screw mother nature meet

what weekend for byron

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Yeah I'm still here, just been busy. Didn't move to MA either, did move to Darien though
Darien is right where the extented 355

Boughton and 355

Yes Ill be at the beach bash
whats the number for the local hotel? I dont think im bring ing the dog considering i rescued another so now i have 2. I will also be bringing a friend of mine :)
You'll need to call The Fennimore Hills as Boscobel's Motels are filled.

608-822-3281 I have rooms blocked there. You can check with the Sands (in Boscobel) to see if they have any rooms yet also I do think they are full though. 608-375-4167
ok well heres is what were gonna do, im just wanna say that if it aint raining this sunday midwestbird and i will be at Byron. i aint planning nothing more than that.
SCREW MOTHER NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!! ON MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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