Serpentine Belt

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Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
New Brighton, MN
What in the sam hell is going on? :mad:


This is on the blown8. The other day it shredded the belt on the highway when I matted it and burped out over 2 gallons of coolant. That was fun. :mad: So anyhow, I bought a new GATES belt for the car and put it on with the help of a buddy and a PDF file that I pulled up on my phone for belt routing.

Here's an interesting fact. For whatever reason, the supercharger pulley on the back of the head unit had some gouges in it with some burrs. I really didn't think it would have been an issue but now that the new belt is cutting like this is it safe to assume that the bad spots on that pulley are the culprit?

So here lies another question. The reason I noticed this belt issue because my CEL came on in the car and there was an IAC code. When the car is running, the tube that comes from the IAC across the front of the intake is sucking itself flat, so yeah. Maybe someone could tell me why the hell that is happening too. :rolleyes:

On a side note, the truck has no brakes and the silver car decided to start being a whore at the fan connection again so I have a forum member coming over tomorrow to get an actual connector on the silver car and ditch the stupid spade terminals. So yeah, at this point all 3 of my damn cars are broken and I work on Monday. Unbelievable.

NOTE: The signs of belt cutting can be seen in the picture with the tensioner/ac pulley and oddly enough that is right below the supercharger pulley that is nicked in the grooves with some burrs.
that belt walked. its not on the same grooves it started on. when it moves like that it cuts off the rib that fell off.
gotta figure out why its moving on you.

the third pic shows its the front ribs being cut off, you see the scuffs. its walking forward on you.

and those f150s blow out above the diff all the time. happened to our 95 too i think. fan plug is a common issue as well. but its an easy fix.
Welp, I see what you are saying. I don't know why the hell it is walking forward unless we didn't have the belt on properly but I sure thought we did. When we put the Gates belt on I spot checked the wp, ps, and alt pulley and they were all moving freely. The factory tensioner seemed fine and the SC pulley seemed to spin like it should. The only one I didn't check was the secondary tensioner that is on the supercharger but that thing is pancaked in there and impossible to get to for checking free play although I wouldn't think any of these pulleys binding up would cause the belt to walk. That seems to be a misalignment issue more than anything. And I don't know why anything would be misaligned either unless a pulley is falling off of the car. Everything looked fine to me other than the nicks in the SC pulley. *SIGH* So yeah, I am having a WTF moment at this point. I'd actually like to get it fixed so I can put it in storage again. I'm easily annoyed and just feel like parking it again.
So another question, why did the first belt shred itself to pieces? Is that common on a centrifugal setup? I know the car had belt squeal, but my silver car has had belt squeal since, well, forever.
Show a nice pic of the complete IAC tube. Check the Vortech idler pulley under the blower pulley. The older brackets break there all the time, ask the guy with the mint blown cream Gen2. Also would not hurt to knock down and deburr the blower pulley.
So another question, why did the first belt shred itself to pieces? Is that common on a centrifugal setup? I know the car had belt squeal, but my silver car has had belt squeal since, well, forever.

I have said many times in "blower" posts about the con of running one with the belt. These are problems I have seen. You could switch everything to 8 rib in future too.
Yeah, well I'm being told that a standard 6-ribbed belt with no relief cuts, like the Gates belt that I just put on this car will be fine. Let's not overcomplicate the fuking hell out of this. I want a fuking belt on the car! god sometimes these fuking forums (mostly the people) annoys the goddamn chit out of me. So far I have had 3 different goddamn belt suggestions between here and the other forum. Geez, thanks for fuking narrowing it down for me!! I'M ONLY GOING WITH ONE FUKING SUGGESTION!

The first vortech Mark8 that comes into this thread and suggests a belt that they use without issue will be the one I get. If that is a gates belt, then I am getting another fuking gates belt and if ti shreds again, the issue lies elsewhere not the belt itself.
Yeah, well I'm being told that a standard 6-ribbed belt with no relief cuts, like the Gates belt that I just put on this car will be fine. Let's not overcomplicate the fuking hell out of this. I want a fuking belt on the car! god sometimes these fuking forums (mostly the people) annoys the goddamn chit out of me. So far I have had 3 different goddamn belt suggestions between here and the other forum. Geez, thanks for fuking narrowing it down for me!! I'M ONLY GOING WITH ONE FUKING SUGGESTION!

The first vortech Mark8 that comes into this thread and suggests a belt that they use without issue will be the one I get. If that is a gates belt, then I am getting another fuking gates belt and if ti shreds again, the issue lies elsewhere not the belt itself.

Wow. That's a really good way to get someone who was TRYING to help you, to tell you to fukk off instead.

You ask a forum full of different people a question, you're gonna get different answers...

Besides that, they're not over complicating anything. It's an issue that has come up before. They're offering solutions. Calm the fukk down and eat your damn baby food that's being served to you!
If you can't figure out this problem on your own maybe you shouldn't have a supercharged car.
one of three things cause that... Errrr 4 if it was user error.
1. You have a collapsed bearing on one of the pulleys
2. Miss-aligned supercharger bracket/charger in the bracket.
3. Main tensioner is going bad, if this is the case you rev the car and when the pelt pulls the tensioner you will see it twist.
These are the fact Stromberg, not my opinion.. However that is what a forum is for; the people you are insulting are just trying to help you.
Yeah, well I'm being told that a standard 6-ribbed belt with no relief cuts, like the Gates belt that I just put on this car will be fine. Let's not overcomplicate the fuking hell out of this. I want a fuking belt on the car! god sometimes these fuking forums (mostly the people) annoys the goddamn chit out of me. So far I have had 3 different goddamn belt suggestions between here and the other forum. Geez, thanks for fuking narrowing it down for me!! I'M ONLY GOING WITH ONE FUKING SUGGESTION!

The first vortech Mark8 that comes into this thread and suggests a belt that they use without issue will be the one I get. If that is a gates belt, then I am getting another fuking gates belt and if ti shreds again, the issue lies elsewhere not the belt itself.

Not to cool.
GTFO. You could have at least came on here and made something up more intelligent than that.

I Would have but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand it.

Bottom line is with a highly modified car you either need to be able to do the work yourself or pay someone to do it. You seem to be able to do neither. Your stuff is always broke
For those of you wondering what happened to this post,

It was closed due to the OP's severely offensive comments torwards gay people, directed towards DMAUP. (who is married to a beautiful woman no less)

I will NOT tolerate this language here or anywhere.

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