Sealed or Ported in an LS

What I said was correct; if you want accurate sound reproduction, sealed is the way to go.

Ported focuses on one frequency and doesn't reproduce (at the same level) the whole range of frequencies needed for accurate sound reproduction. If all the music you listen to only has that frequency in the subwoofer range that the ported box is tuned to reproduce (not realist) then ported is the way to go for sound quality; if you listen to actual music, and then ported is terrible for sound quality as it is too inconsistent across the frequency range it is used to reproduce to accurately transfer the signal into noise.

SPL does not equal SQ. in fact, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. An SPL competition car will never seriously compete (as setup for SPL) in a SQ competition. Most SPL cars use ported boxes, while most SQ cars use sealed (dependant, somewhat, on the driver used and the type of vehicle).

It sounds like, considering $m0k3LS's preferences, that ported would work best for him....but the end result won't be accurate, realistic sound reproduction.

The nature of the noise a ported box generates inherently distorts the part of the signal a subwoofer reproduces; it just does so in a way that many people like. A very well designed, high-end home audio system built around sound accuracy/realistic sound reproduction would never have bass of that nature (ported) as it isn't accurate, realistic sound reproduction. Same goes for recording studios.

Electric bass guitars use, live, a speaker in a sealed box to generated the sound input the player is making. How can a ported box more acurately replicate that sound then a sealed?

Trilkb, you are focusing on personal preference, which should ultimately dictate what you put in your car, but don't mistake personal preference as defining sound quality. Sound quality (when it comes to sound reproduction, which is all car audio is) is defined by being as realistic and close to the actual performance originally recorded as can be. Ported boxes, by their very nature move away from that by coloring the sound in a distinct way that wasn't in the original performance, and thus cannot generate good sound quality.

I feel what you're saying/typing but PORTED IS THE BEST!!! If you don't believe me check this out...
I feel what you're saying/typing but PORTED IS THE BEST!!! If you don't believe me check this out...

I don't believe you because I used to work in the car audio field, doin' installs, and I am a formally trained musician; so I know accurate sound reproduction when I hear it. Ported cannot by its design reproduce a recording as accurately as sealed.

I looked at that link you gave, and the guys credentials are basically 20 years of install and car audio experience. While that does say a lot, you also have to consider his point of reference in regards to sound; car audio. My point of reference (sound-wise) is, frankly, stronger in that I am a musician and my ears are trained to actual instruments being performed, while his are trained to reproductions of performances in a car, and all the ways that sound is colored (typically) through car audio. The whole point of any type of stereo system (home or car) from a sound quality standpoint is to reproduce the original performance as accurately as possible. His ears are trained through a "filter" of sorts, while mine are trained at the source.

Basically, given equal levels of knowledge and experience in car audio, someone tuning in a system with an ear trained as a musician is gonna tune a car in better then someone who's ear is only trained to recordings, specifically car audio recordings.

I have yet to see a ported system that matches a sealed box system. Ported colors the sound in a manner that is appealing to certian people, doesn't reproduce the sound as accurately as sealed. I also have yet to see someone who has a real good ear for music use anything other then sealed in their personal systems. The problem is, most people don't have a very good ear for music and sound quality; they have grown custom to recordings and rarely (if ever) hear a live performance.

It really is that simple.
Contrary to your beliefs, you're not the only musician on the site;) . I'm talking STRICTLY about bass. LOWS...20-50 Cycles. Basslines..SPL
Contrary to your beliefs, you're not the only musician on the site;)

Never said (or implied) that I was.

I'm talking STRICTLY about bass. LOWS...20-50 Cycles. Basslines..SPL

Yes, and ported distorts that. It adds noticable dynamics to the music that weren't originally there. Sealed boxes don't.

If you know anything about music (as you are implying) then you realize that SPL doesn't equal SQ, in fact, in the car audio world, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and there is a definite trade off between them. Ported is great for SPL, but not for SQ. Music is a mix of various dynamics (among other things). Any speaker or setup that in any way distorts or colors the recording (as most speakers do to some degree, and ported specifically does in a very distinct, obvious and (usually) overbearing way) takes away from the sound quality of the recording.

FYI, in the music world, bass isn't normally defined by "cycles", but buy notes. Hitting a bass drum or plucking a standing bass has nothing to do with cycles.
I myself could give a damn about SQ, I like SPL. Plain and simple. You can go back and forth about SQ but SQ doesn't matter to me in this particular field. I'm from the south and SPL is big down here;) NOW, when you get into mixing music in concert halls and churches and such(which I've done), then SQ plays a major roll. BUT we're only talking about the trunk of a car.:rolleyes:
I myself could give a damn about SQ, I like SPL.


Plain and simple. You can go back and forth about SQ but SQ doesn't matter to me in this particular field.

Then what are you debating?! I have only ever been saying that sealed is preferable to ported when it comes to sound quality.
I believe that sealed sounds way better. Are you listening to music just to show off? Then go ported... Do you want your music to sound good? Go sealed...
I believe that sealed sounds way better. Are you listening to music just to show off? Then go ported... Do you want your music to sound good? Go sealed...

