Shawn Hannity: Heartless Racist?


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Jul 9, 2004
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NE Indiana
Is it just my imagination, or was Hannity (Fox News, Hannity and Colmes) being prejudiced last night when reporting on the aftermath of Katrina? As I watch the people of New Oreleans wandering the streets fighting for survival, Hannity is parroting about looting while interviewing someone (via phone) about what law enforcement was going to do about it. The interviewee was stating that the people were merely going through the grocery stores searching for food and supplies for survival and it would be quite understandable for people to do that under the crisis circumstances. Hannity comments "But it's much more than that, people are taking TVs and clothes........." Of course, the last 5 minutes of video footage I've been watching was showing nothing but black people wandering the streets, trying to find dry ground, taking food off the shelves of the grocery stores, and nothing else. I didn't see one person carrying clothes, let alone a TV (WTF would someone in that situation, fighting for their lives, want or do with a TV??).

I continue to watch while Hannity carries on about the "big job law enforcement is going to have" stopping all the looting. A minute or so later, as the video rolls, the scene switches to what appears to be a Lowes or Home Depot w/ the walls blown out, but you can see home appliances (washers / dryers) inside still stacked in the warehouse. Before long, a white man is seen carring a new upright vaccum cleaner out of the store. Comments from Hannity? Nada. He's now talking about contaminated water.

:slam "Dee Dee Dee"
You just sit around all day looking for a way to bash people don't you...

Really, you're stretching on this one.
yeah, except I saw people stealing TV's and the like. They must only be searching for necessities, huh?
What about all the guns that are missing from the stores?? Yes, these people down there are just trying to make do.........
I've watched the last 3 nights Johnny. Have yet to see a 'whitey' strolling down the street with someone else's property. I am sure this falls under some sort of entitlement program. Never mind that these people are stealing from people in the same situation as they are in.

I'm sure you have a fine answer for the stores like Foot-Locker that have been 'looted' of every Nike high-top sneaker. Must be for walking in the waist high water. Give me a break.

I'll stop there before I say what I really think.
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Yeah, you are right, the racist part must be my imagination. :rolleyes:

Still can't deny the heartless part. Be real, how much of those "durable goods" sitting on store shelves in chest-high water is going to be any good anyway? All that stuff is going to be an insurance write-off regardless of whether it ends up in the store's trash or someone else's trash.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yeah, you are right, the racist part must be my imagination. :rolleyes:

Still can't deny the heartless part. Be real, how much of those "durable goods" sitting on store shelves in chest-high water is going to be any good anyway? All that stuff is going to be an insurance write-off regardless of whether it ends up in the store's trash or someone else's trash.
Where do you live. There might be a few things I need and you probably don't need them anyway.

What is this world coming to. That 'property' is owned by someone else. Shouldn't it be their decision to decide what if anything to do with their property? I can't believe you are trying to make the case for looting. WOW!
But, aren't they ENTITLED to loot? I mean honestly Johnny, if they are taking food and diapers and whatnought, that's fine, I can understand. But why is it that they need guns to do the looting? A cop was shot in the head. Is that ok to you? Or you probably think he should've not been interferring with all this huh? God forbid a citizen was shot, then you'd be complaining how Bush screwed it up!!!

After the Storm
Hurricane Katrina: The good, the bad, the let's-shoot-them-now.

Thursday, September 1, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

As for the tragic piggism that is taking place on the streets of New Orleans, it is not unbelievable but it is unforgivable, and I hope the looters are shot. A hurricane cannot rob a great city of its spirit, but a vicious citizenry can. A bad time with Mother Nature can leave you digging out for a long time, but a bad turn in human behavior frays and tears all the ties that truly bind human being--trust, confidence, mutual regard, belief in the essential goodness of one's fellow citizens.

There seems to be some confusion in terms of terminology on TV. People with no food and water who are walking into supermarkets and taking food and water off the shelves are not criminal, they are sane. They are not looters, they are people who are attempting to survive; they are taking the basics of survival off shelves in stores where there isn't even anyone at the cash register.

Looters are not looking to survive; they're looking to take advantage of the weakness of others. They are predators. They're taking not what they need but what they want. They are breaking into stores in New Orleans and elsewhere and stealing flat screen TVs and jewelry, guns and CD players. They are breaking into homes and taking what those who have fled trustingly left behind. In Biloxi, Miss., looters went from shop to shop. "People are just casually walking in and filling up garbage bags and walking off like they're Santa Claus," the owner of a Super 8 Motel told the London Times. On CNN, producer Kim Siegel reported in the middle of the afternoon from Canal Street in New Orleans that looters were taking "everything they can."

