It's easy to use, you just pour it through a vacuum hose like the brake booster. The can says you can add it to the crankcase and in the gas tank, but I really don't think it'll do anything there (maybe help a ticking lifter or something, but not on our cars.)
I still maintain it's pointless on an engine that doesn't have problems. I also maintain that GM Top Engine Cleaner available at any GM dealer will work a lot better if you do have a carbon buildup problem.
BTW here's what's IN Seafoam:
PALE OIL .01 68 40-60%
NAPHTHA 10 68 25-35%
IPA 33 68 10-20% (This is either Isophthalic Acid or Isopropyl Alcohol)
CARBON DIOXIDE 38650 60 3-5%