Unfortunately I don't own any ford products, do you know if they make one for GM cars, there's also those Haynes and Chilton manuals for like $25 that I can get at the auto store down the street, but I've herd they don't go into too much depth on things. the one for $450 (not really considering it) comes with both additions to the volume for the particular model, and two that are for all GM cars of the year, the ones that are more like $180 just have the volume set for the particular model.You could make an offer for $5 for this http://www.ebay.com/itm/271244037860?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649
and it has all the service manuals for other cars too (Explorer, mustang. cougar, ls..etc) in 1 disc. They are exactly the same as the hard copy versions.
I just obtained a beautiful set of Ford manuals for my `04 LS.Gave 99.99 and got free shipping.Feels like about 7 to 8 lbs. of books(3).I am very happy with e-bay and b_roth the seller. don-ohio^)
Wow, I noticed how much cheaper the ford manuals are, I just saw one set of 6 top $500, like I said, I don't know much about the value of these manuals, but there's no way in hell ide pay $500 dollars for some books! LOL
it's free on the internet.. http://deneau.info/ls/