Yes, and ported distorts that. It adds noticable dynamics to the music that weren't originally there. Sealed boxes don't.

If you know anything about music (as you are implying) then you realize that SPL doesn't equal SQ, in fact, in the car audio world, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and there is a definite trade off between them. Ported is great for SPL, but not for SQ. Music is a mix of various dynamics (among other things). Any speaker or setup that in any way distorts or colors the recording (as most speakers do to some degree, and ported specifically does in a very distinct, obvious and (usually) overbearing way) takes away from the sound quality of the recording.

FYI, in the music world, bass isn't normally defined by "cycles", but buy notes. Hitting a bass drum or plucking a standing bass has nothing to do with cycles.

Because of the nature of a sealed enclosure significantly more stress is put on the driver. Usually in a dirty closed environment(like a car) a sealed enclosure is preferred for sq because you only have to deal with one frequency output, in a ported enclosure the port will throw another frequency which somewhere down the curve will cross(the dynamics you speak of). You will never hear a recording that sounds exactly like a live concert. After a recording, a studio will clean and alter(color) the sound for acoustic reproduction.

If you look in home theater applications you will most ALWAYS find a ported cabin/enclosure and these are marketed for SQ(easy givin a cleaner and more spacious environment). Given proper vent mass loading and optimal projection axis you could expect very clean bass from a ported enclosure. And when tuned correctly you can help reduce the resonant frequency spikes created by the enclosure.
You will never hear a recording that sounds exactly like a live concert. After a recording, a studio will clean and alter(color) the sound for acoustic reproduction.

I wasn't talking live concert, I was talking about the original performance. Even a recording generated in a studio is still just a recording of a performance of a musician playing his instrument in that studio.Live concerts in large venues are bad examples of the original performance of the musician as the musicians are miked and the sound is coming through a filter before it reaches your ears. This is especially true of any live record of any modern music (Rock, R&B, RAP, Country, etc...)

Even though you can't get an audio system to sound perfectly like an actual acoustic performance (and my Magnapan's come damn close), that is still the goal; to get as close to that as possible. That is what sound quality in music reproduction is oriented around. Anything that takes you away from that would be hurting sound quality.

As I understand it, when you put a sealed box in the trunk of a car, you are more or less making a sort of bandpass enclosure, if you consider the trunk surounding the box.

And when tuned correctly you can help reduce the resonant frequency spikes created by the enclosure

Yes, its those resonant frequency spikes that are inherent to ported but not to sealed. While those can be reduce, you don't have to worry about that with a sealed box, as it already has a flat response curve, which is desirible for SQ. Even when they are reduced, can that ported box meet the same accuracy standard (and thus SQ) as a sealed box with equal thought and time given to its design, everything else being equal?

a little something I found on the internet:

Sealed subwoofer boxes generally are much smaller than ported enclosures. If you're limited on space, it would probably be a good idea to go with a sealed enclosure. Not only is there a size difference, but there is also a difference in sound between the two enclosures. Sealed enclosures tend to produce tight, accurate bass and have a flat frequency response curve. They are also generally the enclosure of choice when looking for a SQ (Sound Quality) oriented setup.
Ported boxes can get very large and have many varying factors that will determine their size and sound output. Ported enclosures produce louder bass than sealed enclosures, and allow you to tune the box to a specific frequency to determine how the bass will sound. Higher tuning on a ported box will get louder, but at the expense of sound quality. Lower tuning will still get louder than a sealed box, and at the same time will yield fairly good sound quality.
Yes, its those resonant frequency spikes that are inherent to ported but not to sealed. While those can be reduce, you don't have to worry about that with a sealed box, as it already has a flat response curve, which is desirible for SQ. Even when they are reduced, can that ported box meet the same accuracy standard (and thus SQ) as a sealed box with equal thought and time given to its design, everything else being equal?

By live concert i was talking more or less an orchestra type performance. Now im not trying to argue with you here. I do agree that sealed enclosures perform accurately. But in a SQ environment you are never looking for the subs to output much. Just to color the sounds with more focus on the front and rear sound stages. Using EQ's to eliminate the spike portions of the curve.
sealed and flip it so the subs are facein the back seats.
nice and clean dynamat the trunk for no noise " I have the clearest and loudest car in my hood HANDS DOWN.
I feel what you're saying/typing but PORTED IS THE BEST!!! If you don't believe me check this out...

Reading the first paragraph on his site that guys is a SPL guy. Nothing wrong with that at all but you are wrong in YELLING ported is the best because you and Steve Meade are big into SPL. Ported is usually the way to go for reaching greater SPL but for accurately reproducing sound a sealed enclosure typically produces the best result. This is not opinion it has been proven which is why as stated SPL guys almost always use ported enclosures and SQ guys use sealed.

And yes this is an old thread but I was searching trying to see what I need to add asub amp to the factory system.

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