serious brake problems need help


New LVC Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I have a 2001 Lincoln continental and my brake pedal as i press down slowly on the pedal the actual pedal kicks back as I'm braking it gets worst then i also hear some weird sound coming from the engine almost as if the abs or something is trying to condensate for whats going on. I have checked the brake fluid its good. Brake pads have been replaced almost a month ago. It almost seems like its the rotors but it does it only as I'm pressing on the brake pedal and its getting worst. Can someone please help me... give me a direction on what to test or look at to pin point the problem before it gets worst..:confused: :confused:
what are

what are the symptom of a power brake booster? What are the symptom of a master cylinder going bad?
Do you understand how ABS brakes work? They are supposed to kick back if the ABS system is actvated. and they do make some noise. Are you driving on wet or icy roads - if so, you are activating the ABS brake system.
Almost sounds like some seriously warped rotors. Probably caused by your new brake pads. What kind of pads did you have installed?

When I first test drove my conti the rotors were warped so bad that the whole car would shake and the peddle would vibrate like hell when you applied the brakes. The harder i pushed on the brakes, the more the peddle would want to come back up.

IMO worst part about the conti are its undersized brakes.
All the time now. While I'm driving- every time i press down on the pedal it kicks back. Did the booster test it has pressure and not hard to press down. Did the master cylinder test pedal just fine
it seems like its the rotors but it doesn't seem like it
i haven't seem any abs light come
still sounds like rotors to me. You can jack the front up in neutral and spin the tires by hand and see if their catching pretty bad. Abs light comes on when their is a problem with the abs system, not the brake system.

Is it shaking the whole steering wheel when you brake?
I have a similar prob, my rotors are in fact wrapped. But they have been for a long time, and I had no issues. But recently every time I hit the brakes the ABS kicks in on dry road. No ABS or any other lights come up on the dash.

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