If this part of the story grows--if cities on the gulf come to seem like some combination of Dodge and the Barbarian invasion--it's going to be bad for our country. One of the things that keeps us together, and that lets this great lumbering nation move forward each day, is the sense that we will be decent and brave in times of crisis, that the fabric holds, that under duress it is American heroism and altruism that take hold and not base instincts born of irresponsibility, immaturity and greed.

We had a bad time in the 1960s, and in the New York blackout in the '70s, and in the Los Angeles riots in the '90s. But the whole story of our last national crisis, 9/11, was courage--among the passersby, among the firemen, among those who walked down there stairs slowly to help a less able colleague, among those who fought their way past the flames in the Pentagon to get people out. And it gave us quite a sense of who we are as a people. It gave us a lot of renewed pride.

If New Orleans damages that sense, it's going to be painful to face. It's going to be damaging to the national spirit. More damaging even than a hurricane, even than the worst in decades.

I wonder if the cruel and stupid young people who are doing the looting know the power they have to damage their country. I wonder, if they knew, if they'd stop it.

Ms. Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and author of "A Heart, a Cross, and a Flag" (Wall Street Journal Books/Simon & Schuster), a collection of post-Sept. 11 columns, which you can buy from the OpinionJournal bookstore. Her column appears Thursdays.
Can you imagine how this looks to the rest of the world? They are laughing at us right now. Sad and pathetic. Once again we get f'd by the entitlement society. Sick, sick, sick.
Last night a USAF Search and Rescue helicopter was fired upon multiple times. Me, I'm done. Open fire. No ACLU. Just hot lead spewing from above. Tell the police that any talkback from Joe Citizen is repayed with a serious beat down. Any problems with're lucky you didn't get shot.

I know this isn't gonna happen and that I'm most likely being a little harsh but when Americans fire on my friends who are just trying to HELP THEM...well, that's something I would expect elsewhere in the world. Not here.
What do you except from some of those people though. I'm sure a number of them stayed through the storm just so they could loot.

*edit* and no, by those people, I don't mean just black people, so don't try to pull that card on me.
FreeFaller said:
Last night a USAF Search and Rescue helicopter was fired upon multiple times.

Woah, that's F'ed up.

I agree w/ the article posted by MAllen, reporters must use the term "looters" acurately, and not apply it to people fighting for survival. But on the news report the only "looter" I saw was the guy w/ the vacuum cleaner. Disasters like this bring out the best and worst of people. Lets hope the only gun fire is between looters fighting each other over TV sets. Contrary to what you think Bryan, I'm not advocating looting durable goods, just trying point out the stupidity of it (water-logged TVs aren't going to work if and when the looters find a working outlet to plug them in), and the authorities should focus on getting help to those in need, rather than "crying over the spilled milk" of property lost to looters. For crying out loud, deciding between saving lives or saving TVs from looters should be a friggin' no-brainer, even for a RWW.
Well, I think they are concerned that the looting will turn everything into anarchy as well. It's kinda like thee whole stop the sidewalk pissers in NY to get the city cleaned up. You need to start somewhere, and with people firing on others, you can't risk these guys stealing a convoy full of food or something, you know? It's a difficult situation indeed. IMO the media needs to get the hell out of there. They are the ones who caused this gas scare in Atlanta by hyping up the shortage. Some of the comments they are making down there are really infuriating me, and are not helping in any way. If those reporters, and that goes for ALL reporters, even Fox, realy wanted to help, they'd drop the camera and microphone, and fill the news choppers and vans with food and supplies instead of asking people how long it has been since they've eaten, then go have a break and hang out or whatever. That's the problem with the media, they let the news get in the way of humanity too often.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
But on the news report the only "looter" I saw was the guy w/ the vacuum cleaner. Disasters like this bring out the best and worst of people.
Must be the rose-colored glasses and the kool-aid on the cocktail table next to the remote. Sure would like to know where you get YOUR news from, because it seems MY news is 180 out of sync from yours.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Contrary to what you think Bryan, I'm not advocating looting durable goods, just trying point out the stupidity of it (water-logged TVs aren't going to work if and when the looters find a working outlet to plug them in), and the authorities should focus on getting help to those in need, rather than "crying over the spilled milk" of property lost to looters. For crying out loud, deciding between saving lives or saving TVs from looters should be a friggin' no-brainer, even for a RWW.
If I owned a store down there, I would be tempted to sit in the back with a rifle and pick them off one by one as they entered the store.

