on brad to get the black saleens.
Ive never built or sold any Polished aluminum Speedstars. I have 2 chrome 18X9 wheels on my floor and 60+ on a truck and another 28 with silver paint on that same truck. Expect them to arrive by thursday or Friday this week.

Who has bent wheels???

me and laser do brad, i have a bent front one, he has 2 that are bent, what kind of deals can you give us???? looks like i have to turn my bent one into a fancy hose reel!
me and laser do brad, i have a bent front one, he has 2 that are bent, what kind of deals can you give us???? looks like i have to turn my bent one into a fancy hose reel!

If the deal is good PM me a price for 4. Looking to buy some as well.
Ive never built or sold any Polished aluminum Speedstars. I have 2 chrome 18X9 wheels on my floor and 60+ on a truck and another 28 with silver paint on that same truck. Expect them to arrive by thursday or Friday this week.

Who has bent wheels???

I have three bent ones but want silver ones. Local shop said $100 per wheel to straigten them cause they are not bas at all. Since they are the very first ones ever I am hesitant to get rid of them just cause I am weird. If I was offered the right price that allowed me to get silver ones then I would be all over it. :)
the same reason why anyone else who has ever hit a pot hole with a rim would be complaining!!
i have speedster and love them i have drilled a few bumps and potholes with them and none have bent(yet)... to be fair none of these hits were on the highway.
j boogie -
hows the black mark viii coming along did u get my pm ?
Why are most of the owners of speedster replicas complaining about bent rims? It's just something I have noticed.

These words are laughable and carry zero weight, however Im not laughing at all.

You use the word MOST but really Im stumped at how would you have the faintest idea of how many MN10/MN12 owners are running this wheel in the first place?

WOW..."Shaking Head"
These words are laughable and carry zero weight, however Im not laughing at all.

You use the word MOST but really Im stumped at how would you have the faintest idea of how many MN10/MN12 owners are running this wheel in the first place?

WOW..."Shaking Head"

I guess I should take back the word "most" and I don't have the slightest idea of how many people are running the wheels. I'm not calling them "a bad wheel" but I just notice that a "FEW" on here that have them are saying they have bent wheels. I myself like them and think they are a damn good looking wheel but if they have a problem with being bent easily, I can't say that I would invest in a set. Makes me wonder how many MN10/MN12 owners have bent rims because there are 3 or 4 owners here that have bent rims. You know, sometimes we do hit a pot hole here and there and if I had to worry that my wheel was going to be bent from hitting one, I'd be scared to drive around.
I guess I should take back the word "most" and I don't have the slightest idea of how many people are running the wheels. I'm not calling them "a bad wheel" but I just notice that a "FEW" on here that have them are saying they have bent wheels. I myself like them and think they are a damn good looking wheel but if they have a problem with being bent easily, I can't say that I would invest in a set. Makes me wonder how many MN10/MN12 owners have bent rims because there are 3 or 4 owners here that have bent rims. You know, sometimes we do hit a pot hole here and there and if I had to worry that my wheel was going to be bent from hitting one, I'd be scared to drive around.

Yea deff be sure to buy wheels that wont bend when you hit a pot hole. Good luck with that.

I can say this...Ive not had a single person come to me for a replacement of a bent SpeedStar since Ive been building them until now this very moment/day. Who are the other two people with bent speedstars then?? Ive not heard from anyone and it even if there are 4 that makes it FAR from being any kind of trend considering there are 100's of them out there running. However I dont visit here daily so I could easily miss a thread but never a PM or an Email.

Lastly I would add this just for tech info...I had ONE guy a year ago (Dave from Kar Kraft) who holds the land speed record in a stock SC on the salt. He ordered some Speedstars and being the precise anal cat that he is, he did a run-out test on his own machine Well the run-out of the wheel was within National DOT standard limits. He was OK with it and all that. BUT thats the only exp. and knowledge that I have to share about these wheels out of the box. They can have a lil run-out in them and as I said there is an allowable amount of it. I mention this because if you take these wheels into a Tire Rack or Discount Tire center they might TRY to find something wrong with the wheel to spook you into buying their wheel which could also have some run-out but they wouldnt bother mentioning that. If that doesnt make sense to you then I dont know what to tell ya...haha Other than Run-Out can be mistaken or described incorrect as being a bent wheel by a Tire Tech who has the tools to detect it but lacks the knowledge of properly describing it.

The way Jeramie describes his wheel issue to me is deff BENT. Laser on the other hand I think might have a wheel or two with some run-out but Im not sure yet.

oh mine is surely bent lol when my buddy spun it on the balncer after putting my new tires on i nearly crapped my pants, that explained the 6 months of steering wheel wobble i didnt care enough to find out what was causing it! its got nothing to do with who made the wheel or any of that, mine simply was plowed into something, but i never hit anything with it, and the steering wheel did wobble all the way back from connecticut when i bought the car, so chances are the previous owner stoved the car into the grand canyon at some point!
Sounds fair enough. Instead of saying they have bent wheels, maybe they should be described as "run out" and not being bent.

Brad, I'm in no way downing your wheel. Like I said, it's a very good looking wheel. I'm not saying that you're selling junk. It could just be the design of the wheel because now Jamie is saying his are bent and his aren't replicas, or not that I know of. Besides Jeremy and Bill, I can't remember who the other(s) are but I do remember seeing where they mentioned having bent speedstars, when really this could simply be "run out"

lincolnboy lol, would you shut the hell up on your phone. :p God I would hate to see you on here with a PC.
oh mine is surely bent lol when my buddy spun it on the balncer after putting my new tires on i nearly crapped my pants, that explained the 6 months of steering wheel wobble i didnt care enough to find out what was causing it! its got nothing to do with who made the wheel or any of that, mine simply was plowed into something, but i never hit anything with it, and the steering wheel did wobble all the way back from connecticut when i bought the car, so chances are the previous owner stoved the car into the grand canyon at some point!

Yea Jamie you described yours as deff being bent. Laser on the other hand Im just not sure if his is run-out or an actual bend.

You crack me up...haha
Yea Jamie you described yours as deff being bent. Laser on the other hand Im just not sure if his is run-out or an actual bend.

You crack me up...haha
My PM explained it to ya that I just sent. So yeah, mine is bent. Its very very minor though. They are both on my front and Sapperfire can attest to the fact my car has no wobble or vibration. Just weights in the right spot work fine but you can see the movement on the balencer machine.

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