Senate Confirms Alito to Supreme Court

Calabrio said:
on topic-
Alito has been confirmed. It is entirely possible that Roe v. Wade will be overturned within the next couple years.

Back on topic again...

Roe v Wade WILL be overturned, as it should. It is a State issue and the decision making process regarding abortion will be decided by the States, again, as it should be. Roe v Wade was just another example of the federal government overstepping its bounds and using liberals to legislate from the bench.

You can bet that the next Supreme Court nominee, if a Dem is in office, the Right will be asked to refrain from partisanship, blah, blah blah, and we'll confirm a radical lefty with something like a 90 plus vote. Lefties are the dividers in this country but the media won't report it.
MonsterMark said:
Back on topic again...

Roe v Wade WILL be overturned, as it should. It is a State issue and the decision making process regarding abortion will be decided by the States, again, as it should be. Roe v Wade was just another example of the federal government overstepping its bounds and using liberals to legislate from the bench.

You can bet that the next Supreme Court nominee, if a Dem is in office, the Right will be asked to refrain from partisanship, blah, blah blah, and we'll confirm a radical lefty with something like a 90 plus vote. Lefties are the dividers in this country but the media won't report it.

Abortion is a WOMAN's right to chose. PERIOD If it were up to the states to decide, a pregy teen would go from one state to another to get an abortion without parental consent. I'd say more but I too would come under attack by the RIGHTious.

"Lefties" as you like to call them are the concience of this GREAT country.

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