You know exactly what is going on. The entitlement society is taking advantage of the situation and making the U.S. look like the dregs of society to the rest of the world. Is this what happened when the Tsunami hit? Doubt it.
Anybody catch that CNN (Maybe MSNBC) interview of the young kid who said Bush was no longer his President and the POOOOlice were not helping out. 20 year old kid with a 2nd grade education. Very sad. You could tell the newsman was loving every moment of it.
Savage Society

This is just another incident in the ever continuing saga of the have's and the have not's. The have's, who mostly worked for everything that they have, were smart enough to board up, pack up, and get out of harms way. Now the have not's, while given alternatives, places of shelter, alternatives, decided to stay behind. Not because they had no way out or no where to go, but because most of them do not have the mental capacity to get the hell out of harms way. They believe that if they stay behind, they can claim losses way in excess of what they ever had, and can add to their inventory by taking what the have's left behind. There were situations from storms past where unscrupulous individuals were taking damaged goods from location to location just so that they could claim it as a loss on insurance forms. Why would any individual in the storm ravaged areas need to steal or loot anything other than basic survival goods, because there is not now and will not be any power sources in the near future. These peoples are just showing what true savages they really are. I for one, believe that we should just fence in the area and let all of the have not's have whatever they want inside the fence. Let it be a survival of the fittest type of thing.

I personally would never be in that type of situation, mainly because of all of the insurance policies taht I have taken to insure that me, being one of the hard working have's will never lose to a have not. My policies are from companies such as Smith and Wession, Sturm Ruger, SpringField Armory, Remingington, and quite a few others. My insurance policies ensure that my family as well as myself will survive the onslaught of the savage have not's. After it is all over, those of us who were the best prepared will still have what we worked so hard for.

I do truly pity anyone who was caught up in that situation who did not have a choice, the elderly, sick, infirmed, and all of the innocent children. To them my heart goes out. To the savage's that are working so hard to turn a bad situation even worse, I wish you nothing but strife and heartache for the rest of your miserable days.
It kills me that it keeps being said that the people still in there have no source of communication. Jesus! You mean they don't have ONE battery powered radio. WTF! I blame nothing but their own incompetence for their deaths/despair. What kind of idiot doesn't even slightly prepare for a hurricane in an area that is hit or at least threatened regularly. Stupid people...
You guys have to read all the lefty sites that are screaming for Bush's head. Bush 'only' gave the Army Corps of Engineers 1/2 of what they wanted in funding the last couple of years. Clinton gave them NOTHING but that doesn't matter. I looked at where they wanted to spend the money around New Orleans and neither spot that was breached was part of the funding. Will THAT little piece of truth come out. Of course not. They have another little tidbit to now wack Bush with. It is so tiring. Oh, Bush fly over in his big fancy jet and waved to all the people down below. The left are just a bunch a a-holes. It is amazing to watch and read. The foam is dripping out of the corners of their mouths.
MonsterMark said:
I've watched the last 3 nights Johnny. Have yet to see a 'whitey' strolling down the street with someone else's property. I am sure this falls under some sort of entitlement program. Never mind that these people are stealing from people in the same situation as they are in.

I'm sure you have a fine answer for the stores like Foot-Locker that have been 'looted' of every Nike high-top sneaker. Must be for walking in the waist high water. Give me a break.

I'll stop there before I say what I really think.

The logical flaw in Johnny's thread title is that Hannity doesn't point a camera...either no whiteys are looting or the cameraman's racist. Hannity can only comment on what's being shown. :Bang
MonsterMark said:
You guys have to read all the lefty sites that are screaming for Bush's head. Bush 'only' gave the Army Corps of Engineers 1/2 of what they wanted in funding the last couple of years. Clinton gave them NOTHING but that doesn't matter. I looked at where they wanted to spend the money around New Orleans and neither spot that was breached was part of the funding. Will THAT little piece of truth come out. Of course not. They have another little tidbit to now wack Bush with. It is so tiring. Oh, Bush fly over in his big fancy jet and waved to all the people down below. The left are just a bunch a a-holes. It is amazing to watch and read. The foam is dripping out of the corners of their mouths.
You mean like this?
The New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bore the brunt of a record $71.2 million reduction in federal funding for fiscal year 2006.

The Bush administration has been cutting funding for federal disaster relief funds since 2001 while doubling funding in other areas to pump up the biggest growth in government for decades, easily outstripping that of Bill Clinton.

A report from the Best of New Orleans news website outlines the details.

"...Among emergency specialists, 'mitigation' -- the measures taken in advance to minimize the damage caused by natural disasters -- is a crucial part of the strategy to save lives and cut recovery costs. But since 2001, key federal disaster mitigation programs, developed over many years, have been slashed and tossed aside. FEMA's Project Impact, a model mitigation program created by the Clinton administration, has been canceled outright. Federal funding of post-disaster mitigation efforts designed to protect people and property from the next disaster has been cut in half. Communities across the country must now compete for pre-disaster mitigation dollars."

Sounds to me like Clinton did more than nothing and that Shrub is the one that screwed them over.

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