Chromebrow, I'm really sorry but your signature, when viewed for long periods of time, has been reported to induce headache, seizure, vomiting, and in one documented report, diarrhea. I cannot fathom how many hours of photoshop it took to create this 619px × 289px masterpiece of digital art so I'm sorry to inform you of this but the people of LincolnvsCadillac hereby take a vote on whether or not it should be removed.
You may either opt to remove this monstrosity on your own or let the results of the poll determine it's fate.
SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: View these links at your own risk under proper supervision. Do not click these links if you are pregnant, taking any medication, or have major health issues without consulting a physician.
You may either opt to remove this monstrosity on your own or let the results of the poll determine it's fate.
SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: View these links at your own risk under proper supervision. Do not click these links if you are pregnant, taking any medication, or have major health issues without consulting a physician.