Shut down the internet?


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
Shut down the internet?

Amarillo,TX --Gladis Haralski, founder of United Confederacy Against WWW (UCAWWW) announced last week of her ongoing campaign to shut down the internet.

In an interview Gladis proclaims the destructive way in which we use the internet degenerates society's standards. "The internet is nothing but filth to steal our children from God and truth", says Gladis...

Currently the UCAWWW holds 43 members, all of which reside in Texas. When Gladis was asked by reporters how she planned to reach out to others across the country she said, "We have many ongoing projects, and soon we'll be proud to announce the grand opening of our website."

Can you believe those Conservatives!

Why not join the Amish! But they even use the internet! If you don't believe me. I'll show you some around my area.
We need to shut it down. God knows I don't want my kids exposed to any of Bryan's posts.

Just Kidding... sort of.
She is a WACKO , she wants to shut down the internet but yet she has a web site. :rolleyes:
Famous or just stupid?

pepperman said:
She is a WACKO , she wants to shut down the internet but yet she has a web site. :rolleyes:

Either Gladis will do anything for her 15 minutes of fame, or she's just more stupid than I would have thought possible.

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