Scion TC


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
Charlottesville, VA
Does it even count as a race if some dumb:q:q:q:q in a Scion TC decides he wants to run the LS? :p


Driving home earlier tonight and some fool in a Scion comes flying up next to me on a 4 lane road which is coming to a merge where it becomes a 2 lane road. He want's to get in front of me but we get caught at the last light before the merge. Now normally I just let people go on by at this point because there are a lot of accidents on this stretch of road from people trying to do exactly what this guy is doing.
But he starts revving his engine and rolling the clutch so I decide I should teach him something about real power. Light goes green he jumps out front, and I sit at the line for a second, just to give him time to build up that false hope. He gets about a car and a half ahead of me and I punch it. Run to the top of first and I'm right next to him already, push the stick forward into second and the tires chirp right by his window as I blow past on my way to the quickly approaching 60mph mark. I continue on just to the top of second then let off. I think he gave up when I passed him. It was worth the wasted gas just to hear the LS bark. It hasn't done that in a while. :D I haven't driven the car that way in a while either.
It doesn't matter what you have done to it, if you can't drive.:rolleyes: LS should have owned it. :D A kill is a kill. :cool:
Some douche in a Tahoe tried that same thing to me yesterday. He took it personally when he got beat though. First, he cut me off so he could take a right hand turn. I hate it when someone has to speed in front of me, just to hit the brakes and turn. I was going the same direction, and the next light was red. He stayed back about a car length, so he could have a rolling start. I didnt even put my foot in it, just enough to stay ahead of him. When I switched lanes to get in fron of him, he turned on his brights, and made sure he stayed on my ass until we parted ways. Didn't bother me since we have those nice autodimming mirrors. I almost flipped him the bird out the sunroof.
This story sounds exactly like the Audi 1.4 turbo dick head my LS ate over the summer. I was coming home from work on 7th east which is a 4 lane road in each direction I was in the process of changing laves to get over from the left side into the center when the Audi decided he was going to do the same without signaling and turns into the lane from the left. So I go around him and then we hit the next light red. His girlfriend is in the passenger's seat smiling at me but I didn't want to look like a dick head trying to race if he wasn't so I stayed back about half a car from the line, but kept her in SST with traction control off just in case. Sure enough as soon as the light turns; he revs up his engine and takes off. I caught him within a few seconds and the time I hit 60 I had it by about half a car and still gaining, so I just let off in time to turn onto my street.
New Florida Law just passed:

Exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 mph will carry a fine of $1,000 on the first offense under the new law. That fine will escalate to $2,500 with a one-year revocation of the driver's license on the second offense and $5,000 with a 10-year revocation of the driver's license on the third offense.

Thats plenty reason for me to not even attempt anything stupid anymore. Its really easy to hit 95 mph in a 45 mph zone.
Im sorry but I have to call :bsflag: THe Scion with 160HP and its advanced 4 cylinder technology should be able to take out a LS. He could have just let you win or maybe his flux capacitor was out of juice.
02V8sport a Scion Tc can not beat a lincoln LS. well atleast the V8 for im concerned. because a good friend of mine has one. and we ran from a stop at 5 red lights. and i beat him every single time
02V8sport a Scion Tc can not beat a lincoln LS. well atleast the V8 for im concerned. because a good friend of mine has one. and we ran from a stop at 5 red lights. and i beat him every single time

Dude...... sarcasm.... I was joking.
02V8sport a Scion Tc can not beat a lincoln LS. well atleast the V8 for im concerned. because a good friend of mine has one. and we ran from a stop at 5 red lights. and i beat him every single time

dude... his vtec probably hadn't kicked in yet. :shifty:
there is this dude in an 88 Honda accord, who wants to race me. tells me about it everyday. but every time i have time to go and cook a pot of honda rice, he says his car is broke. So, on my way home, i got beat by a trans am from 60 to 110. turns out it was a friend of mine but that thing my ate lincoln for lunch. You know what i think need a garret muffler too!:shifty:
dude... his vtec probably hadn't kicked in yet. :shifty:

or he forgot to put his "type r" or "NOS" stickers on his rear window.

there is this dude in an 88 Honda accord, who wants to race me. tells me about it everyday. but every time i have time to go and cook a pot of honda rice, he says his car is broke

That year is before they even had VTEC engines, the max horsepower it could have is 120
tell the scion to opt for the supercharge option before thinking he is the best and than its still nothing great, getting tired of them around here, but its just a pedal to the floor and they are no longer a problem.
Dude...... sarcasm.... I was joking.

I was just thinking, You can NOT be serious... :p :lol:

Oh yeah, I ran a guy in a Cobalt SS the other day just screwin around joyridin.
I had him to 45 too, but then I heard this strange whining sound...

...and then my doors blew off. :p

Then I got caught at a light and he made it through. I didn't get to ask him what he had done to it, but it was NOT stock. I've seen them run stock, his was WAY faster.
i like the TC there pretty good looking
i was def looking at getting one

but the TC's are only for show (that's just me) and there not for the speed..they can be. if you drop a couple grand supercharger and + more mods just look at the tc that Kenny Tran build i think its likt 800HP pretty nice for a 2.6 liter

but nice race
I was just thinking, You can NOT be serious... :p :lol:

Oh yeah, I ran a guy in a Cobalt SS the other day just screwin around joyridin.
I had him to 45 too, but then I heard this strange whining sound...

...and then my doors blew off. :p

Then I got caught at a light and he made it through. I didn't get to ask him what he had done to it, but it was NOT stock. I've seen them run stock, his was WAY faster.

yea, I love my whine/SC. He probably had smaller pulley and some other things like most.
One of my buddies LOVES cobalt SS's. They are too small for my taste. which is why I drive an LS.

Now that I'm reading your sig beamer, he actually drives a 97 Z24 as a DD.
lol, yea I had the 97 cav along time ago, gave it to my sister after I had to many cars and now its back here w/ a blown engine cause her stupid bf ran it w/ no coolant so I am looking for a replacement engine and maybe build it abit.

As for too small, understandable on the balts and cars in the category, but me I prefer a small coupe. I loved the LS and other bigger cars but I am perfectly happy in a econobox, especially this one and its got everything the lincoln had and than some for me, besides having 4 less cylinders but it has much more power so its a fair trade.

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