And keep in mind that there is an alignment mark on the DTR.
The tranny has to be in neutral when aligning the mark.
If you are also planning on adjusting the bands... be prepared for a bit of a battle.
There's not alot of room to do it. In fact... the back of the tranny will have to be lowered some to get to the rear band adjuster.
The bolt/studs will be rusty, (depending on where you live), meaning the lock nuts on the band adjusters will be a beotch to back off far enough to adjust the bands properly.
New gasketed lock nuts are recommended. They come in a 4 pack from the dealer.
Part # E825100-S102 4X
Since I couldn't get my old lock nuts all the way off... I just tightened them really tight... and they did not leak.
Procedure is to back off lock nuts far enough to properly adjust the bands.
You will need an 8mm 12 point wrench to use on the square end on the bolt/stud... and a 19mm wrench for the nut. You will also need a compact torque wrench that measures in INCH pounds, (actually lb/in).
Tighten band bolt/stud to 120 INCH pounds, (not foot, but 120 lb/in is 12 foot pounds... or lb/ft).
Back off 1.5 turns... and tighten lock nut. (I forget the number for the nut torque).
DO NOT back the bolt/stud out too far... or the drive band will come off the end of the bolt/stud... which means you will then be dropping the tranny pan to get everything re-connected.