Schwarzenegger screws up big time.

well i dont agree in mcdonaled personaly im not a fan of all that fast food only a few places ill eat from like wendys and only if its the chiken grilled or a salade and subways but not all there stuff i dont like fast food man not healty
I understand all of your arguments, but I still disagree. Look, if you don't want your kid drinking the shiat, which I wouldn't want my kid drinking either anyways, then don't give them money. But why does it take the State to get your fat a$$ kid to get in shape. I grew up eating Special K for breakfast, and when we had cookies in the house (maybe once or twice a year) they lasted forever becasue we were so used to not eating all that stuff. I'm not too crazy, like into whole foods and stuff, but I drink maybe one diet coke a week, and I never eat fast food unless I'm on a long drive out of state. I just don't see the point of not allowing kids to buy the stuff in school. When you are that young, what you eat isn't as important as how active you are. Seems to me that they should just add more PE in school. Or maybe just teach your own kids self control, and it won't be as tempting for them to eat that crap. And of course I get outraged at the Pledge thing, I was in that forum discussing that as well.
i just say they will get it if we let them or not so atleast try and monitor it a little you know
Yeah, we all know what everyone's opinion is. Stating the same thing over and over is pointless. Unless there's more relevant information being added, enough already.

Get the vending machines out of schools. What kids eat is important. Down-playing that fact is ridiculous. And parents can monitor their kids junk food intake at home.
bigdog1279 said:
i some what agree with that sezo tolerance law and drivingiing stuff i agree totaly wiht debi
but hey id a kid want a soda then let him buy 1 soda a day you know if they whant it there are gona get it in school or out so why make some not liagle if they are gona do it anyways

MsM8tress said:
I'm am so impressed with you guys, you have obviously given much thought to this and came up with the right conclusion.

There are several issues involved with this decision,
the money schools get for having it there
the parents not having control
the kids wanting it
most importantly is the uncontrollable spread of child diabetes and obesity.

We grow, we learn, we know the long term effects of poor eating health habits, even though a 15 year old will tell you daily they know everything, they really don't. That is why decisions like these are very important.


I also think that it should be country wide illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to be talking or using an electronic appliance while driving, with a Zero Tolerance law that upon the 1st offense their licensee will be held till they are 18.


I would like to add one issue, if I may...

The parents WANT THIS!

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